Thursday, May 28, 2015 10:00AM – 11:30AM
2400 Camino Ramon, Suite 158, Meeting Room K, San Ramon, CA
Called to Order at 10:06
Attending: Leanne Anderson-DeMattei, Betina Schessow, Brian Campisi, Don Davis, Emily Ramirez, Mandi Newton, Alex Noland (via conference call) and Kelvin Nanney
Absent: Amy Tinetti, Jason Marquez, Joanne Bohigian and Morgan Hurlbutt
1) Approval of Minutes
a) April 23, 2015 Meeting Minutes
b) It was Moved, Seconded and Approved (MSA) to adopt the minutes as amended
2) Treasurers Report – Alex Noland (Chair)
a) April 2015 Financial Report
3) Committee Reports
a) Membership – Don Davis (Chair)
i) 502 members
ii) New Members April – 8
iii) Fresno would like to have another meeting in August
(1) Kelvin to work with Fresno on the venue
(2) Don to work with Leanne Gonchoroff at I&I Property Management to determine topics
(3) Leanne Gonchoroff to also provide the chapter with a list of all of their business partners. Don to solicit business partners for membership
b) Education – Alex Noland/Ian Brown (Co-Chair)
i) East Bay Education Forum June 5
ii) Stockton Education Forum June 17
iii) Peninsula Education Forum July 17
iv) CMCA Study Course, August 28 - training conducted by Debra Warren, Pleasanton Marriott
(1) Betina is meeting with management companies to promote the program
(2) Associa is also promoting it to its managers
(3) CAMICB has agreed to offer the pencil and paper CMCA exam immediately following the Study Course.
v) Annual Education Conference, Friday, September 18, 2015 - San Ramon Marriott
(1) Leanne Anderson-DeMattei – Co Chair
(2) Theme is “TV Game Shows”
(3) Save the Date for the event to go out soon – details to follow mid-June
(4) “What’s your Story?” – Working on how best to accommodate this at the expo this year.
(a) Mandi to work with the committee on finalizing details on the process
vi) Working on increasing the number of attendees in the South Bay, Peninsula and Silicon Coast programs
vii) CID Legal Forum – comments were great
b) Networking & Social Events
i) Meet the Manager, Friday, May 29, Pleasanton Marriott - 23 Management Co's/On-Site Mgrs confirmed to date
ii) Golf Classic, June 12th - Bridges Golf Club, San Ramon Mandi Newton (Chair)
(1) 35 Foursomes sold - Over $50K in revenue so far
(2) Still collecting raffle prizes
(3) Kelvin to select the menus for the tournament today.
iii) Texas Hold’Em, July 29th - The Palm Event Center Danielle Stroth (Chair)
(1) Invitation to go out June 9th
(2) Over $11K in revenue already
iv) Annual Awards and Holiday Party, December 4, Grand Hyatt, San Francisco – Mandi Newton (Chair)
(1) Seven Wonders of the World Theme
(2) Committee has started working on the event
(3) Station style event
c) Communication – Joanne Bohigian (Co-Chairs: Morgan Hurlbutt)
i) Summer issue in progress
ii) Call for articles was sent out to all of the members with suggested topics for the upcoming issue.
d) Mentoring Committee
i) Committee meeting minutes, defined goals, progress report?
ii) Would like to hold the next committee in San Ramon – Kelvin to schedule based on their needs
iii) Sandra to also talk with National regarding the ability to provide some credit for local programs.
e) Nominating Committee
i) Reach out to interested partners
ii) Betina Schessow, Amy Tinetti and Brian Campisi are terming out, Leanne Anderson-DeMattei is completing her term as the appointment for the last year of Ian Brown's term.
iii) The chapter is waiting on National and the revised chapter bylaws for 2016.
4) Executive Director’s Report
a) Committee reporting and meeting minutes
i) Kelvin is asking for all the committee chairs to send a list of the volunteers
b) RFP for Website
i) Committee is meeting in June to finalize the RFP
ii) Once the RFP is finalized, we will send out to 3-5 companies to search for the process.
c) Date for the CAVL meeting in San Mateo county - Kelvin Nanney and Joanne Bohigian
i) Possible October Date
ii) Kelvin and Joanne met
iii) What kind of event do we want to have? Develop a task force to select a topic for the program. Joanne and Alex to talk about what to present.
5) Old Business
a) Strategic Planning Minutes
i) Fundraising for CLAC
(1) The Legislative Support Committee
(2) How to market the importance of participating in the process to our membership
(3) Adding member value to chapter members
ii) Determine topics for 2016 in August 2015
iii) Overhaul of Chapter Website
(1) Develop an RFP
iv) Distribute The Communicator
v) Strengthen programs – sustaining sponsorships
b) “What’s your Story?”
6) New Business
7) Adjournment - It was moved, seconded and approved to adjourn at 11:23
Next Board Meeting: Thursday, June 25, 2015 - Via Conference Call - Review Minutes, Financials in preparation for Strategic Planning June 29-30, Bodega Bay Lodge .
A quorum is needed for each board meeting; therefore, please make every effort to free your schedule for this timeframe and inform the President if you are unable to attend. In an effort to keep the meeting on schedule please have reports prepared in advance.
CAI-Bay Area and Central California Chapter Mission Statement
“Building the Bridge between Community Volunteers, Managers and Business Partners
through Education, Advocacy and Networking”