The Executive Committee and Board of Directors constitute the NCCDEAGoverning Board.

The Executive Committee is composed of President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and Past President. The Governing Board consists of the Executive Board and the Board of Directors; which includes a representative from each of the eight NCASWCD areas.


Must be a dues paying member of NCCDEA.

Must attend and emphasize the importance to all NCCDEA members to attend the annual NCCET.

Attend NCCDEA Mid-Year Board Meeting.

Know the structure of the NCCDEA Board and keep a current list of board member’s contact information (available on the NCCDEA website).

Have working knowledge of the boundaries of the eight (8) NCASWCD Association Areas, who the NCCDEA AreaDirectors are and what area they serve.

Maintain and be familiar with the currentNCCDEA By-Laws and Policies.

Maintain a current list of NCCDEA Committees. Know the function of all NCCDEA Committees and assist the chairmen if needed.

Communicate all pertinent information in a timely manner. Designate an alternate individual to distribute information in the event of absence or inability to fulfill the duties of the Area Director. Notify the Governing Board in the event the alternate will temporally assume responsibility as the Area Director.

Be professional in all areas of work. Ensure that the information being distributed is punctual and accurate.

Be prepared to serve on the NCCET Program and Planning Committee.

NCCDEA Board of Directors

The Board of Directors consists of eight (8) members, one from each NCASWCD Association Area and shall have the following powers in addition to those granted in other sections of the Bylaws:

  • It shall be the responsibility to represent and vote according to the interest of the DEA members of the Association Area they represent.
  • It is the responsibility to transmit information from the NCCDEA to their respective Area.
  • Encourage employees and supervisors in your Area to join and maintain membership in NCCDEA.
  • Familiarize new district employees and supervisors with the Association and encourage them to join and maintain membership with NCCDEA.
  • Distribute all relevant information to the District Employees in your area. In the event it’s unclear to whom the intended recipients are, contact the sender for clarification before distributing.
  • Know and understand the NCCDEA role at the NCASWCD Annual Meetings. When present, be prepared to assist the Executive Committee at these meetings.


The officers consist of President, Vice-President,Secretary, Treasurer, and the Immediate Past President and constitute the Associations Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall also have the power to act in the name of the Association between regular or special board meetings. The duties of the Association's Executive Committee shall be as follows:

The duties of the President include:

  1. Shall have responsibility for the generalaffairs of the Association.
  2. Preside over Association, membership meetings and business sessions of the NCCDEA Board.
  3. Ensure the timely election/or appointment of officers and area directors.
  4. Shall be empowered to appoint at his/her discretion any person or committee to expedite the objectives of the Association.
  5. Shall annuallyappoint a nominating committee, consisting ofthe NCCDEA Past President,one member of board of directors, and one active member.
  6. Is responsible for planning the agenda for the annual meeting, the mid-year board meeting, meeting at the NCASWCD Annual meeting and any other planned meetings.
  7. The President or his/her designee serves as the Association's representative to the Southeast Conservation District Employees Association.
  8. Shall ensure that an annual internal audit has been completed by mid-year meeting.
  9. With assistance of the secretary will send notice of the annual meeting, mid-year meeting and special meetings to each AreaDirector.
  10. Shall work in concert with the Vice-President throughout term to ensure smooth transition of leadership to incoming President.
  11. Perform other duties as necessary.
  12. Prepare proposed Annual Plan of Work to be adopted by the Governing Board at the mid-year meeting.

In addition:

  • In the event the President is unavailable to attend meetings, the President shall contact Vice-Presidentand delegate duties in a timely manner.
  • Appoint Parliamentarian for all business meetings.
  • Assist in preparing and conducting the NCCET as well as developing programs for future meetings of the Association.
  • Will co-sign with Secretary, Treasurer or Vice- President all legal documents of the Associationas appropriate.
  • In the event amendments are made in the NCCDEA’s By-Laws, ensure that the appropriate documents are updatedand distributed in a timely manner.
  • Annually review the guidelines of each NCCDEA Committee, know the functions of all committees and assist the chairs if needed.
  • Stress to each Area Director the importance of encouraging District Employees and Supervisorsto become members of NCCDEA.
  • Maintain President’s notebook and keep it updated. This resource shall be provided to the incoming NCCDEA President.
  • Ensure each current board memberand committee chair receive an updated copy of the Governing Board and Committee Member Handbook.
  • Will assist with the presentation of the Outstanding Conservation District Supervisorand Outstanding Conservation District Professional Awards.
  • Shall provide for an external audit if needed during their term of office.
  • Review the standing committees each yearand ensure they are meeting their charge. If the President and/or the Governing Board choose, the President may serve as ex-officio member of all committees.

The duties of the Vice-President include:

  1. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall assume the responsibilities and perform the duties of the President.
  2. Shall recommend to the Executive Committee a location for the mid-year board meeting.
  3. Perform other duties as assigned by the President and/or the Board.

In addition:

  • Coordinate the presentation of the Outstanding District Conservation Supervisor and Outstanding Conservation District Professional awards program and secure awards.
  • Chair the Professional District Employee Program Committee; secure certificates and /or plaques and coordinate presentation.
  • Assist in preparing and conducting the annual NCCDEAmeeting as well as developing programs for future meetings of the Association.
  • Represent the NCCDEA President at any meeting said President is unavailable. Assist the President with additional responsibilities upon request.
  • Must familiarize yourself with duties of President while serving as Vice-President.

The duties of the Secretary include:

  1. Record the minutes of all meetings and provide copies of the meeting minutes to each member of the board within 30 days following a meeting.
  2. Maintain the official book of minutes for the Association. Ensure timely transfer of official records when a newly elected secretary assumes office.
  3. Perform other duties as assigned by the President and/or the Board.

In addition:

  • Assure any approved changes to the By-Laws are updated.
  • Maintain updated lists of board members with contact information as well as By-Laws, Policies, Committees and Committee members.
  • As policies are adopted/deleted by the executive board, assure such changes are updated on policy documents in a timely manner.

The Treasurer shall be bonded and the duties include:

  1. Keep full and accurate records of all financial transactions.
  2. All disbursements shall be in accordance with either the Associations budget or the Executive Committee's expense policy (see Policy #13-01), before payment is made.
  3. Keep a record of all receipts. Maintain a detailed list of all deposits and expenditures.
  4. Prepare and present a financial report at the mid-year board meeting and to the membership at theannual meeting.
  5. Will assist the President in preparing a proposed budget for the upcoming year to be presented at the NCCDEA annual meeting.
  6. Prepare and present a proposed budget for the upcoming year to the membership at the annual meeting.
  7. Maintain all Association's funds in a banking institution in the Association's name.
  8. Receive membershipdues.
  9. Maintain record of Audit Committee report.
  10. Maintain all financial records of the Association. Ensure timely transfer of official records when a newly elected treasurer assumes office.
  11. Perform other duties as assigned by the President and/or the Board.
  12. Maintain the attained 501(c)3 status.
  13. Annually file the IRS Form 990 and any other required documentation before deadlines set by IRS.

In addition:

  • Must provide all financial documents needed to perform all audits.
  • Keep records of reimbursable travel expenses of Officers.
  • Maintain financialrecords for Benevolence Committee. Payments will be mailed from the NCCDEA treasurer to the person making the request and then delivered to the recipient.
  • Maintain the NCCDEA interest bearing checking account.
  • Be prepared to meet with the NCCDEA Audit Committee each year prior to the Mid-Year Board Meeting.
  • Maintain appropriate bonds.

The duties of the Past President include:

  1. Monitor meetings for Bylaws and Policy consistency.
  2. Perform other duties as assigned by the President and/or the Board.

In addition:

  • Will be a mentor and assist with training for new officers and possible leaders.
  • Serve on the Bylaws Committee.
  • Serve as Chair of the Audit Committee.
  • Serve as Chair of the Nominating Committee


  • Appointed annually by the President
  • Should have a substantial understanding of both the NCCDEA By-laws and Robert’s Rules of Order
  • Advise and aide the President in conducting order of business.
  • Advise the governing board on questions of procedure in transacting the business of the Association.


  • Be available to all members of the NCCDEArelated to spiritual matters.
  • Maintain confidentiality of any members seeking council or prayer.
  • Deliver invocation at all official NCCDEA board functions.

ALL Board Members and Committee Chairs

  • Provide reports for mid-year and the NCCDEA annual meetings.
  • Committee Chairman or representative should attend both mid-year and NCCDEA annual meetings.


Purpose: Perform annual audit of NCCDEA financial records to assure adherence to accepted accounting procedures. Audit will be conducted and written report will be given at Mid-Year Board meeting and at other such times as the NCCDEA Board may request.

When a newly elected (or appointed) treasurer takes office, an audit of all financial records from the date of last annual audit to the date of transfershall take place as soon as feasibly possible. The next annual audit shall be from date of transfer to last day of fiscal year.

Organizational Structure: The audit committee will be appointed by the President annually. The committee will be chaired by the Past Presidentand will include two area directors.


Purpose:To aid all currently employed Soil & Water Conservation District staff members as needed during times of financial hardships. Also, review and select applicants for the Benevolence Fund. Confidentiality is paramount to the success of the Benevolence Fund.

Organizational Structure:

This committee shall be directed by a Committee Chair, which will be appointed by the NCCDEA President. Serving under the chairperson will be a minimum of three (3) members, one of which will be the NCCDEA Treasurer. Committee members must strictly adhere to the privacy of both applicants and recipients. Committee Chair has the authority to request assistance from the Executive Board to perform the duties of this committee.


  • Payment will be available to district employees (full or part-time) both DEA and non-DEA members.
  • The Benevolence committee may approve up to two payments, per individualper calendar year, up to atotal of $500.00. The amount of these payments will be at the discretion of the committee. The NCCDEABoard can grant one additional payment of no more than $300.00.
  • No recipient can receive more than three payments per calendar year.
  • Hardships may include but are not limited to – illness, loss of child or spouse, accident, fire, unemployment of spouse or loss of pay due to extreme circumstances.

Application Process:

  • The employee making the request will notify the benevolence committee on district letterhead.
  • The request will include name and address of recipient, district employed by, and

narrative of reason that help is needed.

  • Upon approval of request by the benevolence committee the request will be signed anddated by a committee member and a letter of justification and payment amount sent to thetreasurer. In the case of a tie votewithin the benevolence committee, the current NCCDEA president will be asked to vote.

Payment Process:

  • All payments will be confidential.
  • For reasons of privacy the identity of the recipient will be known only by the person making request, benevolence committee, NCCDEA treasurer and the Audit Committee.
  • For audit purposes, payment will be in form of check only.
  • Each recipient will be assigned a three-digit number and calendar year, i.e. 00106, 00206.
  • Payment will be mailed from the NCCDEA treasurer to the person making the request and then delivered to the recipient.


Purpose: The Bylaws Committee will review and make necessary updates and corrections every five years or when called upon by the Board.

Organizational Structure:

This committee shall be directed by a committee chair, which will be appointed by the NCCDEA President. Committee members will consist of the Immediate Past President and two (2) Membersto be appointed by the President.

Committee chair will assure that Member Association representatives receive updated by-laws for distribution to their respective members thirty (30) days preceding the date of the meeting when a vote on the amendments will take place.This committee will serve as an ad-hoc committee.


Purpose:The Communication Committee supervises and facilitates print and electronic media to support internal and external communication and public relations for NCCDEA.

Organizational Structure:

This committee will consist of a Newsletter Editor and Website Editor, which will ensure goals, objectives and other duties, are met in a timely manner.

Newsletter Editor will gather information, develop and distribute newsletter in a timely manner. Newsletter will be distributed in accordance with the Long Range Plan (currently a minimum of two (2) per year).

Website Editor will keep NCCDEA Website current and assist with any electronic needs at the mid-year board meeting and NCCDEAannual meeting (NC CET). Assure updated by-laws, plan of work, and long range plan are posted to website in a timely manner.


Purpose: Create and maintain a scrapbook recording all history and photos of the NCCDEA.

Organizational Structure:

This committee shall be directed by a Committee Chair, which will be appointed by the NCCDEAPresident. Serving under the chairperson will be a minimum of three (3) members. Serve as or appoint official photographer at all NCCDEA functions. Share photos and news articles with NCCDEAnewsletter and website editors.


Purpose: Promote new membership and encourage members to renew. Support attendance of district employees at the Conservation Employees Training. Update and revise membership directoryannually. Send NCCDEA dues statements to members annually. Receive dues and keep an up-to date list of Member Association dues paid.

Organizational Structure: The President shall appoint the chair and additional committeemembers at large as needed.


Purpose: The Nominating Committee will accept nominations and submit a slate of one candidate per office for President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The general membership will be notified 30 days prior to the annual meeting of the slate of candidates.

The committee will announce opening and closing dates for receiving nominations for offices, send reminders, print ballots, oversee the voting process, tabulate the ballots, announce the election results, and follow up with a photo to website editor.

Organizational Structure: The Nominating Committee will consist of the immediate PastPresident, one member from the Board of Directors, and one active member of the Association. The immediate past president will appoint the member of the Board of Directors and the active member to the Nominating Committee. The immediate past president will serve as Chair and will send nominations, upon receipt, to other committee members; and make contact with each nominee to verify that nominee has approval from their Board and accepts the duties of the office in question. This committee will serve as an ad hoc committee.


Purpose:Provide recommendations for NCCDEA for long range and strategic planning.

Organizational Structure:

This committee’s structure and goals will be established based on the NCCDEA needs. This committee shall be comprised of (3) members: (1) a Past President and (2) current Board Members. Committee members will serve (3) years.


Purpose:To make the position of District Employees more professional.

Organizational Structure:

Committee members will consist of Vice-President of NCCDEA who will serve as chair, President of NCCDEA and three members of the Association appointed by the Chair. Appointed members will serve a three (3) year term. The term expires the month of May of the third year served.

This committee will meet once a year at a minimum to review PDEP applications.


Purpose:Organize and conduct fund raising projects to enhance NCCDEA’s operational funds. Projects consist of silent and live auctions, raffles, donations and other monetary projects to assist NCCDEA in meeting the association’s annual budget.

Organizational Structure:

The committee shall be comprised of the eight (8) area directors and one at-large member appointed by the President. The committee chair shall be selected annually by committee members. The President shall have the authority to appoint sub-committees and/or additional members as appropriate for specific projects.