Holiday Challenge Week 5 News Article
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To be released week of 12.20.2010
Conquer Obstacles and Setbacks
With the December sun shining bright, it’s a perfect morning to sneak in a brisk walk before heading off to work. But just as you lace up your sneakers, grab your water bottle and head towards the door, your hopes of a refreshing morning stroll begin to crumble. As if on cue, your boss phones with an urgent message and needs your help right away; a road crew drives past your home to begin a construction project that will block your usual walking path; or the clouds roll in unexpectedly and a chilly rain starts to fall.
Let’s face it: the road to maintaining your weight can be a bumpy one, especially during the holiday season. Obstacles and setbacks lurk around every corner and threaten to damper even the best of intentions. When confronting these roadblocks, it is easy to toss in the towel, abandon your goals and reach for the closest plate of holiday goodies. Instead, use these tips from the Eat Smart, Move More… Maintain, don’t gain! Holiday Challenge to stay motivated and triumph over the setbacks that are sure to block your path to weight maintenance.
Keep it in perspective. Perfection does not exist and no matter what, setbacks are bound to happen. Skipping a workout or indulging in an extra holiday treat does not spell failure. When slip-ups occur, don’t think of it as a catastrophe. Be gentle with yourself, practice self-forgiveness and remember that each day is a chance for you to get back on track.
Learn from your setbacks. Hurdles are part of the natural order of weight maintenance for everyone. Instead of criticizing yourself when small setbacks occur, use them as learning experiences. Think about what caused you to trip-up. Once you’ve clearly identified your setback, list out possible solutions to overcoming or avoiding this obstacle in the future. If faced with the same scenario again, try out one of your solutions. If that solution doesn’t work for you, try the next. The important thing is to find a strategy for overcoming setbacks that meets your needs.
Look on the bright side. Remember how far you’ve come, not how far you have to go. Remain optimistic, self-assured and above all be your own cheerleader. It takes a lot of determination and willpower to accomplish what you have during the holiday season. Be proud of your accomplishments! Look at your setbacks to weight maintenance as opportunities to recharge your motivation and recommit to your program. Also, keep in mind that tomorrow is a new day and you can pick up right where you left off.
Set small, achievable goals. Every day set a small, achievable goal. Instead of taking the elevator at work, take the stairs. Walk or bike to the farmers’ market or grocery store. Turn on your favorite dance song after work and dance away your stress. Think of each day as a stepping-stone to reaching your overarching goal and celebrate each success, no matter how small it may seem.
For more information about the Eat Smart, Move More… Maintain, don’t gain! Holiday Challenge visit