Wildlife Immobilization and Conservation - VMPM 496

Spring Semester 2011 - 3 credits

Instructor in Charge - Dr. C. O. Thoen

Enrollment requirement – VM II, VM III or VMIV

January 13, 2011 – 5:30 to 7 pm Meeting with Drs. Thoen and Uhlenhopp

Sue Dekkers, RN - Health and Safety Issues for travel to South Africa. - VMPM Room 2142.

Assignment of disease for power point presentations.

Feb. 1, 2011 – Due date for Power Point Presentations with 1 page summary reports – Submitted to Katie Davidson at:

Feb. 5, 2011 – 8 am to 2 pm – Power point presentations by individual students on assigned Infectious Diseases of Public Health Significance. Attendance Required. Vet Med Room 1485 – Dr. Thoen

Africa Study Abroad Presentation for 2010 – Gal Cohen-Chivvis

Feb. 7, 2011 – 5 pm to 8 pm – Dr. Ralph Farnsworth - University of Minnesota.

Viral and parasitic infections of wild animals – An Overview

Mechanisms of action of drugs used in immobilization of Wild Animals and demonstrations on loading of darts and darting techniques.

Vet Med Room 1485

Feb. 12, 2011 –8 am to 2 pm - Power point presentations by individual students on assigned Infectious Diseases of Public Health Significance. Attendance Required. Vet Med Room 1485 – Dr. Thoen.

Summer Session – Travel to South Africa for 2 weeks

September 1, 2011 – Due date for written reports (6 to 8 pp, size 12, double spaced) on South Africa Experience submitted to Katie Davidson (). The reports should contain specific information on knowledge gained and its use in veterinary practice involving wild animals.

September 1-28, 2011 –Scheduled Interviews (30-40 min.) with Dr. Thoen to provide for assessment of veterinary training experience and evaluation of student performance.

Course ends September 28, 2011

Course Objectives: Presentation of information on procedures for immobilization of wild animals including drug dosage (mechanism of action) and infectious diseases of public health significance endemic in South Africa.

Grading: 75% - Written report and Interview

15% - Presentations in pre-departure course

10% - Attendance and class participation