Please submit comments to Julia Powell / Date: November 2015 / Document: S-100 version 2.0.0
1 / 2 / (3) / 4 / 5 / (6) / (7)
Component / CO1
/ Clause No./
Subclause No./
(e.g. 3.1) / Paragraph/
(e.g. Table 1) / Type of com-ment2 / Comment (justification for change) by the CO3 / Proposed change by the CO / Secretariat observations
on each comment submitted
Comments related to S100 V2 Part 8 and alignment with ISO.
Since the IHO S100 uses the ISO TC211 standards as of 2006 as a base referenced, and the primary ISO Imagery, Gridded and Coverage data standards were not completed until approximately 2010, the existing S100 is deficient. Alignment with the standards:
ISO 19101-2:2008 Geographic information -- Reference model -- Part 2: Imagery;
ISO 19129:2009, Geographic information -- Imagery, gridded and coverage data framework;
ISO 19123:2005 , Geographic information -- Schema for coverage geometry and functions;
ISO 19115-2:2009, Geographic information -- Metadata -- Part 2: Extensions for imagery and gridded data;
ISO/TS 19130:2010, Geographic information - Imagery sensor models for geopositioning;
are important for the development of the IHO suite of standards, especially for coverage and gridded data type standards such as S-102 Bathymetry, S-111 Surface Currents, and S-112 tides and water levels.
ISO 19129 was largely based on input from IHO through liaison and by IHO members. This ISO standard is generally in line with S-100 but there were a few changes made in ISO.
ISO TC211 has recently added other standards to the suite of Imagery, Gridded and Coverage data standards that are applicable such as:/
ISO/TS 19130-2:2014, Geographic information -- Imagery sensor models for geopositioning -- Part 2: SAR, InSAR, lidar and sonar;
ISO/TS 19159-1:2014, Geographic information -- Calibration and validation of remote sensing imagery sensors and data -- Part 1: Optical sensors;
which have relevance, especially the Sonar part of 19130-2 that was largely contributed by IHO members.
ISO is also currently developing additional parts of ISO 19159, two parts of which is planned to address the Calibration and Validation of Sonar and Lidar. Also a standard is being developed for encoding (ISO 19163) which will have relevance to S-102, S-111, and S-112.
ISO is also in the process of its systematic review and is revising many of these standards. Of particular importance is the revision of ISO 19123 and the development of a new part for ISO 19123 done as a joint standard with OGC for an implementation model.
Bringing the S-100 standard to at least alignment with the 2010 version of the ISO standards is very important for the standards such as S-102 and S-111 to work. A strategy is needed to maintain alignment with the ISO standards because alignment with very old ISO standards, some of which have been withdrawn by ISO is problematic.
The following are comments that propose alignment with the ISO Imagery, Gridded and Coverage data standards, up to 2013 (i.e. those standards published by 2010). These corrections could be made to the next revision of S-100.
Most of the changes are the revision of diagrams taken from the UML model. There are some changes in style of the model resulting from the use of UML 2.0 rather than UML 1.1. For example a sequence is shown as Sequence<Record rather than as Record (Sequence). Attributes have been corrected to match UML 2.0, which is what ISO TC211 is using. Also ISO TC211 now uses the Enterprise Architect UML tool so the presentation colours have changed. Tan is used for internal classes and grey for external (ISO) classes.
CHS 1 / Part 8 / All model figures / Ed / The style of the models in the current draft of S-100 version 2 is that of IBM Rational Rose 98. ISO currently uses the Enterprise Architecture software which more closely complies with the UML Version 2 specification. The result is that external classes that are inherited from are shown in the header of the class, as are any stereotypes. The colouration of the classes is also different. Classes in S100 are shown in light brown and external ISO classes in light grey. / Change the style of presentation of models to UML 2.0 using the EA software and the tan/light grey colouration scheme.
If it is required to follow the older Rational Rose presentation style then the models may need to be recoloured using a drawing program such as Adobe.
For consistency the Figures 8-18, 8-20, 8-21, 8-22, 8-23, 8-24, 8-27, 8-28, 8-29, 8-30, 8-F1, 8-F2 should all be drawn with a similar style.
CHS 2 / Part 8 -7.1.4
/ Figure 8-23
/ Te / S100 shows the class CV_GridValuesMatrix to have the attribute gridRange with type CV_GridRange. ISO does not have this attribute on this class. / Remove the attribute to align with the ISO model.
CHS 3 / Part 8 -7.1.4
/ Figure 8-23
/ Ed / S100 shows the operations as part of the class CV_RectifiedGrid and CV_GridValuesMatrix. Three of these inherited attributes are realized in the class S100_Grid. As such they should be show in CV_RectifiedGrid and CV_GridValuesMatrix to make it clear where the origin is. / Show the inherited attributes in classes CV_RectifiedGrid and CV_GridValuesMatrix.
CHS 4 / Part 8 -7.1.4
/ Figure 8-23
/ Ed / S100 does not show the inherited attributes in classes CV_RectifiedGrid. Showing the operations on this one class is unnecessary. / Do not show the operations.
CHS 5 / Part 8 -7.2
/ Figure 8-24
/ Ed / S100 shows the operations as part of the classes CV_RectifiedGrid and CV_ReferencableGrid. Showing the operations on these classes is useful here since it shows the operations used to effect transformations.
However the ISO model shows role names on the generalization relations. These should be taken from the ISO model.
Also the referenced type classes should be shown for completeness.
Note this model is from the 2005 version of the ISO 19123 standard. Nothing has changed in ISO. / Include the role names on the generalization relationship for classes CV_GridValuesMatrix and CV_RectifiedGrid
Include the referenced classes
UML version 2 has also changed the way operations and sequences are presented. Use the new UML 2 method.
CHS 6 / Part 8 -8.3
/ Figure 8-27
Part8-8.3 par 1
/ Ed/Te / Part 8 of S-100 was completed before the ISO 19101-2 Reference Model for Imagery and the ISO 19129 Imagery Gridded and Coverage Data Framework standards. In fact the 19129 standard was created based on major input from IHO. However this means that the final changes in ISO where their standards were being completed are not reflected in S-100. S100 says that Figure 8-27 is “a generalization of ISO 19102-2”. This is not the case. No figure even remotely like Figure 8-27 appears in ISO 19102-2. / Remove the sentence “This figure is a generalization of ISO 19102-2.” from S100.
CHS 7 / Part 8 -8.3
/ Figure 8-27
Part8-8.3 and Part 8-8.4
/ Te / Many of the relationships in Figure 8-27 do not exist in ISO, or are much more complex involving intermediate classes. Since this figure shows only ISO classes S-100 must use the relations that are defined in ISO. Only on S100 classes can add relations or attributes to an ISO class. / Since there is no corresponding ISO model elements this entire figure is misleading. It should be entirely replaced with a new figure derived from the ISO 19129 Figure 7.
The text of Part 8-8.3 par 2 will need some minor rewriting to accommodate this change.
Also the text of Part 8-8.3 par 2 is out of date since ISO 19115-2 has been published so there will also need to be some minor changes to accommodate this. There is also an need to address the change in the status of quality metadata in Part 8-8.4
CHS 8 / Part 8 -11.1
/ Figure 8-28
/ Te / The relationships and attributes in the ISO 19129 standard are different than those in S100 part 8. Since this figure uses all ISO classes the relationships and attributes must match ISO.
The class IF_QuadGriddedData is related to CV_ContinuousQuadrilateralGridCoverage by a Realization relationship rather than a Specialization relationship, and there are additional attributes.
For the classes CV_GridValueCell, CV_GridValuesMatrix, and CV_GridPointValuePair the inherited attributes need to be shown since they are relevant.
The supporting classes are stereotyped <codeList> not <enumeration> in ISO. / Figure 8-29 should be revised to match the ISO model. See attached file.
CHS 9 / Part 8 -11.4
/ Figure 8-29
/ Te / The relationships and attributes in the ISO 19129 standard are different than those in S100 part 8. Since this figure uses all ISO classes the relationships and attributes must match ISO.
The class IF_RiemannGriddedData is related to CV_ContinuousQuadrilateralGridCoverage by a Realization relationship rather than a Specialization relationship, and there are additional attributes.
For the classes CV_GridValueCell, CV_GridValuesMatrix, and CV_GridPointValuePair the inherited attributes need to be shown since they are relevant.
The supporting classes are stereotyped <codeList> not <enumeration> in ISO. / Figure 8-29 should be revised to match the ISO model. See attached File.
CHS 10 / Part 8 -11.4
/ Figure 8-30
/ Ed / This figure is essentially a duplicate for Figure 8-F1. All that is needed in this figure is the introduction of one relationship. The figure should be simplified so that it shows that one relationship and does not duplicate Figure 8-F1 / Figure 8-30 should be simplified.
CHS 11 / Part 8 –Appendix 8-F
/ Figure 8-F1
/ Ed / For the classes CV_GridValuesMatrix, and CV_GridPointValuePair the inherited attributes need to be shown since they are relevant. / Figure 8-F1 should be revised to show the inherited attributes.
CHS 12 / Part 8 –Appendix 8-F
/ Figure 8-F.2
/ Te / Part 8 of S-100 was completed before the ISO 19129 Imagery Gridded and Coverage Data Framework standards. The classes IF_FeatureGridValuesMatrix and IF_ImageGridValuesMatrix are not part of the ISO standard so they cannot be used in this model. Two new S100 classes S100_FeatureGridValuesMatrix and S100_ImageGridValuesMatrix need to be created and these become realizations of CV_GridValuesMatrix. / Figure 8-F.2 should be revised to show the new classes replacing the non-existent ISO classes.
1 CO = Contributing Organisation (HOs should use 2 character codes e.g. FR AU etc.)
2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial
3 Whilst not compulsory, comments are more likely to be accepted if accompanied by a proposed change.
NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory.
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