Sunday 9 October 2016: Arrival of Participants
Pre-registration at UNECA Conference Center
Setup of exhibit booths and posters
Day 1 / Monday 10 October 2016
07:00 – 9:00 / Registration
Opening Session
9:00 - 9:20 / Welcome Remark and Conference Overview: Dr. Endale Gebre, President of APA
9:20 - 9:25 / Welcome Remark by CIP Ethiopia: Dr Shawkat Begum, CIP-Ethiopia Director
9:25 - 9:30 / Welcome Speech: His Excellency Dr Fentahun Mengistu, Director General, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research(EIAR)
9:30 - 9:40 / Official Opening: His Excellency Mr Tefera Deribew, Minister, Ministry of Agriculture & Natural Resources
General Session - I : ChairPerson: Dr Fentahun Mengistu Rapporteur: Dr Tesfaye Desta
9:40 - 10:00 / Keynote Speech- I:– Food Security, Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture and Technology Adoption: The Stake of Potato and Sweetpotato in Ethiopia - Dr. Demese Chanyalew and Dr. Chilot Yirga
10:00 - 10:30 / Coffee / Tea and Group Photo
10:30 - 11:15 / Official Opening of Poster session/exhibition
11:15 -11: 45
11 : 45 – 12 : 15 / Keynote Speech - II : Roots, Tubers and Bananas: Planning for Climate Resilience - Dr. Graham Thiele
Keynote Speech- III: Towards Zero-Fungicide Genetically Modified Potatoes for Africa - Dr. Andrew Kiggundu
12:15- 13:00 / Plenary Discussion on the three Keynotes presented
13: 00 - 14:00 / Lunch at UNECA
Break out for Parallel Session- I
Chairperson: Craig Yancho
Rapporteur: Godwill Makunde / Chairperson: Anna-Marie Ball
Rapporteur: Wellington Jogo / Chairperson: Oscar Ortiz
Rapporteur: Bruce Ochieng / Chairperson: Monika Parker
Rapporteur: Mihitrtu Cherinet / Chairperson: Christopher Tanku
Rapporteur: Joyce Malinga
Theme 1: Breeding, Germplasm exchange & trade
Venue: Large Briefing Room / Theme 2: Nutrition, Health & Technology Adoption
Venue: Caucus Room 11 / Theme 3: Seed & Cropping Systems
Venue: Conference Room 2 / Theme 4: Climate Change Adaptation & mitigation
Venue: Small Briefing Room / Theme 5: Opportunities & Challenges of Private Sector
Venue: Caucus Room 10
Sub Theme 1: Germplasm conservation and exchange- Basis for sustainable and effective improvement in potato and sweet potato / Sub Theme 1: Potato and Sweetpotato for health, nutrition and food security / Sub Theme1 :
Potato and Sweetpotato seed systems / Sub Theme 1: Developing adaptation and mitigation strategies in anticipation of increased climate change / Sub Theme 1: Marketing and value chain development
14:00 – 14:15 / Heritability For Yield and Glycoalkaloids Content Under Heat Stress In Potato Clones with Heat Tolerance, Late Blight And Virus Resistance
Manuel Gastelo Benavides,CIP Peru / Yield and Nutrition Quality Stability of Orange-Fleshed Sweetpotato Cultivars Across Different Harvesting Periods, Mozambique
Abilio Alvaro, CIP Mozambique / Comparative Studies on Sources of Sweetpotato Planting Material For Quality Vines And Root Yield In Ghana
Putri E.Abidin, CIP Ghana / Perceptions of Climate Change and Adaptation Strategies Among Sweetpotato Farmers In Kwara State, Northcentral Nigeria
Abraham Falola, University of Ilorin, Nigeria / Assessing Sweetpotato Market Structure In Nasarawa State And FCT, Nigeria
Mercy Ejechi, National Research Crop Institute, Nigeria
14:15-14:30 / Assessment of Genetic Diversity and Relationships of Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Related Traits In Potato (Solanum tuberosum) Under Contrasting N Regimes
Getahun Baye, Amhara Agricultural Research Institute, Ethiopia / Enhancing Household Animal Protein Consumption Through Sweetpotato In Nigeria
Chioma Ekwe, National Root Crop Research Institute, Umudike, Nigeria / Determination of Nutrient Solutions for Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Seed Production Under Aeroponics Production System
Lemma Tessema, Holetta Agricultural Research Center, Ethiopia / Assessment of CIP Bred Clones for Expansion of Potato Production In the Coastal Areas of Bangladesh
Abdullah-Al Mahmud, CIP Bangladesh / Inadequate Policy and Challenges Facing Regulations Implementation In Potato Subsector In Kenya
Sarah M. Kuria, National Potato Council, Kenya
14:30-14:45 / Sweetpotato Peel: A Potential Source of Dietary Fiber in Wheat and Pearl Millet Composite Bread
Omoba Olufunmilayo, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigera / Maize and Potato Intercropping: A Technology to Increase Productivity and Profitability In Tigray
Beyenesh Zemichael, Tigray Agricultural Research Institute, Ethiopia / Adaptation to Mid-Season Drought in A Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L [Lam]) Germplasm Collection Grown In Mozambique
Godwill S. Makunde,
CIP Mozambique / Postharvest Management Practices and Market Performance Along Ware Potato Value Chains in Eastern Uganda
Caroline Nabukeera, Makerere University, Uganda
14:45-15:00 / Discussion / Discussion / Discussion / Discussion / Discussion
15.00 to 15.30 / Coffee break
Chairperson: Ted. Carey
Rapporteur: Jude Njoku / Chairperson: Robert Ackatia-Armah
Rapporteur: Christine Bukania / Chairperson: Ian Barker
Rapporteur: Rogers Kakuhenzire / Chairperson: Hugo Campos
Rapporteur: Daniel Akansake / Chairperson: Ibok Oduoro
Sweetpotato: Dinah Borus
15:30-15:45 / Sub Theme 2: Improvement of potato and Sweetpotato for wider adaptation
Participatory Variety Selection: A Tool to Understand Farmers' Potato Variety Selection Criteria
Semagn Asredie, Amhara Agricultural Research Institute, Ethiopia / Mineral Bio-fortified Potato to Help Overcome Micronutrient Malnutrition in East- Africa
Thomas zum Felde,
CIP Peru / Testing “Triple S” in A New Context: Sweetpotato Planting Material Conservation Over The Long Dry Period of Ethiopia
Mihertu Cherinet,
CIP Ethiopia / Evaluation of Heat and Drought Tolerance of CIP Potato Clones in Kenya
Daniel Mbiri,
CIP Kenya / The Market Potential for Sweetpotato Pre-Basic and Basic Seed in Eastern and Southern Africa
Srinivasulu Rajendran,
CIP Kenya
15:45-16:00 / First Release of Orange Flesh Sweetpotato Through On-Farm Demonstration With Women in the North and Northeast of Cote d’Ivoire
Konan Dibi, CRNA, Cote d’Ivoire / Sub Theme 2:
Technology adoption
OFSP Adoption Improved Dietary Quality:
Evidence from Women and Children in Western Kenya
Temesgen Bocher,
CIP Kenya / Determinants and Effect of Quality Seed Potato Use by Smallholder Farmers: The Case of Seed From Kisima Farm – Kenya
Julius Okello Juma,
CIP Kenya / In Vitro Screening of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Genotypes for Osmotic Stress Tolerance
Dandena Soboka, Haramaya University, Ethiopia / Modernization Options for Increased Yield, Income and Food Security in the Potato Value Chain in Kenya
Meshack Ronoh, GIZ, Kenya
16:00-16:15 / Performance of Arc Informal Market Sweetpotato Cultivars in On-Farm Trials
Sunette M. Laurie, Agricultural Research Center,
South Africa / Upscaling Potato Production Enterprise Through the Use of Nicola Variety in Jos-Plateau, Nigeria
Kennth Ekwe,
Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Nigeria / Suitable Dual Purpose Sweetpotato Varieties and Management of Their Vines in Uganda
Gerland Kyalo,
CIP Uganda / Sustainable Potato Pest Management in Africa Under Current and Future Climates
Juergen Kroschel,
CIP Peru / Sub Theme 2: Value addition through projected demand analysis of business opportunities
Silage Based Diets:
An Investment Opportunity to Address Challenges in The Sweetpotato and Pig Value Chains in Uganda
Marsy Asindu, Makarere University, Uganda
16:15-16:30 / Discussion / Discussion / Discussion / Discussion / Discussion
16:30-16:45 / Genetic Diversity Assessment of Tanzanian Sweetpotato Genotypes Using Simple Sequence Repeat Markers
Stephan E. Ngailo, Sugarcane Research Institute, Tanzania / Influence of Seed Sources on Varietal Adoption Behavior By Sweetpotato Farmers In the Bomet and Nakuru Counties of Kenya
Anna Gichangi , Kenya Agricultural And Livestock Research Organization, Kenya / Specialized Sweetpotato Vine Multiplication in Lake Zone, Tanzania: What sticks and What Changes?
Margaret Anne McEwan CIP Kenya / Potential Establishment of Hymenopteran Parasitoids for Classical Biocontrol of The Leaf miner Fly Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard) in Potato-Based Cropping Systems in Africa
Norma Mujica,
CIP Peru / Evaluation of suitability of Substituting Wheat Flour with Sweetpotato and Tiger Nut Flours in Bread Making
Chinelo Vanessa Ezeocha, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Nigeria
16:45-17:00 / Overview of Potato Breeding In Kenya For Accelerated Impact: Progress And Prospect
Abigail Ngugi,
CIP Kenya / Does Nutrition behavior change approaches for Agriculture-Nutrition Intervention: Experiences and lessons from Ethiopia
Mariama Fofana/Wellington Jogo, CIP Ethiopia / Effect of Dormancy-Breaking Methods on Seed Tuber Sprouting and Subsequent Tuber Yield of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Cultivars
Dandena Gelmesa, Haramaya University, Ethiopia / A Temperature-Based Phenology Model for Predicting the Development, Fecundity, and Life Table Parameters of the African Sweetpotato Weevil, Cylas puncticollis
Joshua S. Okonya,
CIP Uganda / Projecting Demand for Potatoes For Processing in-to Crisp And Ready-Cut Chips: Business Opportunities For Seed Companies and Potato Farmers
Wachira Kaguongo , National Potato Council of Kenya
17:00-17:15 / Analysis of Preferences, Perceived Barriers, and Factors Influencing Potato (Solanum tuberusom L.) Consumption by Households in Jos Nigeria
Dr Lenka, National Root Crops Research Institute Umudike, Nigeria / Vine Survival of Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L [Lam]) Cultivars Subjected to Long Dry Spells After the Growing Season in Mozambique
Maria Vaz de Andrade, CIP Mozambique/Edward Carey, CIP Ghana / Sub Theme 2:
Farming systems towards climate resilient agriculture
Structure of Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) Diversity in West Africa is Partly Explained by a Climatic Gradient
Kodjo Glato, University of Togo / From Lab to Life: Making Storable Orange-Fleshed Sweetpotato Pure a Commercial Reality
Jan Low/Penina Mukoi, CIP Kenya
17:15-17:30 / Discussion / Discussion / Discussion / Discussion / Discussion
18:30 / Reception at UNECA
Day 2 / Tuesday 11 October 2016
General Session – II Chairperson: Elmar Schulte Geldermann. Rapporteur: Julius Okello, Uganda
7:30- 8:00
8:30 – 9 :00
9.00 - 9 : 30 / Key note speech- IV: Netherlands Public Private Partnerships (PPP) Aimed At Co-Innovation In The Potato Value Chain In Emerging Markets - Prof. Anton J. Haverkort, Netherlands
Key note speech- V: Farmer perceptions, adoption and effects of quality seed potato in Sub-Saharan Africa: Economic, social and gender perspective – Dr. Julius Okello
Key note speech- VI: Uptake, Adaptation and Output from Accelerated Breeding Programs for Sweetpotato in SSA - Dr. Carey, E.
9:00-9:15 / Plenary Discussion on the three keynote papers
Break out for Parallel Session: II
Chairperson: Merideth Bonierbale
Rapporteur: Abigail Ngugi / Chairperson: Ali Mohamed
Rapporteur: Haile Tesfay / Chairperson: Margaret McEwan
Rapporteur: Sam Namanda / Chairperson: Steffen Schulz
Rapporteur: Gebremedhin W.Giorgis / Chairperson: Chilot Yiorga
Rapporteur: Shira Kaguango
9:15-9:30 / Sub Theme 3:
Germplasm Exchange and trade in changing policy Environment
Screening Cold Tolerant Dual Purpose Sweetpotato In Kenya
Benjamin M. Kivuva, Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization / Sub Theme 3: Processing and Value Addition
Retention of Zinc, Iron And Vitamin A in Highland Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) Varieties After Different Cooking Methods in Kenya
John N. Ng'ang'a, Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization / Sub Theme 2: Potato and Sweetpotato cropping systems
Evaluating the Potential of Some Sweetpotato Cultivars to Yield Both Roots and Vines in Drought Prone Parts of Ghana
Edward E. Carey,
CIP Ghana / Integrated Soil-Water and Nutrient Management Options Use in Potato Production Among Smallholder Farmers for Adaptation to Climate Change Effects
Moses W. Munthali,
Dept. of Agricultural Research Services, Malawi / Economics of Improved Agronomic Practices and Mechanization in Potato Production in Kenya: Opportunities and Challenges for Private Sector Investments
Charity M. Maina, National Potato Council of Kenya
9:30-9:45 / Hybrid Potato Breeding for Africa
Pim Lindhout, Solynta Wageningen,
The Netherlands / Evaluation of In-Ground Curing and Storage Methods of Sweetpotato Fresh Roots In the Rainforest Zones of Nigeria
Jude Njoku, National Root Crops Research Institute, Umudike Nigeria / Response of Medium and Late Maturing Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L.) Varieties to Application of N and P Fertilizers in Halaba Area of Ethiopia
Danielmarkos Bura, Southern Agricultural Research Institute Ethiopia / Interacting Effects of The Farming Practices and Climate Change (Variability) on the Dynamic of the Population Density of Sweetpotato Pests and on the Resultant Amount of the Viral Diseases Pressures in Eastern OfDR Congo: Preliminary Observations
Theodore Munyuli, Department of Biology and Agriculture, National Natural Science Research Center, Bukavu, DR Congo / Scope for Food Processing Industries To Boost Global Economy by Means of Potato Value Addition: A Review
Selvamuthukumaran Meenakshisundaram, Ethiopia
9:45-10:00 / Bridging the Potato Variety Gap: The Case of the Netherlands- Kenya Potato Project
Simeon K. Komen, Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service / Optimization of Preparation of Pro-Vitamin A Rich Snacks Made with OFSP, Okra and Maize Flours by Simplex Centroid Design
Rachel M. Omodamiro, National Root Crops Research Institute, Umudike, Nigeria / The Informal Sweetpotato Seed System as the Driver of Improved Crop Production: A bottom-Up Approach
Richard W. Gibson, Natural Resources Institute, UK / Sub Theme 3:
Gender Sensitive intervention
Gender-Sensitive Agricultural Intervention Improved Profit Efficiency Among Orange-Fleshed Sweetpotato Producers In Rwanda
Temesgen Bocher,
CIP Kenya
10:00-10:10 / Discussion
10:10 – 10:30 / Coffee Break
Break out for Parallel Session: II continued
Chairperson: Christine Gebhardt
Rapporteur: Britta Kowalskis / Chairperson: Francis Amagloh
Rapporteur: Eric Derys / Chairperson: Berga Lemaga
Rapporteur: Dinah Borus / Chairperson: Graham Thiele
Rapporteur: Mercy Kitavi / Chairperson: Kirimi Sindi
Rapporteur: Shrinivazulu Rajandra
10:30 -10:45 / Sub Theme 4:
Genetic improvement for quality and stress tolerance biotic and abiotic
Genetic Variability for Yield, Yield Related Traits and Reaction to Late Blight in Potato Genotypes at Sinana, South Eastern Ethiopia
Getachew Asefa, Sinana Agricultural Research Center, Ethiopia / Vacuum Frying Process: Viable Pathway Towards Availability of Healthy and Nutritious Fried Sweetpotato Chips
Olajide Philip Sobukola, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria / Influence of Sweetpotato Cultivars on Establishment, Number of Leaves, Height, and Vigor Across Divergent Sites in Semi-Arid Eastern Kenya
Cyrus Mbugua Githunguri, Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization / Theme 3
Sub Theme 3:
Sub Group B
Evaluation of some potato varieties resistance to PVY in Tunisia
Nouri Khamassi, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique de Tunisie, Tunisia / Economic Losses Due to Bacterial Wilt Infection on Some Varieties of Potato in Nigeria
Queen Chioma Uwandu, National Root Crops Research Institute Umudike,Nigeria
10:45-11:00 / Genotype – by -Environment Interaction and Stability of Sweetpotato Clones In Ethiopia
Fekadu Gurmu, Southern Agricultural Research Institute, Ethiopia / Sub Theme 4: Postharvest handling
Wound Healing and Dry Matter of Orange-Fleshed Sweetpotato Cultivars as Influenced by Curing Methods
Richard A. Atuna, University for Development Studies Ghana / Evaluation of Different Nutrient Solution Formulations for Potato Seed Production Under Sand Ponic in Malawi
Welcome Remark and Conference Overview: Dr. Endale Gebre, President of APA