Seeding Meeting - Tuesday, May 5, 2015 @ Venice High School

PLAY-IN - Thursday, May 7, 2015 @ Home Sites (Division 2 only)

ROUND I - Tuesday, May 12, 2015 @ Home Sites (Division 1, 2, 3)

QUARTERFINALS - Thursday, May 14, 2015 @ Home Sites (ALL)

SEMIFINALS - Tuesday, May 19, 2015 @ Home Sites (ALL)

Finalists Meeting - Thursday, May 21, 2015; 1:00 p.m. @ the Section Office

FINALS - Saturday, May 23, 2015 @ Roybal LC

Division III Championship - 1:00 p.m.

Division II Championship - 3:30 p.m.

Division I Championship - 6:00 p.m.

SOCAL Regional - Quarterfinals, Tuesday, May 26, 2015 @ Home Site

SOCAL Regional - Semifinals, Thursday, May 28, 2015 @ Home Site

SOCAL Regional - Finals, Saturday, May 30, 2015 @ Cerritos College


The Playoff and Championships are the direct responsibility of the CIF Los Angeles City Section.

The Sport Coordinator shall coordinate and facilitate the administration of the Playoff and Championship. The Sport Coordinator will oversee game management and operations of the Championship event.

He will be responsible for logistical and security aspects of the championship and will be available to assist participating schools. All questions regarding game management and logistics should be directed to the Sport Coordinator.


The seeding committee will determine the entries and the placement of teams into the playoffs. Automatic playoff entries will be given to the champions of leagues consisting of four or more teams. All other teams will be given playoff consideration by the seeding committee. The team with the higher seed in each division will be considered the “home team” in each round. League champion gets home game in first round even if it is the lower seed. If two league champs meet, then the higher seed gets the home game. As stated in all other cases, higher seed gets home game. Breaking ties for league champion will follow the established volleyball tie breaking procedures. Divisions I and III will have a 16-team playoff bracket while Division II will have a 28-team playoff bracket.


The meeting will be held Tuesday, May 5, 2015, at 4:00 p.m. at Venice High School- Room 154.

1.  Seeding Committee members should come prepared with the current win/loss league records of all schools in each division.

2.  Final draw will be available on the Section website beginning Tuesday, May 5, 2015, after the seeding meeting. www.cif-la.org. It will also be emailed to all coaches and athletic directors.

In order to comply with the CIF Los Angeles City Section bylaws for playoff seeding purposes, on August 16, 2014, the following plan was unanimously adopted by the Section coaches of boys’ volleyball.

Divisions I, II and III will be seeded by a three person voting panel of non-coaches of the sport. A non-voting information coach will provide pertinent information prior to seeding and when requested by voting members of the panel.

All representatives will be selected in advance by the Section coaches of boys’ volleyball.


Division I, II and III members:

Trent Cornelius - Athletic Coordinator, LAUSD

Rich McKeon - Athletic Director, Venice High School

Bob Thomson - Retired Teacher/Counselor/Coach

Non-Voting Information Coach:

Rene Lopez – Assistant Coach, Taft Charter High School


1. TYPED ROSTER of your players with full names (first/last), number (in numerical order), position and grade in school.

2. One trained scorekeeper, libero tracker and spotter

3 First-Aid supplies and current Emergency Cards for all athletes.

4. Warm-up balls

5. ONE ADULT for supervision (school personnel preferred)

6. National Federation Rules will be adhered to as written and in effect for all games-- also see: Gold book rules!

7. Forfeit time will be 10 minutes after the announced scheduled game time (exception: any district bus transportation problem). This will be determined by the Section office. Remember to order buses to arrive at least 1 ½ hours before match start time.

8. The home team must provide a Molten game ball. If using a colored Molten ball, it must be red, white, and blue. One free volleyball provided by Molten will be given to each team who qualifies for the playoffs. It may be picked up at the Section office or LAUSD athletics office beginning May 6 at 10 am.


For Round I, Round II, Quarterfinals and Semifinals – the symbol “H” denotes the home team on the draw sheet. Home team means hosting the game at your school or regular home site. Home school is responsible for providing official score keeper, libero tracker, official linespersons, officials, game ball, etc.

1.  All income and expenses for contests played in Rounds I, II, and Quarterfinals shall be shared by the two participating schools. This includes, but is not restricted to, management, supervision, officials and linespersons, site rental, and custodial charges.

If necessary, home schools, after discussion with visiting school, may pay ticket seller/taker, scorer, libero tracker, supervision (maximum of two) $35 each (working personnel). Schools involved will split the cost of game expenses. This should be discussed between the two schools prior to the contest.

2.  The Officials’ Assigners will assign linespersons for only the semifinals and finals. Requests must be made by the host school for first round, second round and quarterfinals matches. The host school must contact Volleyball Officials Liaison Myra Einberg at 310-702-5355 by Wednesday, May 6, at 3 pm for the first round; Monday, May 11, at 12 pm for the second round; and Wednesday, May 13 at 12 pm for the quarterfinals. Please do NOT contact the Unit Assigner for this request. All requests must be made through Myra. The home school must also inform the opponent of this request since both schools will be responsible for paying the fees.

3.  The winning school is responsible for reporting the scores to the following: , www.maxpreps.com, the Section Office (818) 767-0800, and to your local newspapers:

Los Angeles Times (800) 528-4637, Daily News (818) 713-3607, Daily Breeze (310) 540-5511.

4.  Single elimination: playing best 3 out of 5 with rally scoring for all games.

5.  Each school must provide three (3) ball shaggers during all rounds of playoffs.

6.  The introduction welcome and the sponsorship announcement reads are required announcements

over the PA system during all playoff games. These announcements are attached to this bulletin.

F. ROUNDS I & II: Thursday, May 7 & Tuesday, May 12

1.  To be played at home (higher seed) sites. Note: If the home school facility is not championship quality (regulation overhead clearance, power system, referee stands, and adequate bleacher capacity for anticipated attendance), then an alternate site should be coordinated with the opposing school. Home site must be approved by the Section Commissioner.

2. The matches are scheduled for a 7:00 p.m. start time. If both schools agree to change time, this information must be communicated to the Section Office by 3:00 p.m. on the day before the match. If both schools do not agree, the match will be played at the printed time.

7.  It is recommended that home sites charge admission in Round I & II, but it is not mandatory.

If admission is charged, the following fees must be charged.

Recommended Admission Fees for Home Sites for Round I & II only


Adults $3.00 $5.00

Students w/ I.D. $2.00 $3.00

G. QUARTERFINALS: Thursday, May 14

1.  The HOME site of the higher seed will host the quarterfinal match. If the home school facility is not championship quality (regulation overhead clearance, power system, referee stands, adequate bleacher capacity for anticipated attendance, etc), then an ALTERNATE championship site should be coordinated with opposing school. Home site must be approved by the Section Commissioner.

2.  The Home site must coordinate the 7:00 p.m. time of match with opposing school and if there are

any changes contact the Section Office by 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 13.

3. Mandatory Fees to be charged at ALL Home Sites for QUARTERFINALS

Adults $5.00

Students w/ I.D. $3.00

H. SEMIFINALS: Tuesday, May 19

1.  The HOME site of the higher seed will host the semifinal match. If the home school facility is not championship quality (regulation overhead clearance, power system, referee stands, adequate bleacher capacity for anticipated attendance, etc), then an ALTERNATE championship site should be coordinated with opposing school. Home site must be approved by the Section Commissioner.

2.  The Home site must coordinate the 7:00 p.m. time of match with opposing school and if there are

any changes contact the Section Office by 3:00 p.m. on Monday, May 18.

3.  Mandatory Fees to be charged at ALL Home sites for SEMIFINALS

Adults $5.00

Students w/ I.D. $3.00

4. For the Semifinals only, game expenses in excess of ticket revenue, should be billed to the Section office for reimbursement. Ticket Report Forms from participating schools in the

Semi-Finals need to be sent to the Section Office immediately after the contest. The Ticket Report Form is on the website (cif-la.org) and with the Athletic Director.

5. Ticket seller/taker, scorer, libero tracker, supervision: $35 each (working personnel). If a school wishes to hire one school police person, this must first be approved by the Section Commissioner.


There will be a MANDATORY meeting for the Athletic Director and/or Assistant Principal/Athletics on Thursday, May 21, beginning at 1:00 p.m. in the Section Office for the six teams that will be playing in the Championship matches on Saturday, May 23, 2015. They will receive the Championship Packet and passes along with instructions for the Finals at this time.

I. FINALS: Saturday, May 23, 2015 @ Roybal LC


Division III Championship - 1:00 p.m.

Division II Championship - 3:30 p.m.

Division I Championship - 6:00 p.m.

Championship Site:

Roybal LC

1200 Colton St.

Los Angeles, CA 90026

*Pre-game protocol will include 25 minutes of warm-up time between matches, to include seven minutes of shared court time, six minutes of individual team time on court, National Anthem, and team introductions. There will be a Sportsmanship Meeting for the Captains and Coaches of each team one hour before the start of the Championship Match.

Team Arrival & Departure

Teams may arrive to Roybal no earlier than 11 am. Buses may drop off teams at the back entrance to the gym off Beaudry and Temple. Buses must park along Beaudry Ave. and not on the blacktop. Buses may pick up teams following the match at the back entrance in a timely manner. We do not want teams waiting outside the gym for any lengthy period of time for the buses. Please communicate with your bus drivers.

Ticket will be sold the day of the event at the ticket windows of the Roybal Gym only. Doors will open for spectators approximately 1 hour before the first scheduled contest. School Police have been hired by the Section to provide for the security of the event. All attendees are subject to search upon entry. School rules of conduct and behavior will be enforced during the event. Any spectator that becomes unruly during the event or are in violation of school rules and regulations will be removed from the facility. School administrators and supervision are responsible for enforcement of appropriate behavior and language during the championship. It is required that all signs brought into the facility be approved by the school administration. Any demeaning, derogatory, inflammatory, vulgar, or excessive large signage will be confiscated.

Parking – Fee parking is available in the school garage, entrance is located on 1st Street near the corner of Beaudry Ave. Additional street parking can be found near the Colton St. school entrance gate.

Admission to Finals:

Adults $8.00

Students w/ I.D./Seniors (60+) $6.00

Children 4 and under Free


Due to space limitations, a MAXIMUM OF TWELVE (12) CHEERLEADERS PER SCHOOL WILL BE ADMITTED INTO THE FINALS. All 12 must be in uniform for free admission with the sponsor/coach admitted as the thirteenth entrant. After 12, all others will be charged $6.00 and will be admitted as spectators and NOT ALLOWED to perform cheering activities. Cheering can only be from the seats as walking space is limited. Gymnastic type stunts will not be allowed.


Any school band that has played regularly during the season for volleyball may participate in the Finals. Bands will be limited to 12 MUSICIANS plus the Director, since space is extremely limited. Also, no amplified instruments will be allowed. It is emphasized that musical instruments are to be used for music, not as noisemakers. Bands may only play during time-outs, between games or prior to the beginning of the contest. After 12, all others will be charged $6.00 and will be admitted as spectators and NOT ALLOWED to perform.


Each team is allowed to bring two student managers free of charge and who must travel with the team by bus. These student managers must be working during the match or they will be removed from the gym.

M. SCHOOL BANNERS (Standard Requirements)

One banner (no larger than 4’ x 12’) per school will be permitted at Finals. Only masking tape may be used and banner/tape must be taken down by school at close of event. Schools may ONLY post banner in specified designated area.


Participants MUST wear approved team uniforms. Be sure your team is "numbered" properly and correct numbers are on player roster. We respectfully request that coaches dress in appropriate playoff attire. Ineligible players cannot suit-up or sit on the team bench!


Water and towels will not be provided by the Section or the host facility. Please bring your own.



At the Finals, each team will be introduced beginning with reserves first followed by the starters. Each coach is asked to report the starting lineups to the scorer’s table 10 minutes before the start of the match.