Hallettsville Independent School District
School Health Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
May 16, 2012
The SHAC meeting was called to order at 4:00 pm in the Administration Office Conference Room.
Members present were: Sophie Teltschik, Tobi Appelt, Jodi Carson, Brenda Herrington, Aaron Etzler, Janice Busselman, and Dr. Mandy Bucek
Minutes from the previous meeting were not approved. Mrs. Appelt had the one’s from the October meeting and not the January meeting. They will be presented at the next meeting.
Chairman Appelt stated that we will need more parent members next year. A recruitment form will be sent home at the beginning of the school year. Mrs. Teltschik stated that it could go out with the letter informing students of the orientation date for JH. Chairman Appelt stated she will ask for parent members to help assist with planning health related events.
Coordinated School Health won’t be so coordinated next year. Jr High will not be doing The Great Body Shop because it did not meet approval yet from TEA for 6th-8th grade. They will do the CATCH Program! The CATCH Program is approved by TEA for grades 6-8. At the time of the GBS adoption we were told approval would be soon for GBS at the 6-8 grade level. The JH will receive the CATH Program at no cost because we are sending a group to training this summer. Jodi Carson recommending we do CATCH at the elem level. She, as a PE teacher, liked the CATCH program and as a parent really didn’t think much of the GBS material. The GBS is more classroom work than the CATCH Program which is more PE orientated. Dr. Bucek will check into CATCH for the elem level.
The committee discussed the HISD Concussion Management Plan. Chairman Appelt told the committee about a local trainer that is now employed through Methodist Hospital. HISD may be able to contract out services for him or any trainer for that matter. Chairman Appelt discussed the need for this with the new laws governing concussions.
Chairman Appelt asked for ideas for a student health fair again next year. She is hoping to get some parent members to assist with this planning. Mrs. Teltschik stated that if we do a JH one she would like it in the spring instead of the fall. Some issues discussed were parent involvement on obesity and healthy eating.
The next meeting will be in October in the Admin. Office. Check the HISD web-site for the agenda and minutes from this meeting.
Motion to adjourn at 4:35 pm by Janice Busselman, seconded by Aaron Etzler.