A. Main Characteristics and Parameters for the fuel dispenser……………………..2
B. Mainframe configuration……………………………………………………………3
C. Entire machine installation……………………………………………………….....4
1. Matters needing attention……………………………………………………….4
2. Explosion-proof connecting box’s power line connection (see Figure 3)………5
D. Operation and maintenance……………………………………….………………...6
E. The common failures and solutions…………………………………………………6
F. Operation manual Of electronic controller……………………………………..….7
G. Function module illumination………………………………………………….……11
A) Fueling mode……………………………………………………………….…….11
B) Query mode………………………………………………………….…………...13
C) Changing mode……………………………………………………….………….13
H. Authority for query/change parameter…………………………………..……..…..22
I. Multi structure combination …………………………………………………..….....23
F. Operation manual Of electronic controller
This manual is just used inside the fuel dispenser factory as referenced information when they write the complete operation manual for the fuel dispenser.
1.About the pulsar and the pulse equivalent (Liter-per-pulse):
This system uses the Blue Sky Company’s standard pulsar.
The pulsar generates 200 pulses per rotation by phase discrimination method. For flow meters of 0.5 liter per rotation, the pulse equivalent is 0.0025L.
Only count in right rotation direction, no counts in the reverse.
2.About the range of display:
1) There are 2 kinds of display board for this system
a. The mode with “amount”, “volume”, “unit price” (as picture 2nd)
b. The mode with “amount”, “volume”, “unit price No.1”, “unit price No.2” “unit price No.3”, “unit price No.4”(as picture 1st)
c. the sequence for the display is:
the uppermost zone is for amount: 6 digits
the middle zone is for volume: 6 digits
the bottommost zone is for unit price: 6 digits
2) The range of display for this system
Display range
Amount: 0 – 99XXXX unit price: 0 – 9999
0.0 - 99XXX.X 0.0 – 999.9
0.00 - 99XX.XX 0.00 – 99.99
0.000 - 99X.XXX 0.000 – 9.999
Amount: 0.00 - 999X.XX
0.0- 999.XXX
3) The setting method of decimal digits will be explained afterward.
4) The valid fueling maximum (taking account of solenoid valve’s turn off value)
Volume: when the higher 3 digits of amount is “999”(with 2 decimal digits“9990.00”Liter,
or with 3 decimal digits “999.000” Liter),stop motor, collect the overshoot amount, display “999x.xx”Liter with 2 decimal digits, or “” Liter with 3 decimal digits.
Amount: when the higher 2 digits of amount is “99”, then stop motor, collect the overshoot amount, display at the residual 4 digits.
The setting of valid preset fueling maximum is as same as above.
The valid maximum fueling amount is under the control of the maximum volume or amount at the same time.
5) The display when start fueling: “Amount-6 digits,volume-6digits,Unit price-4Digits” all keep display “8” for 0.75 second, then keep display nothing for 0.75 second, then display “0” in the Amount and volume region ,display unit price in the “Unit price” region.
3. Structure illumination
Note: “ 1” means the valve and motor connector for No.1 nozzle.
Major components structure drawing:
E. Detailed operation illumination
Keyboard definition:
Row for fueling statusLCD
Row for error and help information / 1 / 2 / 3 / *
4 / 5 / 6 / $
7 / 8 / 9 / START
→ / F3 / F2 / F1 / 0 / ●
1)Under waiting status, press → key repeatedly to switch nozzle number. The current selected nozzle will display white in the back ground. Means it is current active nozzle.
Notes: switching nozzle are available only when the nozzle are put down, and not in query or changing mode. First you should exit from the query or changing mode, then the system will response lifting nozzle and start fueling. It display “↑” in the keyboard means now the nozzle is in lifting status, display “↓” means now the nozzle status is put down.
2)Press * key to enter query mode, press * key repeatedly to select next menu and enter directly, press STOP/EXIT key to exit.
3) Press 0 key continuously, then press * key to enter parameter query/change mode, press * key repeatedly to select next menu, then press ENTER/START key to enter, press STOP/EXIT key to exit.
4) The function key F1 F2 F3 → are defined by the information row in the keyboard display, such as the keys are defined as “P1”. “P2”, “P3”, “P4”, “PRINT” and so on.
G. Function module illumination
This system has 3 operation mode: fueling mode, query mode, changing mode.
After power on, the system will be in fueling mode automatically
Fueling and printing / description1.Fueling without preset / Fueling operation: lift nozzle=> start fueling
After power on, it will display “X↓” in the keyboard, then lift nozzle, it will display “X↑” in the keyboard, then start fueling. In fueling process, can press STOP/EXIT key stop fueling or press JUST/STOP key to stop fueling by integer amount. Also can put down nozzle to stop fueling. If stop fueling by press certain key, the nozzle is still in lifting status, then press START/ENTER key can continue fueling without preset.
Notes: X means the current active nozzle number.
2.Fueling with amount/volume preset / Fueling operation: input preset value in the keyboard=>lift nozzle=>start fueling.
Press $/L key, can switch fueling with preset between amount and volume, after it display “$:” in the keyboard, input the required value when the nozzle is in replaced status, then lift nozzle to start fueling. After this fueling finished, Then you can press STARTENTER key to start fueling again.
after it display “L:” in the keyboard, input the required value when the nozzle is in replaced status, then lift nozzle to start fueling.
Notes: CLR key to clear inputting value.
2.start fueling without input value, means the same as fueling without preset.
3.if input 0 when in fueling with preset, it will display the error clew for the preset value.
3. Fueling with function key “F4, F3, F2, F1”. / Fueling operation: input preset value by function key=>lift nozzle=>start fueling.
The purpose of this function is supply convenience for customer to get fueling.
When it display “-> P3,P2,P1” in the row for error and help information in the keyboard, press F3 F2 F1 key can start fueling with preset value “P3,P2,P1”, and at the same time the “→” key will become active as “P4”. The keyboard will display “P4,P3,P2,P1”. Customer can start fueling with stored preset amount/volume.
4.Printer / Printer operation: replace nozzle after fueling over=>press “F1” key=> print
If the system’s configuration is with printer, then after the fueling is finished, it will display “print” in the row for error and help information in the keyboard, press F1 key will print out the receipt for the fueling record. Press CLR key will cancel the printing operation.
with the printer configuration, if the system find that the printer is not connected or the connection is not correct, then it will clew “printer error”, thus it will not display “print” in the keyboard after the fueling is finished unless the customer connect the printer correctly.
5. row for error and help information / It locate in fourthly row in the keyboard display, in general, when it appear the clew information in this row, the customer can press CLR key to clear it.
Note: when it display “print”, only after press F1 key to print or CLR key to clear, then the system can continue the next operation.
Press * key to enter the query mode, press * key repeatedly to select next menu, then press START/ENTER key to enter the menu, press STOP/EXIT key to exit.
Query operation: press → key to select nozzle=>press * key to enter query mode=>press * key to select menu=>press START/ENTER key to enter the menu=>press STOP/EXIT key to exit from the menu=>press STOP/EXIT key again to exit from the query mode.
menu / Keyboard display1.query for general total/ Total Sum / Total Sum
L: 3982.86
$: 74696.57
2.query for shift total/ Shift Sum / Shift Sum
L: 3982.86
$: 74696.57
3.query for current time / Current Time / 2006-08-23
10:37:25 Thu.
4.query for historical record/ His. Record
(note: can input the corresponding number or press * key repeatedly to check the former 0~7th fueling record, if the corresponding number is without the fueling data, then the system will clew “without historical record”) / last 0 record
L: 10.00
$: 100.00 PRT
Notes: “last 0 record” means current fueling record.
5、LCD Text/Ex. LCD Test / Ex. LCD Test
Press * to shift
6、Battery Test /Bvolt Test / Bvolt Test
Press 0 key continuously, then press * key, input correct password, will enter the parameter changing mode, press * key repeatedly to select next menu, press START/ENTER key to enter the menu, press STOP/EXIT key to exit.
Changing operation: press → key to select nozzle=>press “0”+ “*” key and input the password, will enter the changing mode=>press * key to select menu=>press START/ENTER key to enter the menu=>change the parameter based on the menu, then press START/ENTER key to confirm=>press STOP/EXIT key to exit from the menu=>press STOP/EXIT key again to exit from the changing mode.
1)There are 4 level password in this system, 4 digits(1234), 6 digits(123456),the password separately correspond to different changing authority.
2)After enter the menu,press START/ENTER key to confirm the password customer inputted, press key to cancel the input or exit from the menu, when the system response with a error information, can press CLR key to clear the error information, then you can input the correct value.
3)When change the parameter(such as unit price, oil product), you should confirm that the corresponding nozzle in the other side is replaced or the keyboard in other side is in non-changing mode status, otherwise the system will deny the customer’s changing request, and will display the error information in the fourthly row in the keyboard.
The detailed illumination for the menu is shown as below(the hereinafter operations are all already in the changing mode:
menu / Keyboard display / illumination1.set unit price/ “Set Oil Price” / Set Oil Price
(Interlock Gun: X ) / number key and decimal to input the unit price. CLR key to clear the value. will display “error!” if input 0 for the unit price.
4.if with the clew “interlock Gun: X”, it means after change the unit price for this nozzle successfully, then the unit price of the corresponding No. “X” nozzle will be changed at the same time.
a. select the menu “set oil price” press START/ENTER key to enter the menu.
b. Input the unit price, such as “34.56” / Set Oil Price
C. Press key to confirm / Set Oil Price
d. Press STOP/EXIT key to exit
2.Clear shift total/ “Clear Shift Sum” / Clear Shift Sum?
L: 12345678.90
$: 12345678.90 / after confirmation, get rid of “?”, the value of “L$” will be clear to zero.
a. press * key to select “clear shift total”, press START/ENTER to enter the menu.
b. Press START/ENTER key to confirm. / Clear Shift Sum
L: 0.00
$: 0.00
c. Press STOP/EXIT key to exit.
3.Set current time/ “Set Current Time” / 2006-05-26
09:10:00 Fri.
[->]: -> [CLR]: <- / 1. press number key to input. -> key to move the cursor CLR key to turn back the cursor, so you can input the value again. key repeatedly to input the week data.
if the customer has not enough authority , the system will clew: “not enough right ”.
a. press * key to select “set current time” menu, press START/ENTER key to enter.
b. Input the time such as “06 09 08 09 10 00 5”, then press START/ENTER key to confirm. / 2006-09-08
09:10:00 Fri.
c. press STOP/EXIT key to exit.
4.preset with stored amount and volume/ “L$ PRESET” / P4 P3 P2 P1 / corresponding function key to setup the key for preset(such as press “F1” key.
2. press CLR key to clear former preset value. number key to input. $/L key to switch preset with amount or volume.
5.after confirmation, the preset value is active for the nozzle.
a. Press * key to select “L$preset” menu, press START/ENTER key to enter.
b. Press “F1” key(corresponding P1) to enter the interface. / $:200
P4 P3 P2 P1
c. Press “CLR” key or key to clear former preset value, then input new preset value such as “100”. / $: 100
d. Press START/ENTER key to enter. Execute step “2,3,4” repeatedly to finish the preset for the P2,P3,P4. / $:200
P4 P3 P2 P1
e. Press STOP/EXIT key to exit.
5.Clear general total/ “Clear Total Sum” / CLR TOTAL SUM?
L: 1234567890.12
$: 1234567890.12 / 1.After confirmation, get rid of “?”, the value of “L$” will be clear to zero.
2.The system will not response if the customer without the authority press the confirmation.
1.Press * key to select “clear total sum” menu, press key to enter the menu.
2.Press START/ENTER key to confirm. / CLR TOTAL SUM
L: 0.00
$: 0.00
3.Press STOP/EXIT key to exit.
6.Setup volume total/ “Set Lit Sum” / Set Lit Sum
1234567890.12 / 1. press number key and decimal to input the unit price.
2. press CLR key to clear the error input.
3. if the customer has not enough authority , the system will clew: “not enough right”.
a. Press * key to select “set lit sum” menu, press START/ENTER key to enter the menu.
b. Input the volume total such as “2345678901.23” / Set Lit Sum
c. Press START/ENTER key to confirm. / Set Lit Sum
d. Press STOP/EXIT key to exit.
7.Setup oil product/“Oil Grade” / Set Oil Grade
(Interlock Gun: X ) / 1. Permit to input the number from “00” to “99”.
2. Press CLR key to clear input value.
a. Press * key to select “oil grade” menu, press START/ENTER key to enter the menu.
b. Input the oil grade such as “90”. / Set Oil Grade
c. Press START/ENTER key to confirm. / Set Oil Grade
d. press STOP/EXIT key to exit.
8.Solenoid valve turn of value/ “Valve Turnoff” / The previous overshoot amount:
0.00/Over Fuel: 0.22
(Lit, 0.10-0.50) / 1.Press number key and decimal to input the unit price.