Virginia K. Gerber

  1. Unit Outline – Costa Rica throughEcotourism

Unit Objectives:

1.Students will be able to locate major cities and landforms on a Costa Rica map.

  1. Students will be able to research, create a travel brochure, and present a 7-day ecotour program to Costa Rica.

National Standards:


1.1Express feelings, provide information

1.2Understand written language

1.3Present information


2.1 Demonstrate relationship betwen perspectives and practices

2.2 Demonstrate relationship between perspectives and products


2.1Knowledge of other disciplines

2.2Acquire information only available through foreign language and culture


4.1 Compare target language and own language

4.2 Compare target culture and own culture


5.1 Use language within and beyond school setting

  1. Introduction to Costa Rica – 2 days
  1. Photos of Costa Rica – transparencies
  2. Rain forest music
  3. Student research – Costa Rica facts
  4. Connect student information to overhead map
  5. Poem on Costa Rica or rain forest
  1. Costa Rica WebQuest – ecotourism – 8-10 days
  1. Travel brochure, poster, oral presentation

Virginia K. Gerber

Costa Rica through Ecotourism

Lesson 1

Prior Knowledge:Adjective description phrases

Use of verb ser

Objectives:1.Students will be able to describe photos of Costa Rica, comparing

and contrasting to U.S.

  1. Students will be able to listen and respond to rain forest music,

drawing what the music makes them see.

Standards:1.1Express feelings, provide information

1.3Present information

3.1Knowledge of other disciplines

Methods:1.Introduction to Costa Rica

Photos of Costa Rica (transparency)

Students offer descriptions of photos

Make connections to U.S. – parks students have visited, etc.

List new vocabulary on newsprint sheet on wall for reference

2.Rain forest music – hand out blank paper

Listen with eyes closed

Draw what you hear

Class discuss: What did the music make you see?

  1. Poem “Costarricense” on overhead, copies for students

Class read, underline familiar words

Groups of 4: list descriptions of land

Discuss – what this description of land means to students

Class Review

Homework:Research facts on Costa Rica, i.e., size, flag, gov’t, cities, land forms

Materials needed:Newsprint

Costa Rica transparencies

Rain forest CD

Blank paper

Poem “Costarricense”: overhead and student copies

Virginia K. Gerber

Costa Rica through Ecotourism

Lesson 2

Objectives:1.Students will be able to complete Costa Rica map with cites, land

forms, country facts

2.Students will be able to compare and contrast Costa Rica information to U.S.

  1. Students will be able to read and discuss poem “La Tierra Esta Triste”

Standards:1.1Provide information

3.1Knowledge of other disciplines – geography

4.2Compare other culture to own

Homework:Costa Rica facts

Methods:1.Overhead map of Costa Rica

Handout – Costa Rica map

Class discuss homework, labeling map with all information

Compare with U.S.: size, population, mountains, etc.

  1. Poem “La Tierra Esta Triste”

Class read, underline familiar words

Pairs - list in two columns:

Vocabulary of natureActions

Class compare responses, discuss

Why do you think the land was sad?

Class Review

Materials Needed:Overhead – Costa Rica map

Handout – Costa Rica map

Blank transparency to cover map

Handout poem “La Tierra Esta Triste”

Virginia K. Gerber

Costa Rica through Ecotourism

Lesson 3

Objectives:1.Students will be able to listen and respond to discuss on ecotourism.

  1. Students will be able to read and discuss WebQuest.

3.Students will be able to choose role assignments for group members.

  1. Students will be able to discuss materials needed and individual responsibilities.

Standards:1.2Interpret written and spoken language

2.1Understand relationship between perspectives and practices

2.2Understand relationship between perspectives and products

4.2Compare cultures

Methods:1.Present idea of ecotourism

Two sides of tourism: la naturaleza vs. sociedad

Naturaleza = interesting to many; natural resources

Sociedad = utilizes materials of nature; demands of

tourism: hotels, restaurants, services

Goal: quieren turismo más tranquilo


Maintain characteristics of a zone with the

most respect toward nature

Have tourism for study, use, learning, without abuse

Maintain nature without destruction

Examples of tourism: Playa Jaco vs. Monteverde

Hotel Chain (use economy)

Road to Monteverde helps control access

Risks of excess tourism:

Contamination of water

Nature has the capacity to cleanse itself, but with

too much use it cannot maintain itself – leading to destruction of an area

  1. Display WebQuest on television

Class read and discuss

Students choose groups

  1. Groups get together

Assign tasks

Discuss materials needed and responsibilities of members

Class Review

Materials:TV / computer connection

Virginia K. Gerber

Costa Rica through Ecotourism

Lesson 4

Objectives:1.Students will be able to research and compile general information

from given websites

  1. Students will be able to share information and develop common body

of information on Costa Rica

  1. Students will be able to choose research roles for tomorrow

Standards:1.2Understand written language

(WebQuest)1.3Present information

2.1Understand relationship between perspectives and practices

2.2Understand relationship between perspectives and products

3.1Knowledge of other disciplines – technology, geography

3.2Acquire information and recognize viewpoints of other culture

4.2Understand culture through comparing own with other

Methods:1.Groups research websites in Resources section

Assign website to each member

Research for as much information as possible, note down

  1. Return to group – discuss information and form consensus of

knowledge of Costa Rica

3.Discuss research roles for tomorrow

Class Review

Materials Needed:Computer lab

Costa Rica materials (books, brochures, etc.)

Virginia K. Gerber

Costa Rica through Ecotourism

Lesson 5

Objectives:1.Students will be able to research topic.

  1. Students will be able to compile information supporting research


  1. Students will be able to print desired artwork.

Methods:1.Research individual topic, gather information for brochure and

poster; print desired artwork

Class Review

Virginia K. Gerber

Costa Rica through Ecotourism

Lesson 6

Objectives:1.Students will be able to complete research on topic.

  1. Students will be able to print desired artwork.
  2. Students will be able to write information for brochure.

Methods:1.Continue individual research.

  1. Print desired artwork.
  1. Return to groups, exchange information / ideas

Script individual parts for brochure.

Class Review

Homework:Complete assembling artwork and scripting individual parts for brochure

Virginia K. Gerber

Costa Rica through Ecotourism

Lesson 7

Objectives:1.Group will be able to compile all information and artwork into


  1. Group will plan poster.

Methods:1.Group – complete brochure.

  1. Plan poster

Assign individual roles / responsibilities


Information to be provided

Materials to be assembled

Class Review

Virginia K. Gerber

Costa Rica through Ecotourism

Lesson 8

Objectives:1.Students will be able to complete individual research as needed

  1. Group will be able to assemble poster

Methods:1.Return to computer if needed for information for poster

  1. Group assemble poster

Class Review

Virginia K. Gerber

Costa Rica through Ecotourism

Lesson 9

Objectives:1.Group will practice presentation

Methods:1.Group practice presentation

Class Review

Virginia K. Gerber

Costa Rica through Ecotourism

Lesson 10

Objectives:1.Students will be able to present tour of Costa Rica

Methods:1.Groups present projects

Class Review

Costa Rica through Ecotourism

Lesson 11

Objectives:1.Students will be able to discuss knowledge of Costa Rica gained

during WebQuest.

  1. Students will be able to complete Costa Rica map with information learned in WebQuest.
  2. Students will be able to compare Costa Rica to U.S.

Methods:1.Class discussion “What did you learn from this activity?”

Compare Costa Rica to U.S. in terms of geography, ecology

  1. Overhead – Costa Rica map

Fill in with areas studied by students





Class Review

Homework:Study map for quiz

Materials:Overhead map – Costa Rica

Costa Rica Project

Lesson 12

Objectives:1.Students will be able to complete map of Costa Rica with given


Standards:1.3Present information

2.1Relationship between perspectives and practices

2.2Relationship between perspectives and products

3.1Knowledge of other disciplines – geography

Methods:1.Handout – quiz

Costa Rica map, blank with word bank of information to be

placed on map. Word bank will include land forms, cities,

natural areas, artisan and cultural areas.

Materials:Blank Costa Rica map

Word bank

Class Review

Quiz Word Bank

AlajuelaCartagoHerediaPuerto Limón

San José SarchiVolcán ArenalVolcán Póas Braulio Carrillo Monteverde Manual Antonio Tortuguero

Río San JuanOcéano PacíficoMar CaribePuntarenas

Cordillera GuanacasteCordillera CentralCordillera Talamanca

(Note: This list will be amended to reflect specific information presented by each class)