Zero Carbon Workshop Notes
Internal Council / CitywideEnergy efficiency / Heating efficiency in old buildings / Warm Front exists but there is an education barrier to increased access of sustainable options
Increase turn off of electrical appliances overnight / Need increased communications re money saving benefits and also targeted at younger generation
Council purchasing – ensure sustainable options are favoured (and costs are looked at over the long term) / Trader training – householder information
LED traffic lights / Preferred suppliers – list of suppliers offering sustainable options special status
Link with City College / South Downs College to train trades people in energy efficiency and micro-generation
Grants for boilers, energy efficiency, insulation etc and consistent policy, not changing all the time (e.g. promised £800, then reduced to £300)
Smart meters available to borrow from the library
Micro generation / Highlight payback vs. investment
Need increased information on which technologies work
Low / zero interest loans for energy efficiency and micro-generation (credit union?)
Community generation / Build a waste to energy plant
Work with local power station to recycle waste hot water (from cooling) to be re-used locally (district heating?). Shoreham CHP could recover 400MW!
Encourage use of pellets from waste wood
Energy efficiency / Encourage more jumpers / layers, less heating
Turn down heating
Enforce energy certificates – lobby and increase awareness around energy use
Buy energy efficiency / rated appliances only
Listen to your children
Group together work in a community / community events / street parties
Community groups
Communications forums, internet, meetings, social forums, activities
Utilising groups and contacts
Overarching framework, link in with TT
Skills training and apprenticeships
Loans of equipment e.g. smart meters
Information on where you should invest your money for best payback
Info on which trades people to use
Micro generation / Access grants for installation of solar panels / insulation
Local demonstrations
Be open minded to making changes / use of renewable energy / increase awareness
Group together, act as a community
Take more responsibility – act and think positively, encourage each other
Community generation / Communities to join together with business to replicate successful models – build on what works and share best practice
Investing in community
Switch to green energy
Businesses / Organisations
Energy efficiency / Public sector / services
Pooled procurement budgets
School renewal
NHS reduce energy
Embed responsibility and integrating across council
Energy managers club across county
Subsidise smart meters
Training for contractors skills
Cap and trade allowances
Put financial value on carbon e.g. Brighton Uni
Energy monitor champion
Switch off centrally
Put yellow arrows on computers showing how much you can save
Star rating – zero carbon cooperative organisations
Local exemplars e.g. Waitrose, Whetherspoons
Encourage staff to evaluate their own footprint
Micro generation / Eden Project, china clay
Woodchip burning to provide 50% space and water heating
Buy PV and wind turbines
Trade Associations co-operation
Community generation / ESCOs – utilities, power, engagement with energy providers for heat and power
Housing Associations – upsizing to improve stock
Feasibility for different technologies e.g. CHP in mixed use areas, identify opportunities
Windfall tax from energy companies
SE woodfuels – energy co supplying wood delivered to biomass boiler, local examples e.g. One Brighton, work with hospitals too