February 23, 2012
9:00 a.m.CALL TO ORDER
Pledge of Allegiance
Action on Minutes of January 26, 2012.
Any person may speak for three minutes about any subject of concern, provided that it is within the jurisdiction of the Planning Commission, and is not already on today’s agenda or scheduled for a future public hearing. Total time allotted for Citizen’s Input shall be fifteen minutes. Speakers are requested to complete a simple form (giving name, address and subject) available in the Community Development Department office, prior to 9:00 a.m.
Agendas of public meetings and supporting documents are available for public inspection in the LakeCounty Courthouse, Community Development Department, Third Floor, 255 North Forbes Street, Lakeport, California
Request for Disability-Related Modification or Accommodation: A request for a disability-related modification or accommodation necessary to participate in the Planning Commission meetings should be made in writing to the Planning Commission Secretary at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
1. 9:02 a.m.Redevelopment Agency Presentation (Eric Seely)
2. 9:05 a.m.Public Hearing on consideration of a mitigated negative declaration based in Initial Study (IS 11-24) for Major Use Permit (UP 11-13). The project applicant is MESA OUTDOOR LLC proposing a major use permit for a 360 square foot off-site advertising billboard sign that is 35 feet high. The project is located at 3888 Hill Road, Lakeport and further described as APN 005-012-44. (Brian Horn)
3. 9:15 a.m.Public Hearing on consideration of a General Plan Conformity (GPC 11-21). The project applicant is LAKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS proposing RobinsonCreekBridge Rehabilitation at Mockingbird Lane. The project is located at approximately 0.3 miles west of Highway 29 on Mockingbird Lane and further described as APNs 004-081-03 & 04 and 004-082-04. (Peggy Barthel)
A.Office News