1. Organisms have to be able to reproduce to survive.
4.a type of mammal characterized by opposable thumbs and binocular (eye in front and 3D vision) vision
5. 4.6 billion years ago (bya) to 540 million years ago (mya) -DOMINATED by archaea-bactreria, bacteria and protozoan life forms
9. human practice of choosing the desired traits in an organism and breeding the organisms so offspring will have it and that trait will dominate future generations
14.the standard method of diving up Earth’s long Natural history into manageable time parts
16.the ability to blend in to the environmental background like a tiger's stripes blend in with tall grasses
18. Different DNA; each person has slightly different traits.
21. When organisms produce more babies than will survive.
22.the species of hominids that include modern humans and their closest ancestors the first appeared about 160,000 years ago
23. Provides a historical record of life.
24.formation of a new species as a result of evolution and where two populations of the species can no longer interbreed (3 steps-separation, adaptation, division)
25. Developed theory of evolution by natural selection. Wrote the "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection"
26.any method that estimates age of object/event based on years and it uses atomic decay rates and half-lives of atoms to give close approximate of age
27.the specific role or job and organism has in the environment like pollinator, predator, prey, decomposer
28.the passing of traits from parents to offspring through reproduction
29.any method of determining whether an event or object is older or younger based on estimation and the relationships to other events or objects
30. Time between birth of one generation & the birth of the next.
2. the theory that explains how large pieces of the Earth's crust move and change over time
3. The natural environment doesn't have enough resources for all organisms to live and individuals with the best traits survive in the given environment
5.means ancient life, from 542 mya to 251 mya dominated by Plants, insects, and ocean organisms like sponges, corals, clams, squids, sharks and fish (1st backbones/vertebrates show up)
6.means middle life from 251 mya to 65 mya and is the age of reptiles (Dinosaurs)
7.a type of primate characterized by bipedalism (walk on 2 legs), relative long lower limbs, and no tail
8. Group of organisms that are closely related genetically and can mate with each other AND produce fertile offspring
10. Process where populations accumulate genetically INHERITED changes (adapted traits) within a population over time and new species sometimes arise.
11.trace, remains or imprints of once-living organisms that have died out
12.the close external resemblance of an animal or plant (or part of one) to another animal, plant,or inanimate object
13.remains of a once useful part of the body (evidence of structural evolution)
15.when a species dies out completely
16.means recent life from 65 mya to current time dominated by mammals and known as age of mammals
17.process by which individuals that are adapted with genetic traits to their environment survive and reproduce more successfully then less well adapted organisms, process of how evolution takes place. It can also happen due to genetic drift and genetic flow across species and random genetic mutations.
19.physical genetic quality passed from 1 generation to the next in regards to evolution successful environmental traits allow organism to survive better
20. Characteristic that improves an organism's ability to survive AND reproduce in a given environment