I C D P - InternationalCommittee for Dermatopathology
I C D P - InternationalCommittee for Dermatopathology
International Board Certification in Dermatopathology
The International Society of Dermatopathology and the Ibero-Latinoamerican Society of Dermatopathology will organize under the auspices of the International Committee for Dermatopathology the International Board Certifying Examination in Dermatopathology (Diploma in Dermatopathology) in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, on April 14, 2007.
Participating Societies:
International Society of Dermatopathology
Ibero-Latin American Society of Dermatopathology
I C D P - InternationalCommittee for Dermatopathology
ISDP - InternationalSociety ofDermatopathology
SILADERPA - Sociedad iberolatinoamericana de dermatopaTOlogia
International Board Certification in Dermatopathology – General Information
The International Board Certification in Dermatopathology (Diploma in Dermatopathology) will be organized on April 14, 2007, in Santa Cruz-Bolivia.
The first part of the examination (morning) is a written examination that consists of approximately 50 multiple choice questions. These questions are taken from the relatively recent literature (Journal of Cutaneous Pathology, American Journal of Dermatopathology) and primarily from the major Dermatopathology textbooks. Controversial issues and very recent developments are avoided.
The second portion of the examination (morning – again multiple choice) is a series of projected slides from topics that include immunofluorescence (bullous diseases), immunohistology, and clinical/histological pictures (clinicopathological correlation).
The final section of the examination (afternoon) consists of glass slides (70). The examinees are asked to provide the best diagnosis from multiple choice or short-answer questions. The slides are straight forward; however, a few rare, non-controversial entities will be included.
The deadline for receiptof applications is January 31st, 2007– “first come, first serve”. 40 candidates can be accepted.
The location for the examination and meeting point is:
Hotel Los Tajibos
The examination will begin at 9:00 am; please come 15 min. earlier.
The end is planned at 6:00 pm.
I C D P - InternationalCommittee for Dermatopathology
ISDP - InternationalSociety ofDermatopathology
SILADERPA - Sociedad iberolatinoamericana de dermatopalogia
International Board Certification in Dermatopathology –
Requirements to sit for the Examination
Candidates must have successfully completed their residency training in either dermatology / pathology as required by the various national licensing bodies(Board Certification).
It is expected that after completion of the residency training the candidates have spent a period of 12 months of specialized training (full-time) in dermatopathology or 2 years of experience training (post-board part-time = 50%) in dermatopathology.
They should also confirm continuous and authentic exposure to dermatopathology during their residency time.
A letter of reference by the chairman of the institution or the program director in dermatopathology confirming the training in dermatopathologymust be sent with the application form.
In addition a copy of the Specialist Board Certification in Dermatology and/or Pathology and a curriculum vitae must be included.
I might be useful to send also a list of dermatopathology-related publications from the last 5 years.
At the moment this “grandfather clause” is used.
New regulations will be applied in the future.
I C D P - InternationalCommittee for Dermatopathology
ISDP - InternationalSociety ofDermatopathology
SILADERPA - Sociedad iberolatinoamericana de dermatopalogia
International Board Certification in Dermatopathology – Examples
What follows are examples of questions for the three parts of the examination
(Provide the best diagnosis; only one answer is correct !)
First Session - Written examination:
Example:Neutrophils within a cornified layer are a clue to:
A) Fungal infections
B) Lamellar ichthyosis
C) Pityriasis lichenoides
D) Dermatitis herpetiformis
Second Session - Projection of pictures:
Example:The dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans shown is expressing:
A)Factor XIIIa
B)CD 34
C)CD 68
D)S-100 protein
Third Session (Microscopes will be provided):
Example:44-year-old woman. Scaly erythematous macules and papules on the trunk.
A) Pityriasis rosea
B)Secondary syphilis
C)Allergic contact dermatitis
D)Drug reaction
Other examples of questions can be found in:
I C D P - InternationalCommittee for Dermatopathology
ISDP - InternationalSociety ofDermatopathology
SILADEPA - Sociedad iberolatinoamericana de dermatopalogia
International Board Certification in Dermatopathology – Fee
Registration Fee: US $ 300.00
It is important that the fee has been paid to the following account byFebruary 28, 2007
Name of Account:
International Society of Dermatopathology
Name of Bank: Wachovia Bank, N.A.
Account Number: 2087300011273
Routing Number: 053000219
I C D P - InternationalCommittee for Dermatopathology
ISDP - InternationalSociety ofDermatopathology
SILADERPA - Sociedad iberolatinoamericana de dermatopalogia
International Board Certification in Dermatopathology – Application
The deadline for receipt of applications (including all requested documents, see the attachment) is January 31, 2007.
The number of candidates is limited. The places will be assigned on a “first come, first serve” basis.
Cathy Klapak
International Society of Dermatopathology.
P.O. Box 5717
Winston Salem, NC27113-5717
Application form
I C D P - InternationalCommittee for Dermatopathology
ISDP - InternationalSociety ofDermatopathology
SILADERPA - Sociedad iberolatinoamericana de dermatopalogia
International Board Certification in Dermatopathology – Hotel Reservation
For hotel reservation please contact:
/ Delfina MéndezH.Asistente Centro de Convenciones / Av. San Martín 455
(591+3) 342 1000
Santa Cruz, Bolivia
- Habitación Simple $us. 66.-
- Habitación Doble $us. 79.-
* Esta tarifa goza de un descuento especial aplicable únicamente a la realización de su evento e incluye Desayuno Buffet Americano e Impuestos de Ley.
*Para cualquier consulta al respecto de reserva de habitaciones agradecemos se contacte con nuestro dpto. de Reservas del Hotel:
Rosario Justiniano ó Sara Moreno ó Martha Mendoza al
Telf.: 3-421000 Int. # 5070 ó 5073 y
a los siguientes correos:
I C D P - InternationalCommittee for Dermatopathology
UEMS - Specialist Section of Dermato-Venerology
U E M S - Specialist Section of Pathology
International Board Certification in Dermatopathology–
Officers and Committees
Advisory Board (2006 – 2008)
-Harald Gollnick (President – UEMS-Section Dermato-Venerology) / Magdeburg, Germany
-Helmut Kerl / Graz, Austria
-Rino Cerio / London, United Kingdom
-Bernard Cribier / Strasbourg, France
-Heinz Kutzner / Friedrichshafen, Germany
-Dirk Ruiter (President – UEMS-Section Pathology) / Nijmegen, The Netherlands
-Birgitte Bruun Rasmussen / Roskilde, Denmark
-Martin G.Cook / London, United Kingdom
-Felix Offner / Feldkirch, Austria
-Marco Santucci / Florence, Italy
Examination Committee (2006 – 2008)
Dermatology:Helmut Kerl (Graz, Austria)
Heinz Kutzner (Friedrichshafen, Germany)
Pathology:Birgitte Bruun Rasmussen (Roskilde, Denmark)
Maureen Walsh (Belfast, Northern Ireland)
Secretary:Lorenzo Cerroni (Graz, Austria / Italy)
President ICDP:Günter Burg (Zurich, Switzerland)
Non-European Members:Omar P. Sangueza (Winston-Salem, NC, USA)
Bruce R. Smoller (Little Rock, AR, USA)
Local Organizer:Manfred Wolter (Frankfurt/M., Germany)
I C D P - InternationalCommittee for Dermatopathology
UEMS - Specialist Section of Dermato-Venerology
U E M S - Specialist Section of Pathology
International Board Certification in Dermatopathology – Contact
Helmut Kerl, M.D.
Department of Dermatology
MedicalUniversity of Graz
Auenbruggerplatz 8
A-8036 Graz
Ph.: 0043-316-385-2538
Fax: 0043-316-385-3424
Lorenzo Cerroni, M.D.
Department of Dermatology
MedicalUniversity of Graz
Auenbruggerplatz 8
A-8036 Graz
Ph.: 0043-316-385-3026
Fax: 0043-316-385-2466