400 North Street, 2nd Floor, HARRISBURG, PA 17120 / IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO OUR FILE

August 12, 2016

Docket No. M-2016-2537403

Utility Code210013





RE:SUEZWater Pennsylvania2014 Annual Depreciation Report

Docket No. M-2016-2537403

Dear Mr.Prettyman:

On March29, 2016, SUEZ Water Pennsylvania’s(SUEZ’s) filing ofthe 2014 Annual Depreciation Report was accepted for filing and docketed with the Public Utility Commission. Based upon the Commission’s initial review, the filingis deemed to be incomplete. In order to complete analysis of the filing, the Water/Wastewater Division requires responses to the attached data requests.

Please be advised that you are directed to forward the requested information to the Commission within 10 working days of the date of this letter. Failure to respond may result in the application being denied. Please send all responses to the following address:

Secretary, PA Public Utility Commission

400 North Street, 2nd Floor

Harrisburg, PA 17120

All documents requiring notary stamps must have original signatures. Some responses may be e-filed at A list of allowable e-filing document types is available at

Please note that your answers must be verified per 52 Pa Code § 1.36. Accordingly, you must provide the following statement with your responses:

Please contact the below staff person if any problems should arise that prevents a full response within ten working days or if any clarification of these data requests is needed. Please mark the materials “CONFIDENTIAL” in bold or highlighted manner if any of the requested information is deemed to be of a confidential nature.

In addition, to expedite completion of the filing, please send a copy of the information toJordan Van Order via e-mail r fax at (717) 787-4750. Please also direct any questions to Jordan Van Order, in the Bureau of Technical Utility Services, Water/Wastewater Division at telephone number (717) 787-8763. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


Rosemary Chiavetta



cc: Christine Maloni Hoover, OCA

John Evans, OSBA

Amanda Gordon, PUC BI&E

Jordan Van Order, TUS

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Bureau of Technical Utility Services

Water/Wastewater Division

Data Request 1

SUEZ Water Pennsylvania 2014 Annual Depreciation Report

Docket No.M-2016-2537403

Note: Please restate the data request prior to providing a response. In addition, provide the name and title of the person(s) providing the response and/or informationfor each data request.

M-1.Please provide the spreadsheets for “SUEZ Water Pennsylvania’s 2014 Annual Depreciation Report” Tables 1 through 5 in an electronic file format.

M-2.Please state if any contributions have been included in the total plant in service and identify any contributed property.

M-3.In Table 1, Stores, Shop, Garage & Equipment, the annual accrual rate increased from 3.33% to 6.99%. Please explain the reason for this significant increase in the rate of annual depreciation.

M-4.In Table 2, the Composite Annual Depreciation Rate decreased from 2.83%for 2013 to 2.60% for 2014 for Total Depreciable Plant. Please verify if this change is the result of an increase in retirements or state what factors led to this decrease.

M-5.The 2014 Annual Depreciation Report shows Total Plant in Service for 2014 as $254,306,449 on page two of Table 1. However, on page 18 of the 2014 Annual Report, the “Balance End of Year” is reported as $254,253,485. Please explain this difference.

M-6.In Table 1, the overall annual accrual rate decreased from 2.83% for 2013 to 2.17% for 2014. Please state the reasons for this decrease.

M-7.In Table 1, “Transportation Equipment”, the annual accrual rate changed from 8.02% in 2012 to 0.00% in 2013 and back to 8.02% in 2014. Please explain the reasons for this significant fluctuation in the rate of annual depreciation.

M-8.In Table 1, “Office Building & Equipment”, the annual percentage of original cost decreased from 14.34% for 2013 to 7.97% for 2014. Please state the reasons for this decrease.

M-9.Please describe the status of the 2015 Annual Depreciation Report for SUEZ Water Pennsylvania.

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