1stPlace Aireanna Santos “Light it Up!” ($100)
2ndPlace KateyWormsbecher “Testing The Impact Of Shade Balls On Algae Growth”($80)
3rdPlace MacKenzieJager “Stop Text, Stop Wrecks!?” ($60)
HM Kory DeJong “The Effect Of UV Light On Water Purification” ($20)
HM Spencer Berndt “Fun With Fibonacci”($20)
Best Presentation Aireanna Santos “Light it Up!” ($20)
1st PlaceCassie Voigt “What Is The Effect Of Dicamba Herbicide On Bean Root Growth?” ($100)
2nd PlaceLandon Pudwill “Baa Baa Black Sheep”($80)
3rd PlaceTrent Raysby “The Effect Of Temperature On The Color Of Leaves”($60)
HMJared Mudder “Where The Green Grass Grows”($20)
HM CarterFilhaus “Gone Fishing”($20)
Best Presentation Cassie Voigt “What Is The Effect Of Dicamba Herbicide On Bean Root Growth?” ($20)
Junior High Individual Group A
1st Place:“Deep Maize” Lincoln Thury($80)
2nd Place“The effect of vitamin C on plants” Alexa Sees($60)
3rd Place“Does the color or your eyes affect how you see colors” Samantha Brodeen($40)
HM“The effect of phosphorous fertilizer on winter wheat” Megan Soukup($10)
Best Presentation :“Deep Maize” Lincoln Thury($20)
Junior High Individual Group B
1st Place“Is it really crystal clear?” Rachel DeJong($80)
2nd PlaceHow does soil compaction affect water absorption?” Justin Ferwerda($60)
3rd Place“Blast the mud? Tate Kotalik($40)
HMThe dark side Jonah Boyle($10)
HM“Going extreme” Kristen Namminga($10)
HM“EggsPlosive” Paul Anderson($10)
Best PresentationIs it really crystal clear?” Rachel DeJong($20)
Junior High GROUP
1st Place“Sweet Pepper!” Gage Bares and Ashton Frank($80)
2nd Place“Sink or Swim”-Tiffany Pelton and Reece Loewe($60)
3rd Place“How Does the Composition of Concrete Affect Cure Time?” – Madalyn Kocmich and Allyson Hamilton($40)
HM“Aquaponics Fish vs No Fish” Haleigh Tjeerdsma and Joe Namminga($10)
Best Presentation“How Does Temperature affect mold growth?” Keely Bares and Cassie Stewart($20)
1st PlaceEmma Stubkjaer and Madilyn Mudder: Eye color deficiency"($60)
2nd PlaceAiren Cline: "What can vinegar do?"($40)
3rd PlaceBrady Bierema and KleyHeumiller: "Zoom zoom."($20)
HMJerry Gillette, Makenzie Sassaman, and Haley Gillette: "How much sugar is in that($10)
HMPaityn Radack and Emily Collins: "Pop Pop Fizz Fizz"($10)
HMSarah Swier: "Which liquid evaporates the fastest?"($10)
Best PresentationSarah Swier: "Which liquid evaporates the fastest?"($10)
Best agricultural projects (Sponsored by Farmer’s Elevator Avon, SD)
Junior High =
1st The effect of phosphorous fertilizer on winter wheatMegan Soukup($30)
2nd How does Soil Compaction affect water Absorption? Justin Ferwerda($20)
High School =
1st What is the effect of dicamba herbicide on beat root growth? Cassie Voigt($30)
2nd Baa Baa Black Sheep Landon Pudwill($20)