Business Agenda

2006 Southwest District Convention

April 21-22, 2006Lubbock, Texas

Opening Joint Session

April 21, 20066:30 pm

  1. Opening pep rally by the Texas Tech Pep Band.
  2. Call to order by District Presidents Nicole Burdick, TBS, and Clint Wieden, KKY, at 6:40pm.
  3. Introductions of Dignitaries
  4. KKY Southwest District Council
  5. Clinton Wieden, Alpha, President
  6. Kevin Wolfe, Delta, Vice President
  7. Matt Baggerly, Delta Sigma, Secretary-Treasurer
  8. Holly Tetreau, Alpha, Member-at-Large
  9. Adam McFarland, Theta Phi, Member-at-Large
  10. Danny George, Governor
  11. Dr. David Scott, Governor
  12. TBS Southwest District Council
  13. Nicole Burdick, Delta Eta, President
  14. Erika Pope, Theta Theta, Vice President for Coloniz. & Members.
  15. Holly Myers, Gamma Nu, Vice President for Special Projects
  16. Andrea Shafer, Alpha, Secretary-Treasurer
  17. Chris Gordon, Counselor
  18. TBS National Dignitaires
  19. Kathy Godwin, National President
  20. Kimbi Sigle, National VP for Colonization & Membership
  21. Dollie McDonald, National VP for Special Projects
  22. Kris Wright, WD Counselor
  23. Stephanne Meegan, Immediate Past WD VPSP
  24. Megan Pinke, MWD VPSP
  25. Doris Ragsdale Konachek, First National President
  26. Wava Henry, Founder
  27. KKY National Dignitaries
  28. Mike Osborn, National President
  29. Adam Cantley, National VP for Student Affairs
  30. National Headquarters Staff (Clint)
  31. Lt. Col. Alan Bonner, National Executive Director
  32. Diana Spiva, National Accountant
  33. Carolyn Steckel, National Membership Services Coordinator & NCD Counselor
  34. Jen Murdock, KKY National Chapter Field Representative
  35. Recognition of Life Members in Attendance.
  36. Recognition of Graduating Seniors.
  1. Announcements from NAA by Heather Mackey, Chair of the NAA Board of Directors.
  1. Joint District Presidents’ Report (Appendix A)
  1. Announcements from the Host Chapters.
  1. Recess to Separate Sessions at 6:57pm.

Opening Separate Session

April 21, 2006  7:15 pm

  1. Call to order by District President Nicole Burdick at 7:20pm.
  2. Seating of the Delegates (Appendix B)
  3. Unassigned Proxy Seating begins with Iota Beta
  4. Unassigned Proxy Seating begins with Tau at the 2007 District Convention.
  5. Appointment of Kelli Rutherford, Xi, as Convention Parliamentarian.
  6. Keynote Address by Heather Blanchard, Beta.
  7. Reading of the Standing Rules by Kelli Rutherford, Convention Parliamentarian (Appendix C)
  8. Motion to accept by Eta Epsilon, second by Gamma Xi, motion passes.
  9. Reading of the Minutes by Nicole Burdick.
  10. Motion to Suspend Reading of Minutes by Eta Nu, second by Beta Nu, motion passes.
  11. Motion to Accept Minutes by Psi, second by Gamma Tau, motion passes.
  1. Passing of ROaR Bucket
  1. Report of the District Secretary-Treasurer, Andrea Shafer. (Appendix D)
  1. Announcement of Candidates for District Office
  1. Announcement of Candidates for Convention Site
  1. Announcement of Candidates for New ALTO
  1. Discussion of Educational Workshops
  1. Assigning of Committees (Appendix E)
  1. Announcements from the Host Chapters.
  1. Announcements from the District Council (Nicole)
  1. Ritual Information
  2. Candidates may not pass out packets until end of 2nd Separate Session
  3. Point out chairs of Nominations, Convention Site and Publications
  4. Quilt Signing assignments
  5. Board of Trustees Tribute pins
  1. Recess to Committee meetings at 8:39pm.

Second Joint Session

April 22, 2006 9:10 a.m.

  1. Call to order & Roll Call at 9:16am.
  2. Presentation of Bids for New ALTO
  3. HendersonStateUniversity
  4. WestTexasA&MUniversity
  5. Q&A
  6. Presentation of Bids for District Convention
  7. OklahomaStateUniversity
  8. Q&A
  1. Announcement of Area Workshop Hosts for 2005 (Clint & Nicole) [2 min]
  2. Arkansas – ArkansasStateUniversity (TBS Gamma Xi)
  3. Louisiana – University of Louisiana-Monroe (Epsilon Theta & Delta Sigma)
  4. Oklahoma – SoutheasternOklahoma St. (KKY Lambda Xi)
  5. North Texas – TarletonState (Theta Kappa & Eta Nu)
  6. South Texas – Sam Houston State Univ. (Beta Delta & Alpha Omicron)
  7. W. Texas/New Mexico – University of New Mexico (KKY Gamma Iota)
  8. Announcements about District Day on July 1st.
  9. Announcement of Chapter Presidents’ Retreat on June 30th.
  1. Announcements from Host Chapters
  2. Announcements for Kappa Kappa Psi by Clint Wieden.
  3. Recess to Separate Session at 10:21am.

Second Separate Session

April 22, 200610:20 a.m.

  1. Call to order by Nicole Burdick at 10:40am.
  2. Seating of Late Delegates
  3. Introduction of Women in Music Speaker by Dollie McDonald.
  4. Women in Music Speaker, Dr. Sarah McKoin, Director of Band at TexasTechUniversity and Dr. Lisa Rogers, Professor of Percussive Arts.
  5. Report of the Credentials Committee by Nicole Burdick (Appendix F)
  6. Motion to accept report by Theta Theta, second by Delta Eta, motion passes.
  7. Report of the District Vice President for Special Projects by Holly Myers (Appendix G)
  8. Report of the District Vice President for Colonization & Membership by Erika Pope (Appendix H)
  9. Straw Vote for Beta & Sigma facilitated by the Spirit and Sisterhood Committee.
  10. Candidates for Office/New ALTO/Convention Pass out Materials.
  11. Recess to Group Photo & Lunch at 12:17pm.

Final Separate Session

April 22, 20063:40 pm

  1. Call to order at 3:52pm.
  2. Report of the District Counselor (Appendix I)
  3. Report of the Colonization & Membership Committee (Appendix J)
  4. Motion to accept report by Beta Delta, second by Beta Zeta, motion passes.
  5. Report of the Spirit & Sisterhood Committee (Appendix K)
  6. Motion to accept report by Beta Omicron, second by Tau, motion passes.
  7. Announcements from the National Council
  8. Report of the History & Traditions Committee (Appendix L)
  9. Motion to accept report by Gamma Nu, second by Zeta Phi, motion passes.
  10. Report of the Jurisdiction & Finance Committee (Appendix M)
  11. Motion to accept line item number 1.106 by Andrea Shafer, second by Beta Nu, motion passes.
  12. Motion to accept line item number 2.07 by Andrea Shafer, second by Iota Beta, motion passes.
  13. Motion to accept line item number 3.04 by Andrea Shafer, second by Gamma Xi, motion passes.
  14. Motion to accept line item number 3.07 by Andrea Shafer, second by Kappa, motion passes.
  15. Motion to accept line item number 7.06 by Andrea Shafer, second by Delta Pi, motion passes.
  16. Motion to accept the proposed budget by Andrea Shafer, second by Delta Phi, motion passes.
  17. Motion to accept report by Andrea Shafer, second by Epsilon Eta, motion passes.
  18. Report of the District President (Appendix N)
  19. Report of the Nominations Committee (Appendix O)
  20. Motion to accept report by Iota Beta, second by Delta Tau, motion passes.
  21. Elections for President
  22. Slated by nominations committee: Randy Kitchens, Alpha
  23. Motion to accept by acclamation by Eta Epsilon, second by Alpha, motion passes.
  24. Elections for Vice President of Colonization and Membership
  25. Slated by the nominations committee: LaTasha King, Beta Omicron
  26. Beta Zeta nominates Marie Rozell, Beta Zeta
  27. Kappa nominates Kristine Schoeppler, Gamma Nu
  28. Caucus and vote
  29. LaTasha King is elected District VPCM
  30. Elections for Vice President of Special Projects
  31. Slated by the nominations committee: Beth Antognini, Delta
  32. Gamma Nu nominates Kris Schoeppler, Gamma Nu
  33. Beta Zeta nominates Marie Rozell, Beta Zeta
  34. Kappa nominates Bethany Frank, Epsilon Eta
  35. Caucus and vote
  36. Beth Antognini is elected District VPSP
  37. Elections for Secretary-Treasurer
  38. Slated by the nominations committee: Andrea Shafer, Alpha
  39. Motion to accept by acclamation by Alpha, second by Gamma Nu, motion passes.
  40. During Elections, 60TH BIRTHDAY PARTY!
  41. Installation of Officers by outgoing District President, Nicole Burdick.
  42. Announcements from Host Chapters
  43. Announcements from District Council
  44. Adjourn TBS convention and proceed to final joint at 6:15pm.

Final Joint Session

April 22, 2006 3:40 pm

  1. Call to order at 6:24pm.
  2. Report of the Joint Action Committee on Music Education (Appendix P)
  3. Motion to accept by Theta Phi KKY, second by Theta Beta TBS, motion passes.
  4. Report of the Joint Committee on Publications (Appendix Q)
  5. Motion to accept by Eta Nu TBS, second by Delta KKY, motion passes.
  6. Vote for Publisher of the New Alto
  7. Slated by the publications committee: Alpha Psi KKY and Xi TBS
  8. Zeta Nu KKY nominates Theta Phi KKY and Theta Theta TBS, Eta Epsilon TBS seconds
  9. Caucus and vote
  10. Alpha Psi KKY and Xi TBS are elected to host the 2006-2007 New Alto.
  11. Report of the Joint Committee on Convention Site (Appendix R)
  12. Motion to accept report by Beta TBS, second by Alpha Omicron KKY, motion passes.
  13. Vote for Host of the 2007 SWD Convention
  14. Slated by the convention site committee: Alpha KKY and Alpha TBS
  15. Caucus and vote
  16. Alpha KKY and Alpha TBS are elected to host the 2007 SWD Convention after meeting additional requirements outlined in the report of the Joint Committee on Convention Site.
  17. Announcements from National Headquarters
  18. Announcements from Host Chapters
  19. Announcements from District Council
  20. Adjourn ‘Joint’ Convention and proceed to Banquet
  21. Motion to adjourn the 2006 District Convention by Alpha Omicron KKY, second by Beta TBS, motion passes.

Appendix A

Joint President’s Report

Appendix B

Delegate Seating

Chapter / DELEGATE / PROXY (if applicable)
School / Printed Name / Printed Name / Chapter
OklahomaState / Cheyene Charles
Texas Tech / Jenny Clines
University of Oklahoma / Allison Wellsand
Baylor / Rossanna Madingal
UT – El Paso / Savanna Orona / 
West Texas A&M / Meghann Witte
University of Houston / Vicki Dupree
University of Arkansas / Loley Pitchford
Alpha Omicron
SamHoustonStateUniversity / Jacqueline Fischer
Alpha Upsilon
LamarUniversity / Diana Alfaro / 
Beta Gamma
University of Texas / Christa Kaminski / 
Beta Delta
Texas Christian / Renee Heslin / 
Beta Zeta
Stephen F. Austin / Jennifer Wells
Beta Nu
Arkansas Tech / Kim Endel
Beta Omicron
Texas Southern / Ariel Jones
Gamma Nu
UT-Arlington / Ashley Kralich
Gamma Xi
ArkansasState / William Campbell / 
Gamma Tau
Univ. of CentralArkansas / Allison Langsten
Gamma Phi
SWOSU / Jonathan Bost
Gamma Omicron
Southern Arkansas / Anna Petersen
Delta Alpha
Langston / Tenivia Davis / Randa Ooten / 
Delta Eta
TAMUK / Joe Padilla
Delta Pi
U of AR-Pine Bluff / Marsha Wedderburn / 
Delta Sigma
U of LA-Monroe / Christina Bobo
Delta Tau
AngeloState / Jessica Ray
Delta Upsilon
Howard Payne / Rebecca Clarkson
Delta Phi
Texas Lutheran / Ashley Peterson / 
Epsilon Beta
TX A&M – Commerce / Amy Shuford / Annie Grotjan / 
Epsilon Eta
TylerJunior College / Bethany Frank
Epsilon Psi
Prairie View A&M / Fralonda Anderson
Zeta Mu
Grambling / Melanie Farr / 
Zeta Phi
Louisiana Tech / Kelli German / Ashley Madure / 
Eta Epsilon
TexasState / Tiffany Wallace
Eta Nu
TarletonState / Lindsay White
Eta Pi
Northwestern State / Beth Antognini / 
Theta Beta
Ouachita Baptist / Andrea Noel / 
Theta Theta
HendersonState / Natasha Maidens
Theta Tau
McNeeseState / Sarah Hartman / Charlotte Hunter / 
Iota Beta
East Texas Baptist / Elizabeth Wilmeth / 
PaulQuinnCollege / Not Seated

Appendix C

Standing Rules

  1. All business sessions shall begin promptly at the place and hour specified on the convention agenda.
  2. All reports shall be typed in triplicate, double-spaced, on standard sized paper (8-1/2” X 11”).
  3. Members desiring the floor shall rise, clearly state their name and chapter. Any Tau Beta Sigma member attending may speak to or discuss the question on the floor, but only delegates and proxies are entitled to vote on the motion.
  4. Reports of committees, which would change the Constitution or affect the district budget, must be reported to the Jurisdiction & Finance Committee chair for review before presentation to the floor.
  5. Motions amending the Constitution from the floor should be submitted in writing, signed by the mover and seconder.
  6. No member shall speak more than twice during the same session to the same question and no longer than 3 minutes at one time without the permission of the delegation. The question of granting permission shall be decided by a two-thirds vote without debate.
  7. Suspension of any standing rule would require a two-thirds vote without debate.

Appendix D

District Secretary-Treasurer Report

Sisters and Brothers of the Southwest District,

The last several months have been an amazing experience! After the Secretary-Treasurer position became vacant in the Fall Semester, I decided that if I didn’t apply I would regret it. I knew that the work we do at this level is a benefit to the District- however, I had no idea how big of an impact it would make upon me as an individual and as a Sister.

The first trip took me to Lubbock for Winter Council in January. I have to say that after my first encounter with the Council as a whole, I realized that I was in for a very interesting semester- Holly, thanks for coming through on your promise…

The next excursion led me to the Epsilon Eta Installation at TylerJunior College. The dinner was more than interesting afterwards- I have heard that there are some pretty special pictures from that night… Amanda? Ladies, Congratulations to a wonderful beginning and an exciting future!

Workshop season began with a trip to the wonderful metropolis of Weatherford, OK. This is where I was initiated into the inner workings of the TBS NERD DANCE. I, by no means, am a coordinated person- but thank you Holly for pulling me out of my shell.

The Louisiana workshop came next with a many hour drive. The Brothers at LSU put together an absolutely awesome workshop- the jambalaya was a cool first. The best part about that trip was the officer discussion. It was nice to hear the voices of different chapters speak out.

The Arkansas workshop was the end of my season but a very memorable one. Among the large turn-out, the interesting games, and the wonderful debates over what’s hazing and what’s not- I was installed. There are not words to describe that experience- I just want to say thank you to all of my Sisters and Brothers for that day.

Chapter visits came next in the travel schedule starting at Gamma Phi. Thank you for allowing me to make you all CHOCOLATE SYRUP SUNDAES, with the CHERRIES on top of course!

My crazy weekend of traveling four states in two days came at the beginning of April. The visits started with Theta Theta at HendersonState. Girls, I simply have to say you all are crazy and Tiffany don’t freak out at your reflection in the window- it makes people wonder about your sanity. From Theta Theta, I had a wonderful breakfast with Gamma Omicron. Somehow I got to the McDonald’s even though I went the complete opposite way from Al’s directions… From the great town of Magnolia I headed to Marshall, TX to the Iota Beta Chapter. I had the pleasure of having Wendy’s with Wendy- and a wonderful update about the chapter made me happy for their progress over the last couple of years since their installation. Then the drive to Nacogdoches came. Beta Zeta has a little bit of a difficult campus for someone who isn’t very good with one way streets. But somehow I managed to find them or they found me- whichever works. The evening of joint activities with the Sisters and Brothers of Stephen F. Austin was a nice way to end my excursions for the weekend.

After the Spring Class of Alpha was put through and the congratulations were passed around the room, my Big and my brand new Twin headed back to the Gamma Phi chapter for an Honorary Third Degree. Gamma Phi- you are doing a wonderful job of progressing in the Ideals and Purposes of Tau Beta Sigma, I always enjoy visiting you guys.

The last trip before Convention was a small excursion to the southern most chapter in our district. Delta Eta in Kingsville, TX has a beautiful campus and thanks to Nicole I finally got to see “real” water… you know, as opposed to that “fake” ocean water…

And finally, the trip to Lubbock yesterday was the beginning of yet another FANTASTIC convention. Beta and Alpha Omicron has done a wonderful job of coordinating this, which has taken a lot of pressure off of the council. Thank you all for so much work in making this a great experience!

Now for my thank you’s:

To my Sisters of the Alpha Chapter- thank you for always supporting me in everything that I do. Without the encouragement I find in each of you, I would not be able to attempt the things I accomplish.

To Jennifer Tracy- thank you for being an awesome travel buddy to Kingsville. Putting up with my craziness on the road was probably not the first thing you expected to do after becoming active. You already possess many qualities that will take you far and that will benefit the Alpha Chapter and the SWD. Never lose your ability to ask questions- I will never get annoyed, I promise.

To Randy Kitchens- thank you for being my best friend and my true sister. You have been along side me every step of my journey thus far and I know that I have become a much wiser and more open-minded person because of you. Thank you for teaching me to love unconditionally, accept whole-heartedly, and to laugh unceasingly.

To Lisa Croston- thank you doesn’t begin to tell you what I wish I could truly put into words. Your involvement in my life over the past several months has taught me so much and the words of wisdom you have shared with me have helped me make several hard decisions a little easier to see clearly. I respect you and find encouragement in your continued endeavors with our sisterhood. Thank you!

To Dr. Paul Popiel- my assistant director of bands and the director of the Cowboy Marching Band of OSU. You have been a constant influence in my life as a professor, a mentor, and as a friend. I could not ask for a better Sponsor for the Alpha Chapter and I couldn’t dream of a more supportive and helpful teacher. Thank you!