(Club 1053, District 14)
JULY 1, 2003 TO JUNE 30, 2004
This plan outlines the goals and objectives of GSU Campus TalkersfromJuly 1, 2003 to June 30, 2004. Officers elected for the January-June 2004 term are encouraged to review this plan in January and revise the plan and/or strategies to meet our goals.
The mission of GSU Campus Talkers is to create a professional, friendly, and supportive environment in which members of the GSU community (students, faculty, staff, alumni) can develop their communication and leadership skills, through implementing programs and practices recommended by Toastmasters International.
The objective of our Club is to become a President’s Distinguished Club for 2003-2004 by achieving 9 of the 10 goals specified by Toastmasters International. Here is our plan for accomplishing this goal.
DISTINGUISHED CLUB REQUIREMENTS / OWNER / WHO / RESULTS1 / 2 CTMs (10 Speeches from first manual) / Lisa/Rachael / Paul Gachanja? 07/03
Bin Han? 12/03 / COMPLETE
2 / At least 2 Additional CTMs (10 speeches from first manual) / Lisa/Rachael / Lisa Lin?
Mae Okwando? 12/02
3 / 1 ATM (2 ATM manuals/5 speeches each) / Lisa/Rachael / Regina Davis?
4 / At least 1 additional ATM (2 ATM manuals/5 speeches each) / Lisa/Rachael / Michele Colen?
5 / 1 CL (officer, attend training, 2 SCS, AL or DTM speeches) / Lisa/Rachael / Regina Davis? 1st 07/16
6 / At least 1 additional CL, AL, DTM / Lisa/Rachael / Stacey King?
7 / 4 new members / Leslie/Rachael
Sharon / C.Filfili,D.Moore, R.Hall, SYang / COMPLETE
8 / At least 4 additional new members / Leslie/Rachael,
Sharon / M.Herrera, K.Lewis, LTian, S.Towns / COMPLETE
9 / Submit all reports to TM on time: semi-annual Club officers list & semi-annual dues and membership list / Dr. White / Dues by 4/ 1 and 10/1
Officers by 11/1 & 5/1 / COMPLETE
10 / At least 4 officers attend District 14 Leadership Institute semi-annually (Peachtree Presbyterian Church, Atlanta)
- Summer (4 officers) Winter (4 officers)
01/10/04: 5 attended / COMPLETE
Required: 4 new members or at least 20 members as of June 30, 2004 / Leslie/Rachael,
The following action plan shows the specific actions that officers and members will take for the Club to meet its stated goals and objectives.
EDUCATION PLAN / WHEN / OWNER / RESULTSImprove the effectiveness of our educational program by following TM guidelines to ensure members meettheir personal goals.
- Schedule manual speeches for every educational session, coordinating speeches with meeting/time requirements.
- Maintain a list of personal goals for every member; meetwith current members once a semester to establish goals.
- Meet with new members during 1st week of membership to schedule IceBreaker; meet with new members during 1st month to establish goals.
- Invite a guest speaker as part of Professional Speaker Series at least twice a semester.
02/04: Shawn Lesser
- Assign mentors to all new members.
- Provide training materials for mentors and mentees.
- Train evaluators to deliver constructive criticism
Increase membership by promoting GSU Campus Talkers and implementing a PR Plan that includes:
- Target undergraduates taking BCOM 3950, MBA students and PHD students.
- Participate in the Student Organization Marketplace.
- Include professional flyer in MBA Women’s Mentoring Program packets & Women’s Leadership Forum packets.
- Keep website current to attract prospective members; meeting date/time/place; promote special events
- Put notice in the Signal’s weekly Calendar of Events
- Coordinate w/ Signal to get a article (& picture) about our Club published at least once a year.
Improve the effectiveness of our meetings and the value of TM membership for every member by adhering to the following guidelines:
Hold one business meeting each month / 1st meeting each month / Regina/Chadi / COMPLETED for June-Dec 2003
Hold one Speech-A-Thon each semester / November & May / Lisa/Rachael
Hold onejoint meeting with a professional Club a year / Regina / Georgia Pacific 2003
Hold one social event each semester to celebrate outgoing officers/incoming officers/graduates / December & May / Committee / 2003-Holiday Party
Toastmasters use “How I Want to be Introduced” book to introduce members / Ongoing / As assigned
Role players use “Toastmasters Wear Many Hats” to understand/meet role requirements / Ongoing / As assigned
Officers/members practice appropriate TM etiquette / Every meeting / Officers as role models
Set up “welcome table”
- Member sign-in sheet/pen & name badges
- Guest book/pen, New Member Applications, FAQ sheet, brochures, newsletter, Toastmasters magazine
- Sign-up sheet for next meeting; ballots
- Agenda (Lisa/Rachael)
No meetings scheduled for the following dates:
- Summer break 2003: August 6 and 13
- Spring break 2004: March 10
- Thanksgiving 2003: November 26
- Holiday break 2003: December 17, 24, 31; January 7
- Summer break 2004: May
Improve the effectiveness of club communication to help all members improve their communication skills by adhering to the following guidelines:- Hold at least one officers’ meeting a semester.
- E-mail minutes of previous month’s business meeting to all members before next business meeting – Dr. White to review before they go out.
Dr. White
- Maintain “How I Want To Be Introduced” notebook for Toastmasters to use to provide member introductions that spark our interest
- Business meetings: Coordinate meeting times with VPE: draft business meeting agenda; collaborate with Dr. White; edit; bring copies to meeting
- Educational Sessions: Each week, fill roles/speakers for next meeting; e-mail new agenda to members; edit; bring copies of final agenda to meeting
- Meeting Review: Summarize every meeting in an upbeat e-mail to all members; recognize accomplishments; promote events
Club officers are responsible for monitoring the progress of this plan and for making changes or taking action to ensure objectives are met.
Each officer is responsible for
- Carrying out his/her duties as specified in his/her officers’ manual efficiently, effectively and expeditiously.
- Notifying the President and or other officers, in a timely manner when he/she is unable to fulfill the role as specified.
Each member is responsible for:
- Making a commitment to attend meetings regularly and to assume roles at meetings.
- Creating and following a plan to meet their personal goals and assisting in meeting the club’s goals. All members should submit a plan showing their personal goals to the VPE in September and January of each year of membership.
- Notifying the VP/E or his/her mentor, in a timely manner, if s/he is unable to accomplish these objectives.
Meeting times
Club meetings will be held on Wednesdays -- 12:30 to 1:15 PM -- in 609 Classroom South, Georgia State University, 100 Decatur Street SE, Atlanta, GA 30303-3202.
Club Officers – July 1 to December 31, 2003
President / Regina Davis /VP Education / Lisa Lin /
VP Membership / Leslie Gaines /
Replaced L.Gaines09/2003 / Rachael Farah /
VP Public Relations / Michele Colen /
Secretary/Treasurer / Mae Okwandu /
Sergeant at Arms / Bin Han /
Webmaster / Sonia Winters /
Faculty Advisor / Dr. Carol White /
Prepared by: Regina Davis, President
Reviewed by: Dr. Carol White
Approved at Business Meeting: September 3, 2003
Club Officers – January 1 to June 30, 2004
President / Chadi Filfili /VP Education / Rachael Farah /
VP Membership / Sharon Towns /
VP Public Relations / Maribel Herrera /
Replaced MHerrera 03/2004
Secretary/Treasurer / Stacey King /
Sergeant at Arms / Rhondre Hall /
Webmaster / Sonia Winters /
Faculty Advisor / Dr. Carol White /
Updated: March 2, 2004 by CSW.