Arizona Board of Regents ARRO Grant Program

(Attachment A)


Project Title: / Creation of an on-line Masters of Advanced Studies Degree in Geographic Education
Institution: / ASU at the Tempe Campus / Dept./Unit: / Geography
Multi-Campus/University Projects
(check if other campuses or universities participating) / List other participating organizations or institutions:
_X_ ASU at the Tempe Campus
_X_ ASU at the West Campus
___ ASU at the Polytechnic Campus
___ ASU at the Downtown Campus
___ UA
___ UA South
___NAU / Colleges of Liberal Arts & Sciences and Education
College of Teacher Education and Leadership
Collaborating Faculty in Dept of Geography and Regional Science
Collaborating Faculty in Dept of Geography, Planning and Recreation
Briefly describe the project and development plan.
ASUs Geography Department partners with ASU-Tempe College of Education, ASU-West's College of Teacher Education and Leadership, and Geography Faculty at NAU and UofA to complete a new on-line Master in Advanced Studies (MAS) in Geography Education. Surveys of K-12 teachers reveals a strong and growing demand for this program. The first-year class of Fall 2007 would be held to a pilot of 20 students in year 1, growing to 50 by Fall 2010. The demand for this program comes from rural teachers looking for discipline-specific instruction, rural and urban teachers needing advanced degrees for professional growth, and middle school teachers lacking the 24 hours needed to be "highly qualified" under the No Child Left Behind legislation. This ARRO grant would provide the last needed funding piece to complete a self-sustaining MAS in GE online program.

Funding Category

Indicate a primary (P) and, if applicable, secondary (S) funding category:
Collaboration/Innovation __S__ / Course Development/Modification __S__
Meets a Demonstrated Need __P__ / Improved Assessment of Learning Outcomes ______
Project Director
Signature:______/ Date: October 15, 2006
Name: / Ronald I. Dorn / Title: / Professor
Mailing Address: / Department of Geography, PO Box 870104, Arizona State University at Tempe, 85287-0104
Phone: / 480-965-7533 / Fax: / 480-965-8313 / Email: /
Department Chair / Unit Director / College Dean / Provost (may not be Project Director)
Name: Richard Aspinall and Alan Artibise Title Chair of Geography and Associate Dean
Official Authorized to Enter into Contractual Obligations
Signature______/ Date
Name: / Title:
Mailing Address:
Phone: / Fax: / Email:

Arizona Regents Reach Out (ARRO) Grants

c/o Arizona Board of Regents

2020 N. Central Avenue, Suite 230

Phoenix, AZ 85004

Phone: 602-229-2500 · Fax: 602-229-2555

Arizona Board of Regents ARRO Grant Program

(Attachment A)


Project Title: / Creation of an on-line Masters of Advanced Studies Degree in Geographic Education
Institution: / ASU at the West Campus / Dept./Unit: / Teacher Education and Leadership
Multi-Campus/University Projects
(check if other campuses or universities participating) / List other participating organizations or institutions:
_X_ ASU at the Tempe Campus
_X_ ASU at the West Campus
___ ASU at the Polytechnic Campus
___ ASU at the Downtown Campus
___ UA
___ UA South
___NAU / Colleges of Liberal Arts & Sciences and Education
College of Teacher Education and Leadership
Collaborating Faculty in Dept of Geography and Regional Science
Collaborating Faculty in Dept of Geography, Planning and Recreation
Briefly describe the project and development plan.
ASUs Geography Department partners with ASU-Tempe College of Education, ASU-West's College of Teacher Education and Leadership, and Geography Faculty at NAU and UofA to complete a new on-line Master in Advanced Studies (MAS) in Geography Education. Surveys of K-12 teachers reveals a strong and growing demand for this program. The first-year class of Fall 2007 would be held to a pilot of 20 students in year 1, growing to 50 by Fall 2010. The demand for this program comes from rural teachers looking for discipline-specific instruction, rural and urban teachers needing advanced degrees for professional growth, and middle school teachers lacking the 24 hours needed to be "highly qualified" under the No Child Left Behind legislation. This ARRO grant would provide the last needed funding piece to complete a self-sustaining MAS in GE online program.

Funding Category

Indicate a primary (P) and, if applicable, secondary (S) funding category:
Collaboration/Innovation __S__ / Course Development/Modification __S__
Meets a Demonstrated Need __P__ / Improved Assessment of Learning Outcomes ______
Project Director
Signature:______/ Date: October 15, 2006
Name: / Elizabeth Hinde / Title: / Assistant Professor
Mailing Address: / College of Teacher Education and Leadership, PO Box 37100, Phoenix, AZ 85069
Phone: / (602)543-6317 / Fax: / (602) 543-6350 / Email: /
Department Chair / Unit Director / College Dean / Provost (may not be Project Director)
Name: ._Joseph M. Ryan_ Title Interim Dean, College of Teacher Education and Leadership
Official Authorized to Enter into Contractual Obligations
Signature______/ Date
Name: / Title:
Mailing Address:
Phone: / Fax: / Email:

Arizona Regents Reach Out (ARRO) Grants

c/o Arizona Board of Regents

2020 N. Central Avenue, Suite 230

Phoenix, AZ 85004

Phone: 602-229-2500 · Fax: 602-229-2555

Arizona Regents Reach Out Grant Program

(Attachment B)


Applicant/University or College: College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Project Title: Creation of an on-line Masters of Advanced Studies Degree in Geographic Education

Applicant Contact: Ronald Dorn, Professor



(Note Source)

1. Personnel:

Key (Faculty, Administration) ______$25,200______

Support (Clerical, Graduate) _49.400______

Fringe Benefits (ERE) _15,090______$3,780______

TOTAL PERSONNEL COSTS _64,490______$28,980______

2. Professional and Outside Services _14,175______$4,050______

3. Staff Travel ______

4. Communication ______

5. Materials & Supplies ______

6. Other Operating Expenditures ______63,910______

7. TOTAL COSTS __78,675______

Indirect and overhead funds may be included as part of the institutional match, but may not be included in the amount requested.

Matching and or supporting funds, though not required, will be considered positively in reviewing the proposal.

Arizona Regents Reach Out (ARRO) Grants

c/o Arizona Board of Regents

2020 N. Central Avenue, Suite 230

Phoenix, AZ 85004

Phone: 602-229-2500 · Fax: 602-229-2555
Arizona Regents Reach Out Grant Program

(Attachment B)


Applicant/University or College: College of Teacher Education and Leadership

Project Title: Creation of an on-line Masters of Advanced Studies Degree in Geographic Education

Applicant Contact: Elizabeth Hinde, Assistant Professor



(Note Source)

1. Personnel:

Key (Faculty, Administration) ______

Support (Clerical, Graduate) ______

Fringe Benefits (ERE) ______


2. Professional and Outside Services _15,000______

3. Staff Travel ______

4. Communication ______

5. Materials & Supplies ______

6. Other Operating Expenditures ______8,685______

7. TOTAL COSTS __15,000______

Indirect and overhead funds may be included as part of the institutional match, but may not be included in the amount requested.

Matching and or supporting funds, though not required, will be considered positively in reviewing the proposal.

Arizona Regents Reach Out (ARRO) Grants

c/o Arizona Board of Regents

2020 N. Central Avenue, Suite 230

Phoenix, AZ 85004

Phone: 602-229-2500 · Fax: 602-229-2555

Arizona Regents Reach Out:

To K-12 Teachers in the Creation of an on-line Masters of Advanced Studies Degree in Geographic Education

co-Principal Investigators:

Ronald Dorn and J. Duncan Shaeffer, Department of Geography, ASU- Tempe

Elizabeth Hinde, College of Teacher Education and Leadership, ASU-West

Billie Enz, College of Education, ASU - Tempe


Faculty in Department of Geography and Regional Science, University of Arizona (J.P. Jones, Chair)

Faculty in Department of Geography, Planning and Recreation, Northern Arizona University (Alan Lew, Chair)

Part 1: Table of Contents

Part 2: Identification of Need / p. 1
Part 3: Technical Needs / p. 2
Part 4: Work Plan/Timeline / p. 3
Part 5: Key Personnel / p. 4
Part 6: Performance Measures & Expected Outcomes / p. 5
Detailed Budget (limited to 2 pages) / p. 6-7

Part 2: Identification of Need. Summary: Surveys of K-12 teachers attending workshops of the Arizona Geographic Alliance (over 1000 teachers per year) reveals a strong and growing demand for this MAS program. The first-year class of September 2007 (entrolled through extended education)would be held to a pilot of 20 students in year 1, growing to 50 by Fall 2010. The demand for this program comes from three populations: rural teachers looking for discipline-specific instruction; rural and urban teachers needing advanced degrees for professional growth; and middle school teachers lacking the 24 hours needed to be "highly qualified" under the No Child Left Behind legislation. This ARRO grant would provide the last needed funding piece to complete materials for the MAS in GE online program. ASUs Geography Department partners with ASU-Tempe College of Education, ASU-West's College of Teacher Education and Leadership, and Geography Departments at NAU and UofA to host a new on-line Master in Advanced Studies (MAS) in Geography Education.

Demand: There exists a current significant but unsatisfied Arizona and national demand in graduate education. This concerns the field of geographic education, which draws on geography and education. The MAS in Geographic Education (1) requires minimal start-up costs provided in part by this grant; (2) can be built around a outstanding community of Instructors, master teachers with advanced degrees, in the Arizona Geographic Alliance; and (3) will exemplify innovative strategies in on-line teacher professional development such as a "bank" of video presentations of best practices supplied by master geography teachers. Direct recruitment would take place in the over 2800 K-12 teacher members of the Arizona Geographic Alliance, in the over 500 teachers/year trained by the Arizona Geographic Alliance, and through teacher-to-teacher recruitment by the more than 150 master teachers of the Arizona Geographic Alliance.

K-12 teachers across Arizona face two constants, that of (1) the need for ongoing graduate education; and (2) the need to meet new legal requirements to maintain employment. The most recent manifestation of the second teacher constant is the "No Child Left Behind" federal legislation that requires that teachers be high qualified, typically measured by 24 hours in the subjects that they instruct. Completely on-line masters programs that serve the purpose of meeting these duo constants have only recently begun to emerge, such as Mississippi State's masters in meteorology education. In the realm of advanced teacher education in social studies, on-line teacher education programs simply do not exist in Arizona.

This proposal is a key missing link to the completion of a professional degree program offering courses leading to a MAS in Geographic Education (GE). This MAS-GEd will provide pedagogically-oriented students and teachers the training required for career advancement. It is intended to service a relatively large but dispersed population of working professionals, and to be a premier program of its kind nationally.

Growing professional interest in geographic education is demonstrated in various ways. The Arizona Geographic Alliance, created twelve years ago, has grown to 3050 members. A subset of that organization are teacher consultants, teachers who have undergone a rigorous additional training to enhance their knowledge and skills in the teaching of geography. These individuals are master teachers who are dedicated towards teacher training in the context of in-services in their schools and districts and in the context of presenting at state and national meetings. This group of Arizona teacher consultants has grown to over 170 active members, providing a pool of both students and future Instructors for the MAS-GEd classes.

The Arizona Geographic Alliance of ASUs geography department completed more than a thousand teacher trainings in 2004 and 2005 , including in such rural settings as Show Low, Naco, Kingman, Sierra Vista, and Yuma. One of the most persistent complaints is the lack of graduate teacher education, and the most common request is for an outstanding internet-based masters program for specific teaching disciplines. At least 20% of these teachers would enroll in a MAS in GE, if it could be completely on-line.

The third target population would be unsurveyed teachers interested in obtaining an advanced degree for purposes of career advancement or personal enrichment. It is expected that the program will attract two types of these students: those specifically interested in geographic education; and those in need of an advanced degree who are bound to places distant from universities able to offer a graduate degree in their rural setting. Marketing would be required to reach this untapped population, for example ongoing teacher workshops in these outlying areas would include an explanation of the MAS-GEd program.

The fourth and most urgent target rests with teachers who currently teach geography and other social studies subjects, but who lack 24 hours needed to be classified as "highly qualified" in the subject that they teach — a requirement of the No Child Left Behind federal legislation. These are usually elementary certified teachers who end up in middle schools, teaching secondary geography courses. The Arizona Geographic Alliance has received unsolicited 19-27 querries each year since 2002 from this population asking if a masters program exists in geographic education in Arizona. An analog program would be Mississippi State's on-line program for meteorological education. Since its inception, the program has exploded because of its high quality and because it meets the needs of teachers wishing content-based training in science education — much like this program would provide content-based training social studies education.

No existing ABOR program, either on-line or in-person, resembles advanced educational training geographic education. The other on-line masters in geographic education are given by Texas State University and the Institute of Education in London. Texas State's Masters in Applied Geography (Specialization in Geographic Education) is an outstanding program that requires in-person "core" courses in research design, quantitative methods, and directed research. While some Arizona teachers are able to travel to Texas in the summer, this limitation prevents many non-Texas teachers from participating. The MA Geography in Education, based at the Institute of Education in London, is a world-class program that meets needs appropriate for the U.K. educational system, not Arizona. Thus, this MAS in Geographic Education is needed to meet the needs of Arizona's teachers and those in other states seeking on-line delivery of quality content.