Mrs. Kimber’s Chem I/ Chem IH Lesson Plans/ Assignments Aug.26-30, 2013
Chem I Period 1 / Chem IH Period 9 / Chem IH Period 12Mon
4 / Objective: Identify Laboratory Equipment and describe its correct use. / OBJ: Identify Laboratory Equipment and describe its correct use. / OBJ: Identify Laboratory Equipment and describe its correct use.
Agenda: Discussion: Finish Lab Safety. Students Explore Lab equipment at lab stations. Discuss uses. / AGD: Discussion: Finish Lab Safety: Students Explore Lab equipment, discuss uses. / AGD: Discussion: Finish Lab Safety: Students Explore Lab equipment, discuss uses.
Homework: WS:Lab Equipment and Uses 1 / HW: WS: Lab Equipmentand Uses 1 / HW: WS: Lab Equipment and Uses 1
5 / Objective: Identify student laboratory Roles. Practice and Demonstrate correct chemical handling technique. / OBJ:Identify student laboratory Roles. Practice and Demonstrate correct chemical handling technique. / OBJ:Identify student laboratory Roles. Practice and Demonstrate correct chemical handling technique.
Agenda: Discussion: laboratory Roles. Introductory Lab Activity. / AGD: Discussion: laboratory Roles. Introductory Lab Activity. / AGD: Discussion: laboratory Roles. Introductory Lab Activity.
Homework: Memorize Lab Equipment and Uses for Quiz on Thursday. / HW: Memorize Lab Equipment and Uses for Quiz on Thursday. / HW: Memorize Lab Equipment and Uses for Quiz on Thursday.
6 / Objective:Practice and Demonstrate correct chemical handling technique. / OBJ: Practice and Demonstrate correct chemical handling technique. / OBJ: Practice and Demonstrate correct chemical handling technique.
Agenda: Finish Introductory Lab Activity. Fill in note sheet: Where is Equipment Located. / AGD: Finish Introductory Lab Activity. Fill in note sheet: Where is Equipment Located. / AGD: Finish Introductory Lab Activity. Fill in note sheet: Where is Equipment Located.
Homework: Worksheet: Chapter 1 Vocabulary. / HW Worksheet: Chapter 1 Vocabulary. / HW Worksheet: Chapter 1 Vocabulary.
1 / Objective: Evaluate knowledge of lab safety, equipment, lab technique, and safety symbols. Identify and discuss Branches of Chemical Sciences. / OBJ: Evaluate knowledge of lab safety, equipment, lab technique, and safety symbols. Identify and discuss Branches of Chemical Sciences. Distinguish between a physical and chemical property and a physical and chemical change. / OBJ:Evaluate knowledge of lab safety, equipment, lab technique, and safety symbols. Identify and discuss Branches of Chemical Sciences.
Agenda: Quiz: Safety, Equipment ID and Uses, Safety Symbols. Branches of Chemistry: Definitions and Examples. / Agenda: Quiz: Safety, Equipment ID and Uses, Safety Symbols.Lab: Physical and Chemical Properties. / Agenda: Quiz: Safety, Equipment ID and Uses, Safety Symbols. Branches of Chemistry: Definitions and Examples.
HW: Worksheet: Branches of Chemistry. / Homework: Answer Lab Questions. / HW: Worksheet: Branches of Chemistry.
2 / Objective: Distinguish between a physical and chemical property and a physical and chemical change. / OBJ: Identify and discuss Branches of Chemical Sciences. / OBJ: Classify Matter as either pure substance or mixture, element or compound, heterogeneous or homogeneous.
Agenda: Lab: Physical and Chemical Properties. / Agenda: Branches of Chemistry: Definitions and Examples. Classification of Matter. / AGD:Notes and Discussion: Classification of Matter. Chemical Demonstration.
Homework: Answer Lab Questions. / HW: Worksheet: Branches of Chemistry. / HW: Worksheet: Matter #1