Tessa Sermet
310 N. Blount Str. Apt.4Dept. of French & Italian
Madison, WI 53703618 Van Hise Hall
Tel.: (608) 213 95581220 Linden Drive
E-mail: adison, WI 53706
PresentUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison – Dept. of French & Italian
Ph.D., French Language and Literature.
Ph.D. Minor: Portuguese.
Dissertation: Sas et phases de transitions: le basculement du réel à la (science) fiction.
In a postmodern era where dystopia seems to be closer to reality than ever, dystopian narratives aren’t so much talking about the future: rather, they contemplate the prospects of humankind by focusing – under the filter of science fiction – on specifically contemporary reflections, fears, and anxieties. In my dissertation, I look precisely at the transition between our “reality” and its relatively close potential futures. I harness the term “sas” (airlock or pressure chamber in English) to identify transitional stages in conjunction with a morphological analysis of the places and spaces where those transitions happen. The “sas,” while a liminal space, is much more than a threshold: it is a fully-fledged space in which narratives, displacements and meaningful transformations occur. My conclusion ultimatelyextends the notion of transitional stages to corporealspaces as well, with the wombserving as the mostsignificant“sas”.
Committee: Joshua Armstrong (director), Vlad Dima, Florence Vatan
2011University of Geneva, Switzerland – Dept. of French Literature
M.A., French Literature.
M.A. Minor: Musicology.
Master’s thesis: “Peur & dissimulation dans les utopies narratives de Denis Veiras & Gabriel de Foigny.“
2009University of Geneva, Switzerland – Dept. of French Literature
B.A., French Literature and Musicology.
Reaserch and teaching interests
Twentieth- and twenty-first century French and Francophone literature
Science fiction studies, utopian and dystopian literature
Spatial studies
French film, graphic novels, visual culture
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
2016“Blaise Cendrars e o Modernismo Brasileiro: a (Re)descoberta do Brasil.” Spanish & Portuguese Review Vol. 2 (January 2017).
2015“Transparence Utopique et Scientifique: La Nuit des Temps de René Barjavel.” In:Chimères – A Journal of French and Francophone Literatures and Cultures, The University of Kansas: Volume XXXII (New Series), Fall 2015.
Book review
2017Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts, vol. 28.2, Summer 2018.
GUAY Patrick, Jacques Spitz: le mythe de l’humain. Pessac: Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2016.
Manuscript in Submission
“Le Dernier Bastion d’la Civilisation”: Train et Capitalisme dans Le Transperceneige et Snowpiercer.Submitted for publication toFrench Forum.
Manuscripts in Preparation
“Space and Gender Construction in Vonarburg’sChroniques du Pays des Mères”
“Utopia(s) and Constraints: the Testimonial Function in Perec’sW ou le souvenir d’enfance.”
2017GAFIS Leadership Award. Peer-awarded award for recognition of exceptional leadership and dedication to the department
2017Elaine Marks Summer Dissertator Scholarship forexcellence in academic performance – University of Wisconsin-Madison
2016Alfred and Isabelle PanziniGalpin French Scholarship for excellence in academic performance – University of Wisconsin-Madison
2016George Hefke French/Italian Scholarship for excellence in academic performance – University of Wisconsin-Madison
2015Eunice Clark Smith French Scholarship for excellence as an experienced teaching assistant – University of Wisconsin-Madison
2015Chancellor’s Fellow – UW-Madison
Conference Activity/Participation
Symposia organized
2017Graduate Association of French and Italian Students (GAFIS)
30th Symposium:“Turning Point”
Keynote speaker: Robert T. Tally Jr., Texas State University.
Papers Presented
2017“Devolution and Simian Genesis in Chevillard’sSansl’orang-outan.”MMLA – Annual conference, Cincinnati OH.
2016 “La Garderie du Pays des Mères de Vonarburg: une Hétérotopie Éducationnelle?.” PAMLA – 114th Annual Conference, Pasadena CA.
2016“Contraintes Spatiales et Progrès Social: Études des Phases de Transition dans le Transperceneige/Snowpiercer.” Congrès Boréal –Exodes et Voyages Infinis, Mont-Laurier, Québec, Canada.
2015“Transparence Utopique et Scientifique: La Nuit des Temps de René Barjavel” Annual Graduate Student Conference. Department of French and Italian, University of Kansas.
Prof. Samira Sayed Prize for best conference paper.
2015“Utopia(s) and Constraints: the Testimonial Function in Perec’sW ou le souvenir d’enfance.”Annual Graduate Student Symposium, “GAFIS.” Department of French and Italian, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
2015 “Blaise Cendrars e o ModernismoBrasileiro: a Redescoberta do Brasil.” Annual Graduate Student Conference, “Kaleidoscope.” Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Department Talk
2016University of Wisconsin, Madison – Department of French & Italian
Research Seminar
“A Train That Never Stops: The Cyclical & The Linear in
Le Transperceneige/Snowpiercer.”
Teaching Experience
University of Wisconsin-Madison – Dept. of French & Italian(2011-2017)
Lecturerfor “FR227 – Exploring French” (Fall 2017),
Developed syllabus, materials, and taught stand-alone class for intermediate-level course for entering students only.
Lecturer for “FR228 – Intermediate Language and Culture” (Spring 2017),
Developed syllabus, materials, and taught stand-alone writing-intensive course at the intermediate-level.
Head Teaching Assistantfor fourth semester French FR204 (Spring and Fall 2016).
Coordinated test writing schedule, mentored and observedother 204 TAs, created and shared teaching materials with other 204 TAs, wrote mid-term and final exam.
Graduate Teaching Assistant for first (Spring 2014), third (Fall 2014), and fourth (2011-2012; Fall 2013; Spring 2015; Spring and Fall 2016)semester French.
Taught stand-alone language grammar and conversation courses; collaborated in designing tests and final exams.
Guest Instructor
FR271 “Introduction to literary analysis” (Fall 2016)
Taught a class on Camus’s L’hôte in an introduction to literature class.
FR271 “Introduction to literary analysis” (Spring 2017)
Taught a class on the graphic novel Le Transperceneige and the movie Snowpiercer in an introduction to literature class.
FR322 “Introduction to Literature of Modernity” (Spring 2017).
Taught a class on Chevillard’sSansl’orang-outan in a literature class.
University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland – Institut de Langue et Civilisation Française (ILCF)
French Language Summer class.
Developed syllabus, materials, and taught stand-alone beginner-level language courses (2014-2017).
Specialization “Language and Culture” (2017).
Developed syllabus, materials, and taught stand-alone beginner and intermediate level language and culture course (2017).
Substitute for the State of Geneva’s department of education(2010-2011; 2012-2013)
High School (students between 12 and 19 years old): classes of French literature.
School of General Culture (students between 15 and 19 years old): classes of French.
School for apprentices (students between 15 and 19 years old): classes of French.
Special classes for students with scholar difficulties, immigrantsand refugees (students between 14 and 20 years old): classes of French, Human Sciences and General Culture.
2016 University of Wisconsin-Madison – Dept. of French & Italian.
Project Assistant
L’Esprit créateur: “L'Esprit (dé)réglé:Literature, Science, and the Life of the Mind in France, 1700-1900,” (vol. 56:4), 2016, Winter.
Proofreading and editing articles.
2012Internship at Editions Zoé (publishing house), Geneva, Switzerland.
Reading and selection of manuscripts; proofreading of manuscripts; redaction and revision of press packs; social networks and website’s updates.
2010Internship at the Radio Suisse Romande.
Creating and developing five radio programs;preliminary researches and data gathering;interviews;programs editing.
2008-2010Assistant-Librarian: library of musicology, University of Geneva, Switzerland.
Departmental Service
2017-2018GAFIS Co-president.
2016-2017GAFIS Symposium Co-Chair.
2014-2015GAFIS – French Instructional Committee Representative.
2008-2010Founder, member and editor of the French students’ journal
Editing, proofreading, and publishing articles; writer.
2007-2010Founder, member and secretary of the French students association
Freelance translation: English, Portuguese, and Spanish into French.
French: native.
English: fluent.
Portuguese: fluent.
Spanish: working proficiency.
German: basic proficiency.
2017Midwest Modern Language Association
2017 Modern Language Association
2016Pacific Ancient and Modern Languages Association