Chemistry Lot 6thSteering Committee Venice 03-04/12/2015.


  • Alessandra Giorgettti, Matteo Vinci, Marina Lipizer (OGS), Martin Larsen (AU-DCE), Julie Gatti(Ifremer), Magnus Wenzer(SMHI), Sylvain Watelet (ULg), Sissy Iona (HCMR), Dick Schaap (Maris), Neil Holdswoth (ICES), LuminitaBuga (NIMRD), Giordano Giorgi (ISPRA)


  • The Steering Committee welcomes the Memorandum of Understanding with the Black Sea Commission, aimed to share EMODnet Chemistry results for supporting generation and management of MSFD indicators and to mutual collaboration. The Steering Committee mandate OGS acting as EMODnet Chemistrycoordinator to sign the Memorandum of Understanding with the Black Sea Commission, with the hope that a similar agreement will be signed with the United Nations Environment Programme - Mediterranean Action Plan for the Barcellona Convention.
  • Action: as requested at EMODnet Chemistry expert meeting in Oostende, a video tutorial showing how to navigate through the portal (and maybe also FAQ) could be important to improve user friendliness. OGS will propose a draft and circulate it to the Steering Committee. Neil will ask Simon? from ICES to voice the video and help to develop it.
  • Web Portal actions:
  • Is it possible to develop an interface like the “Search Chemicals by Regions” but for products to give quick search in alternative to the extended search provided by Sextant?
  • Update the text in the “Data Products” page
  • Update all pages of the portal with “Portal for Chemistry” with blue shadow…
  • Update “Project Status” in the home page
  • Progress bar of Ocean Browser should be in the middle of the screen
  • Add season and sea area in the Diva maps legend box. Start animation from the recent years. Add button ‘Update’ next to ‘Animate’
  • Change label in the Select data products box from ‘observation identifier’ to ‘Observations’
  • Turn the field Obs_id from yearly distribution to 10 year window as products.Change the legend box for the related layer to “Observations”
  • Change the legend box for Dynamic maps into “Number of observations of …P35 parameter”
  • Check the possibility to add the bathymetry contour with the selected depth layer in the Diva maps
  • Add “acknowledgement and data policy” in the acknowledgement page of the web site and add the definition of the datapolicies
  • Action: Giordano Giorgi is trying to build a bridge between UNEP-MAP INFO-RAC and EMODNet Chemistry in order to push to a win-win collaboration. The idea is that EMODnetChemistry should provide services UNEP-MAP through INFO-RAC
  • Action: ICES should submit contaminants to EMODnet Chemistry within February/March 2016
  • Action: extract the data originators (that provided data to calculate Diva maps) from CDIs. Maris could put a service from CDIs that Alexander can use to include references in NetCDF metadata and in Sextant
  • Action: remove from Sextant descriptions of old products and check the new products descriptions (OGS and Ifremer)
  • Action: OGS should clarify with JaquesPopulus of Sea Bed Habitats which kind of information on O2 in the bottom layer they need
  • Action: OGS and Maris will formulate a business philosophy for EMODnetChemistry (to be applied in a first instance to share information with IPChem)
  • Action: OGS will circulate a Doodle for the videoconference on products generation in Jannuary
  • Action: Giordano Giorgi will circulate a personal reminder for the QA/QC survey. The last reminder was sent to the group the 10/11/2015 and up to now 19 of 41 partners replied to it. The information on QA/QC will be made available through the portal, linked to the related institute
  • Action: OGS will circulate to all partnersthe table to tag the institutes that make research and/or monitoring activities providing a good definition (to agree with STCOMM) of the two kind of activities