Absolute Monarchy in Europe Guided Reading
Pages 130-159
1. As the ______king, Charles V inherited Spain. As the elected ______, he ruled much of Germany as well.
2. Charles not only fought the Muslims, but also ______.
3. ______was Charles V’s son. He believed it was his duty to defend Catholicism against the Muslims of the Ottoman Empire and the Protestants of Europe.
4. With the publication of ______in 1605, came the birth of the modern novel.
5. Two main economic problems that faced the Spanish were ______and ______. This is why the Spanish never developed a ______class.
6. Rulers wanted to be ______, kings or queens who believed that all power within their state’s boundaries rested in their hands.
7. Absolute monarchs believed in ______, the idea that God created the monarchy and that the monarch acted as God’s representative on earth. Therefore, the absolute monarch answered to God, not to his or her subjects.
8. What three things helped to centralize authority?
- ______
- ______
- ______
9. What was the absolute monarch’s ultimate goal?
10. What was the main problem in France between 1562 and 1598?
11. What was the six week slaughter of Huguenots on France called?
12. Henry IV issued a declaration of religious toleration which was called?
13. After the murder of Henry IV, Louis XIII reigned with a strong minister beside him named ______.
14. While Louis XIII was king, his minister sought to weaken the ______.
15. Who was the most powerful ruler in French history?
16. His famous quote “L’etat, c’est moi” means what in English?
17. Who was the minister that worked with Louis XIV?
18. In order to increase the power of the government, Louis XIV used ______, people who collected taxes and administered justice.
19. In 1685, Louis XIV cancelled ______, which protected the religious freedom of Huguenots.
20. What was the name of the magnificent palace that Louis XIV had built 11 miles outside of Paris?
21. At the end of the War of the Spanish Succession which two countries were not allowed to unite?
22. What was Louis XIV’s nickname?
23. What was the Thirty Years’ War fought over?
24. What ended the Thirty Years’ War?
25. What were the five consequences of it?
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
26. Austria was ruled by what family?
27. In 1711, who became ruler of Austria?
28. Marie Theresa will inherit the throne of Austria from her father, but she will face many wars with her main enemy ______.
29. What was Prussia’s ruling family called?
30. Prussia’s landowning nobility was called ______.
31. What Prussian leader felt that a ruler should be like a father to his people?
32. Russia’s landowning nobles were called ______.
33. After the death of Ivan the Terrible and his sons, what ruling family came to power in Russia for over 300 years?
34. Czar Peter I was nicknamed ______, because ______.
35. Peter had a goal of ______, of using Western Europe as a model for change.
36. St. Petersburg was the city that Peter I won from Sweden. What was the city called?
37. Because Elizabeth had no children her cousin ______, from Scotland became King of England.
38. While king he agreed to a new translation of the Bible…called ______.
39. Charles I became King of England after the death of his father. Parliament forced him to sign the ______.
40. Supporters and opponents of Charles I fought the English Civil War. Those who remained loyal to Charles were called ______.
41. Who led the supporters of Parliament?
42. As a result of the English Civil War, ______came to power. He interrupted the Stuart Dynasty.
43. The monarchy was restored with which ruler?
44. During his reign, Parliament passed an important guarantee of freedom called ______.
45. James II was disliked during his reign, members of Parliament actually asked his daughter ______and son-in law ______to overthrow King James II.
46. What was this bloodless overthrow of King James II called?
47. William and Mary recognized Parliament as their partner in governing….thus forming the first ______. No longer an absolute monarchy.