Moray Network Meeting

Date: Monday 9th September 2015

Venue: New Elgin& Ashgrove publc Hall

In attendance: Margaret CowieMoray council, Lesley Hellon GWT

Visited – Elgin Museum, Volunteer Local Action group, Local Learning centre, TSI

GWT national update:

GWT’s programme outcomes for 2015-16 include:

  • Older people are acknowledged as assets to their communities increasing their participation and contribution
  • Member organisations, including those working with protected characteristics, develop projects that use intergenerational approaches to challenge ageism
  • More local authorities, national public agencies & organisations adopt intergenerational approaches to address the challenges of our ageing society and promote positive images of older people

Discussed above outcomes and how Moray is addressing them.

SCIO Status–

Seen as a way of becoming sustainable, and not as just imparting information.

GWT Constitution –

Margret suggested that Third Sector Interface – TSI are best placed to become voting members, also Elgin Youth Café.

Local Network Development Officer

GWT successfully recruited a freelance P/T Local Network Development Officer, Lesley Hellon to support up to 11 networks across the Highlands & Islands. Networks explained, wishing us well- and suggested a few options to think about.

Date for your diary - GWT Conference, Wednesday 2nd March 2016 – University of Strathclyde, Technology & Innovation Centre, 99 George St, Glasgow G1 1RD

GWT is not integral to job role, so again contact with Third Sector Interface may be able to take this forward in a more positive manner.

IG Training-

Wednesday 25th November 2015, 10:00am - 4:00pm at Aberlour Youthpoint Mentoring Services - Moray, 7 Parade Spur South, Pinefield Ind Est, Elgin, IV30 6AJ (£30)

Scotland's Urban Past (SUP)

New information taken to pass onto small teamby contacting the SUP team at or on +44 (0)131 651 6870.

National Adult Achievement Award –

Margaret is going to follow this up as they have 500 requests for volunteers but can only deal with currently 170 volunteers the scope is massive but also time consuming and potentially too much to deliver

Copies of all our publications

San be found on the GWT website at

Publications are appreciated due to printing cost etc

Round the table/presentations/meetings

  • Discussed why numbers so low and also how to generate better response

Location, location, location. Venue is totally wrong, Margaret can book us in central respected venues that people will attend

Reason people have many meetings and want to know the value or what they will get out of attending (time is precious and important)

Who can you link us with – Bring intergenerational showcase examples?

Ask groups to do presentations of what they have achieved recently, e.g. PPP, DVD, presentation by young people!

  • Invite Secondary Schools to GWT meetings, send email to Margaret tEducation and Social Care Council Office High Street Elgin IV30 1BX 01343 563374
  • There is currently 500 requests for volunteers, public service, schools, community wardens, police, but noone to organise links for both sides.
  • Young people are looking for GAP year volunteering opportunities, visit old people at home, and the Care – About Physical Activity, could be made useful prior to establishing links
  • Walking group established
  • Signed up for Saltire awards
  • Youth Café Delta Forces project going well Elgin YouthDevelopment Group; Run by Young People, for Young People.
  • BALL group Be Active Live Longer activity group for older people weekly get together
  • Living it up, 6 weeks IT sessions in sheltered housing schemes, eg Kindle can download books from the local library
  • Reminisce box scheme, can be booked out from the library, examples include, LP, Soap, Wooden ruler, knitting patterns, old money, this steers and develops questioning skills.

If Network meetings could bring in a learning element to the meeting such as

  1. How to make things sustainable
  2. How to evaluate projects

Elgin Youth Café

An intergenerational ‘Bake-off’ at the youth café is currently underway. This was very successful during the first session in Sept and will run for another 3 weeks until the TV final in October.

The hope is to generate some good relationships and continue the baking theme with regular ‘baking with a healthy twist’ sessions for our intergenerational participants.

Photos to come!

External meetings

Elgin Museum

Although named for GWT is Di Hannan, none of the other four staff knew of GWT, so was good opportunity to deliver an overview. And they explained that are involved in a heritage intergenerational project of GWT and was keen to find out more information and was directed to our web site

Learning centre High street

Direct contact and promotions of GWT


  • Young Start funding opportunity – new projects funded for 2015 (handout attached)
  • New Website - The Beth Johnson Foundation is a national charity dedicated to making a future for all ages. Check out the link from our colleagues Linking Generations Northern Ireland and see what they are doing across the water.
  • Fairer Scotland Autumn Events

Complimenting the Fairer Scotland Engagement Fund there are a number of local events across Scotland.

The Scottish Government, working with Democratic Society in Scotland, has designed a number of Planning Events across Scotland to prioritise ideas and policies that the Scottish Government can implement to create a fairer Scotland. These Events compliment the Fairer Scotland Engagement Fund.

The Planning Events are designed to allow a representative audience to hear, discuss, prioritise and take action on ideas to create a Fairer Scotland. The Scottish Government wants to hear about what needs to change and things that can be done differently to make people’s lives better.

The priorities that come from these Planning Events will feed into a final Fairer Scotland Forum in December 2015. The Fairer Scotland Forum will host a representative audience made up of people from across the country who will work with policy makers, experts, and political representatives to create a series of recommendations on how we can all work to create a Fairer Scotland.

Saltire award going to be emailed over a good news story for centre+

Evaluation forms –one completed

Next meeting: