


Staff Organization:

Head Coach: David Weaver

Defensive Coordinator: Bobby Campbell

Offensive Coordinator: Ronnie Everts

Special Teams Coordinator: Wayne Rowe

Video Coordinator: Sean Connor (JV Head Coach)

Assistant Coach: David Ervin (JH Head Coach)

Assistant Coach: Larry Mayberry (Sideline Duties/Preparation)

Assistant Coach: Darious Slade (Game Night Responsibilities)


Defensive Ends – David Weaver

Defensive Tackles – Sean Connor

Inside Linebackers – Wayne Rowe

Outside Linebackers – Bobby Campbell

Safeties – Bobby Campbell

Corners – David Ervin


QB – Ronnie Everts

Offensive Line – Wayne Rowe / Sean Connor

Running Backs / Fullbacks – Bobby Campbell

Wide Receivers – David Ervin

Tight Ends / H-Backs – David Weaver

Objectives of the Football Program:

  • The program will be an encourager and motivator of all players to excel in the classroom. Academics and Football are not separate, they go hand in hand. Our coaching staff will strive to encourage all players to give their best effort in the classroom. We will take on the role of reminder to turn in work promptly and make that work a quality product. We will adhere to a policy of “No Zeros Allowed”. If a student turns in their work on time and stays organized, they will be successful.
  • Play at a level of effort, intensity, aggression, and perseverance that our opponents cannot endure.
  • Through the Football experience, we want to become better people. They will learn to be more accountable and responsible. They will learn to be positive about the day, their school, their community, and their country. They will learn the influence they have on younger people and use this influence in a positive manner.
  • Have Fun. Football is a game to be enjoyed. To be enjoyed it must be done correctly. Once learned correctly, there is nothing more fun. The player will give their best physical and mental effort, and once that is done, everything else will take care of itself.
  • Learn to manage the emotional nature of Football. Between the Lines, we expect intensity and aggression within the rules of the game. We expect them to have control of their emotions and not let their emotions control them.

Program Sportsmanship Goals:

  • No Ejections by athletes, coaches, administrators or fans.
  • Exhibit, outstanding sportsmanship win or lose.
  • Behave with excellence and integrity in and out of the competition and before and after competition.
  • Support all members of the program regardless of abilities.

Role of the Players:

Assumption: The supposition that something is true.

It is important to understand that we are making these four assumptions. One must understand due to this being the basis of the program.

  • We assume participants want to be the best player they can be. This is important because as our coaching staff evaluates and coaches participants, we will push them to achieve their maximum. This will create some un-comfortableness, but life is finding comfort while being uncomfortable. Players will not be allowed to settle for less than their best.
  • We assume participants expect to play on a Championship Team. Our practices, our off-season, and our summer programs are designed to produce a Champion. To be a Champion is not easy so it is very important that before one decides to be a Gladiator they must understand we assume that they want to be part of a Championship Team.
  • We assume participants want to graduate from High School. Administrators, teachers, and coaches are all working with the above assumption. If participants are not in agreement with this, problems will exist.
  • We assume participants want to be better people. We have very high expectations for our participants on and off the field. We will work with participants to achieve this goal. Participants are representations of the Football Program 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the rest of their lives. Not just at school! Participant’s character is a reflection of our Community.

Player Expectations: Attendance / Attitude

Attendance and Attitude – choices you make.


  • Be here every day on time.
  • If one cannot practice, they are expected to be dressed out and encouraging their teammates.
  • If one cannot attend practice, the Head Coach needs to be notified ahead of time. Do not send messages through other participants... Reasons vs.Excuses – Reasons occur before the fact, while Excuses occur afterwards.
  • Irregular attendance makes it impossible to be part of a TEAM!

Consequences: If participants are not at a practice and do not call, there is a strong possibility that they will not be allowed to play in that week’s contest. The consequences are based on an individual basis. It has a great deal to do with one’s attitude. A participant with one absence but an acceptable reason will be punished less harshly than the chronic absentee or tardy.

General Rule: 8 gassers for unexcused absence

4 gassers for unexcused tardy

There are NO CONSEQUENCES for excused absences or tardies. Only the Head Coach can excuse absences or tardies.


  • Be present everyday with the expectation of great things occurring.
  • Be an Encourager!
  • Losers view the player/coach relationship as a competition (EX. Player trying to do as little as possible, while coach is trying to get much more)
  • Winners view the player/coach relationship as a cooperative effort to make the player the best he can be.
  • Don’t be too Cool – We have no room for cool, un-coachable players – Be passionate about the Football Team.

Consequences: If participants attitude is detrimental to practice or the team, they will be eliminated from practice. When this occurs, they will not be allowed to participate in that week’s contest.

On the Football Field(Practice – Game – Off-Season)


  • Participants are expected to give 100% every play.
  • Effort is simply a habit that molds one’s future.
  • One has the choice every play on the amount of effort they are willing to put forth.
  • Players who give 100% every play with less ability are often more productive than one who only gives 100% in ideal conditions. Hard work beats talent, when talent don’t work hard.
  • All we want is all you got!!

Consequences: Lack of effort will result in extra conditioning. The TEAM that gives 100% every play will be CHAMPIONS.

Compete:Most of the time,what one sees when two teams compete is a contest of wills rather than skills. Skill comes into play if one team is so superior, that their will is never tested. Competing means to expect, prepare, practice, and play to win. It is higher than participation. It is to empty one physically, emotionally, and mentally in order to achieve victory. It is to sacrifice individualism to be a part of something bigger. To compete means not being afraid of making mistakes. You must not fear failure. Always encourage your teammates to do more, by you doing more. TEAM –me

Consequences for not competing – gassers

Consequences for not competing habitually – removal from program

We will Compete ALL year around:

  • It is the expectation that Gladiator Football Players participate in track. This may only be the District Meet, but participation is vital.
  • We will adhere to the 2 sport policy in place. The District Track Meet by itself does not satisfy the 2 sport requirement for the Italy Athletic Department.
  • We encourage out athletes to participate in as many competitions as they possibly can. We need every Gladiator capable in every arena possible!

Classroom Expectations: School Building Behavior

Accountability:The participants will be held responsible for all work their teachers expect them to complete. Being a Champion in the classroom is giving 100% effort, which includes turning in ALL assignments.

Vince Lombardi – “Winning is not just a sometime thing.”

Consequences: For every assignment not turned in, the result will be 2 gassers after practice until the assignment is taken care of for a grade or not.

Participant’s Responsibility: Players are responsible for their own actions. Breaking school and classroom rules are choices and must have consequences. You are a member of something great, and being suspended for breaking school rules hurts our team. Make good decisions wherever you are, always holding TEAM above self. Remember you are a Gladiator Football Player 24 hours a day.

Little Eyes Upon You

(A poem for the Italy Gladiator)

There are little eyes upon you and they’re watching night and day.

There are little ears that quickly take in every word you say.

There are little hands all eager to do anything you do;

And a little boy or girl who is dreaming of the day they’ll be like you.

You’re the little one’s idol; you’re the wisest of the wise

In his or her little mind about you no suspicions ever rise.

They believe in your devoutly, hold all that you say and do;

They will say and do, in your way, when they are grown like you.

There’s wide eyed little one’s who believe your always right;

And their eyes are always opened, and they watch you day and night.

You are setting an example every day in what you do,

For the little one’s who’s waiting to grow up to be like you.

Remember who you are, who you represent, and that there are always little and big eyes upon you. When out of Italy, it is important to remind yourself that you may be the only Gladiator a waitress, coach, clerk, etc. ever has contact with. From you, this person will judge our Football Team, our coaches, our school, and our community. Be sincere and courteous with total respect for every person you come into contact with. Represent the Gladiators that came before you and leave a legacy for those who follow with Gladiator Pride!

Responsibilities of the Student Athlete:

The responsibility of players with regards to sportsmanship is equally as important as the coach’s. Due to players being admired and respected, they can exert a great deal of influence over the actions and behaviors of spectators.

Athletes will:

  • Treat opponents with the respect they deserve as guests and fellow human beings.
  • Shake hands with opponents and wish them good luck before and congratulate their efforts after the contest.
  • Exercise self-control at all times, accepting decisions, and abiding by them.
  • Respect the integrity and judgment of the officials. Never arguing or making gestures indicating the dislike of a decision.
  • Accept both victory and defeat with pride and compassion, being neither boastful nor bitter.
  • Congratulate opponents in a sincere manner following victory or defeat.

Consequences for Poor Choices:

Discipline is not something we do to you, but rather for you.

Unsportsmanlike Penalties will not be tolerated and will result in Self-Disciple Pushes (pushing a 2x4 53 yds. on your hands and feet):

1 Unsportsmanlike Penalty – 15 SDP’s

2 Unsportsmanlike Penalties – 30 SDP’s + suspended a Quarter of play

3 Unsportsmanlike Penalties – 50 SDP’s + Suspended 1 whole contest.

Selfishness – One will be eliminated from the Team. There is no cure except removal when one is consistently putting oneself above the Team. They must be eliminated!

Symptoms (examples) of Selfishness:

  • Chronic Tardies
  • Absences
  • Stealing
  • Fighting
  • Violation of Dress / Appearance Code
  • Classroom misconduct
  • Chronic complaining
  • Derogatory posts about athletic programs on Social Media
  • Insubordination

Immediate removal from the program will occur for the following:

  • Theft
  • Insubordination (EX: Telling a Coach “NO”
  • Chronic Absences (5 or more)
  • Not Competing ( Not participating in District Track Meet / 2 sport policy)
  • Derogatory posts through Social Media about the Football Team, Coaching Staff, Athletic Program, Italy HS, Team Members, or anything else deemed inappropriate via administration.

Player Placement:

Every player would like to be a starter on our Football Team. Unfortunately, not all will. The Coaching Staff will determine who will start. Consequently, it is important for one to understand how depth charts are determined. The following is utilized:

  • Knowledge of assignments
  • Hustle and Effort
  • Physical and Mental Toughness
  • Contributions to overall Team
  • Talent

Locker Room Expectations:

  • The Locker room is the player’s Athletic Home. Participants are responsible for keeping their individual area neat. They are not required to have a specific place for all equipment, but they are expected to have their locker orderly and neat at all times. If this becomes a problem, then the player’s offensive position coach and he will work on this together.
  • Each article left on the floor will result in one gasser for whom it belonged.
  • Only Team Members are allowed in Locker Rooms. No exceptions!

Parent Expectations:

We expect parents to be positive about the Football Program. If a parent makes negative comments about our program it prevents success and hurts others who are participating. When an athlete hears their parents speaking negatively, they learn to be negative as well. Their negativity will be evident not only in football, but in life. Parents are the most important teachers in their child’s life. They teach by example. If there are problems, direct them to the coach and try to make positive suggestions.

What we ask from you the parent:

  • Help your child attend every function on time.
  • Questions and opinions be directed to the Coach rather than the player.
  • Never hesitate to call or visit with a coach if concerned
  • Communicate with us. We may not know a problem exists
  • Give Coaches 24 hours after a competition ends to hear any complaint or advise you may have.

What parents can expect from coaches. We will coach them like they are our own sons.

  • Football is a loud, tough, disciplined, emotional game. We will coach the same way.
  • We will reiterate time and time again TEAM above self.
  • We may require your child to be more disciplined than you the parent.
  • Race, religion, or parent’s occupation or amount of wealth will make no difference in determining playing time.
  • Players will play the position that is most beneficial to the team, not the position they would like to play, or the position they may play in college.
  • Your child will be evaluated 24/7.
  • Coaches will not be your buddy, but there must be a shared respect between parent and coach.
  • Players need to work out with the Team in the Summer

My door is always open; however the following will be followed regarding conferences/meetings.

  • I will only meet with you if your son and I have already talked. Your son must also be with you, and I may have his position coach there as well.
  • Your son will know when you contact me.
  • I will only have conversations about your son. We will not discuss any other players.
  • Schedule conferences in advance. Immediately before or following contests is not an appropriate time.

This handbook was prepared for parents, students, coaches, and fans of Gladiator Football as an aid to answer any questions and eliminate any misunderstandings that might occur. It is not meant to eliminate all issues or communications between players, parents, and coaches but to make certain the lines are open, and there are as few “Grey” areas as possible. Should you find yourself in a gray area, you are encouraged to contact Coach David Weaver immediately to help come to a resolution. Hopefully we are all here for the same reasons. Together we can do great things for your child and Italy ISD.

The information provided in the Handbook is for you to read and study carefully. It is your responsibility to know the rules and regulations of the Italy Football Program.

Champion’s Oath

I have read the Gladiator Football Handbook and understand the policies. I agree to follow all rules and guidelines expressed in the handbook

I will strive to follow the following guidelines that exemplify Italy Gladiator’s behavior.

  • I will follow all IISD and UIL rules and policies.
  • I will handle all of my academic responsibilities.
  • I will have respect for myself and those in authority.
  • I will not lie or steal.
  • I will not use alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco, or other harmful substances.
  • I will give my best effort at all times.
  • I will not use profanity.
  • I realize the importance of practice, and I will personally strive to participate in 100% of the workouts. I am aware that missed workouts will result in make-ups the day I return.
  • I am aware that missed practices will result in missed playing time in games.
  • I will always put the interest of the team above my individual interest.
  • I realize the terms and consequences of quitting.
  • I will exhibit proper ideals of sportsmanship, ethical behavior, and fair play at all times.

Athlete’s Name: ______

Athlete’s Signature: ______

Parent’s Signature: ______