Are You Looking for Affordable Medications? This is Where to Start…
- You may be eligible for the Oregon Health Plan. The maximum income has recently been raised.
Call 1-800-359-9517 or TTY: 1-800-621-5260 to receive an application packet. You may also visit: for more details about eligibility requirements.
2. Most drug manufacturers offer a limited supply of free prescription medication to eligible patients. These Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Patient Assistance Programs (PAPs) have different application forms and eligibility requirements. The pharmaceutical companies supply these applications for free. Together with nursing staff at the clinic, you fill out the application form, including your annual gross income, and the clinic will send it to the pharmaceutical company. Medication deliveries may take several weeks.
For more information about PAPs, ask: your doctor, a nurse, your pharmacist or look in the PhRMA directory (to obtain the directory call 800-762-4636 or visit For more complete information, and to begin to fill out your application by yourself, you can search online at:
Searchable database allows you to search for PAPs by company, brand name, generic name and drug class. The information includes eligibility and application instructions. Internet access is necessary (free at your local library).
Based on the information you enter, the site searches for programs in your state or programs for certain diagnosis or medication. Internet access necessary.
3. If you are at least 65 years old or disabled, and have no other prescription drug coverage many drug companies offer drug discount cards. These are offered to people who make less than a certain amount per year. They DO NOT take into account your current assets, and it can’t hurt to apply. Ask your doctor or nurse who makes the drug you are taking, and then use the contact information in the table below.
/ Prescriptions Covered / Eligibility Requirements /Benefit
/Contact and Misc. Info
Together Rx Card / one card for many companies and many drugs, go to and click on "drug list" to see the complete list / 1.Income less than:$28,000/Individual
2. Enrolled in Medicare
3. No other prescription drug coverage / At participating
pharmacies receive a 20-40% savings off the regular prescription price of over 150 medications / 1-800-865-7211
Based on the information you provide on the application form, you may receive information for other programs, like the Novartis program described below
Orange Card / All drugs / 1.Income less than:
2. Enrolled in Medicare
3. No other prescription drug coverage / At participating
pharmacies receive a 30% average savings / 1-888-ORANGE6
(no official website)
Patients can participate in
either the Orange Card or
Together Rx for GSK
(Eli Lilly & Company) / All drugs
substances / 1.Income less than:
2. Enrolled in Medicare
3. No other prescription drug coverage / At participating
pharmacies pay
$12.00/prescription for a 30-day supply / 1-877-795-4559
For Living Share Card / All drugs / 1.Income less than:$18,000/Individual
2. Enrolled in Medicare
3. No other prescription drug coverage / At participating
pharmacies pay
$15.00/prescription for up to a 30-day supply / 1-800-717-6005
for Novartis medications only, those who make less than $28,000/Individual and $38,000/Couple may receive greater benefits than with the TogetherRx Card. / All Novartis medications / 1. Two Income Categories:
A. $18,000/Individual
B. $26,000/Individual
2. Enrolled in Medicare
3. No other prescription drug coverage / At participating
A. Pay $12.00/prescription
for a 30-day supply
B. Receive a 25% or
more savings / Apply for the Novartis program by applying for the TogetherRx program, listed above
More Options:
4. Call your local Area Agency on Aging for information about community based medication assistance programs. To find the nearest office call 800-677-1116 or visit
5. If you or a member of your family is a veteran or member of the military . . .
Contact the Veteran’s Administration at 877-222-VETS(8387) visit
For active and retired military personnel and their families, visit for information regarding The National Mail Order Pharmacy Program and to find the phone number for your regional office.
6. If you can afford to pay a portion of your medications….
Nonprofit Warehouse's Prescription Drug Discount Program. In conjunction with Kmart Pharmacies, the Nonprofit Warehouse is offering a drug discount card program to any individual regardless of age or income. The free card allows the holder to receive discounts on prescriptions at Kmart Pharmacies or the AmeriKind Mail Order Program (for those without access to a local Kmart Pharmacy). For more information contact the Nonprofit Warehouse at or call 770-541-7777.
Group discount drug plans (There are numerous programs and just two examples are below. Please note most discount plans charge membership fees):
- YOURxPlan (run by Merck-Medco Discount Drugs) for more information visit or call 877-733-6765.
- AARP has a group drug plan to find out more call 800-456-2277 or visit
Additional Information
Community health centers, public hospitals, public health departments and/or private not for profit hospitals in your town may be able to help you. For the nearest community health center contact: 888-ASK-HRSA (275-4772)
If you have a specific disease, there may be programs for you. Look for national organizations advocating for people with your condition.
Local social service agencies or religious groups may have emergency funds for medication purchases. You may want to contact the United Way, Salvation Army, or Goodwill.
As always, check with your doctor or pharmacist. Physicians and pharmacists may know about where to get free or discounted medication.
Last updated 9/15/02 for the High Desert Medical Clinic
Information compiled by Madison Macht, OHSU Medical Student