Metro Minny Leagues
Date: September 24, 2010
To: Distribution
From: Jim Brennan
Metro Minny Leagues
Subject: 2010 Fall Meeting Minutes
The 2010 Fall meeting was called to order by President Tom Hiefort at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 22, 2010 at the Coon Rapids American Legion Club.
Present: President- Tom Hiefort Forest Lake- Adam Gallatin
Vice President – Adam Gallatin Big Lake – Dan Loegering
Vice President – Jamie Heipel Anoka – Michael Harwerth
Secretary- Jim Brennan Champlin – Nick Larson
Andover- Brent Hanus Rum River- Tom Koplitz
Blaine – Jamie Heipel Coon Rapids - Jeff Lindstrom, Nathan Johnson
East Bethel- Dallas Jelmberg Ham Lake - Terry Olson, Jake Olson
Others Present: Jim Jarvis
St. Francis – Tom Lynch
Soderville – Douglas Johnson, Greg Zimmer
Absent: Hamel
Motion by East Bethel, Second by Rum River “To accept the minutes from the July 26th League Meeting.”
2010 Season Review
- Trophies - The Metro Minny Blue League Champion Trophy for the 2010 season was presented to Champlin.
Metro Minny Red League Champion Trophy was presented to Coon Rapids.
- Ejections – Jim Jarvis reported that ejections were down in 2010 compared to 2009.
- Rainouts - Recommended that rainout games be rescheduled and played as soon as possible.
- Web-Site – Teams were requested to update the web-site with scores as quickly as possible.
- Recommended that Managers add names of players ejected from the most recent game communicate via the web-site the players name as a way of notifying the next opponent that the player is ineligible for that game.
Region – Sections
Region 1C – Class C teams that participated in the tournament received their revenue share and a Financial Report from Commissioner Tom Heifort.
The Region 1C board suspended Champlin players Nick Larson and Tim Heifort for the first three League games in 2010 due to improper conduct during the Region 1C tournament.
Section 6 – Blaine won the Section Championship.
Section 7 – The Class B teams received a revenue share. Jeff Lindstrom reported that he had sent a letter to the Section 6 Commissioner requesting a method for rotating the site of the section in future years.
New Business – 2010 Season
Team Classification
A discussion concerning whether some teams in the Metro Minny Blue League should be reclassified as Class B teams was held. Opinions and reasons for and against reclassification were presented. Because the two Leagues do not have a set of guidelines for reclassification of teams it is recommended that guidelines be established.
New Teams
St. Francis – Tom Lynch representing a new team being formed in St.Francis provided the following information:
- Many of the details for the team are still in the making.
- Two coaches have been named.
- Home games will be played at the St. Francis High School field which has lights.
- A concern was raised that the Ham Lake team has many players that were on the 2009 St. Francis team and might return to a St.Francis team leaving Ham Lake short of players.
Soderville – Doug Johnson and Greg Zimmer provided the following information about a new Soderville team:
- The team would be sponsored by the Soderville Athletic Association.
- The 2010 Soderville team was not affiliated with the Soderville Athletic Association.
- The same field used by the prior Soderville team will be used, no lights but a sprinkler system has been added.
- Most players will come from the youth programs sponsored by the Soderville Athletic Association once they are too old for those programs.
- Doug Johnson will be the Manager.
- Financial support will be provided by the Soderville Athletic Association
Motion by Ham Lake, Second by Forest Lake “To accept a new St. Francis team and a new Soderville team into the Metro Minny Blue League." These teams would be classified as Class C teams contingent upon review by the Minnesota Baseball Association Board of Directors. “
Vote: Yes 7 ( Andover, Anoka, Big Lake, Ham Lake, Champlin, Forest Lake, Rum River)
Andover requested permission to leave the Metro Minny Blue League and move to the Metro Minny Red League as a Class B team.
Motion by Ham Lake, Second by Champlin “To accept Andover’s request to withdraw from the Metro Minny Blue League.”
Vote: Yes 4 ( Andover, Anoka, Big Lake, Ham Lake )
No 3 (Champlin, Forest Lake, Rum River)
Motion by Blaine, Second by Coon Rapids, “To Accept Andover into the Metro Minny Red League as a Class B team.”
Vote: Yes 3 ( Blaine, Coon Rapids, East Bethel
Not Voting - Hamel
League By-Laws
- Jeff Lindstrom , Jim Jarvis, Tom Koplitz, Nate Johnson were assigned to the Constitution / By-Law Review Committee. The Committee will review the Constitution and By-Laws and recommend changes at the 2011 Organization meeting:
Motion by Champlin, Second by Ham Lake “To adjourn “
Meeting adjourned at 8:55
Jim Brennan