Youth Minister Job Description

Garriott Road church of Christ, Enid, OK

The following job description is given to provide a specific ministry toward the spiritual development of the congregation’s youth, grades 7 – 12, and their families.

The primary goal of the youth minister is to work under the oversight of the elders to lead and further develop a ministry in which he works with our youth and their families so they place God at the center of their lives and become and remain lifelong faithful Christians.

The position of youth minister is critical and is not that of a recreation director, babysitter, or “junior minister” to the pulpit minister.


A. Development, Implementation, and Coordination of Youth Ministry Programs

1. Coordinate and oversee the youth ministry of Garriott Road church of Christ.

2. Develop policies in concert with the elders and youth team.

3. Prepare and oversee the youth ministry budget.

4. Coordinate with parents/guardians regarding youth activities.

5. Coordinate planning youth activities and trips with the youth team.

B. Recruitment and Training of Volunteers

1. Oversee recruitment, training and spiritual growth of leaders for various classes/ministries/groups within the youth ministry.

2. Lead in the establishment of objectives, goals and strategies of the individual ministries and participate in evaluation of ministry progress.

3. Surround the youth with other caring adults to serve on the youth team. Regular contact and training should be given to the adults in order to help them serve the youth.

C. Curriculum Development and Management

1. Coordinate Bible studies, retreats, mission trips, service projects, and similar activities.

2. Promote and work with Lariat Creek Christian Camp.

3. Provide for and participate in the teaching of the teen Bible classes, with a rotation of time spent between Jr High and High school classes. Occasionally, time should be allowed for personal and family growth through one of our adult classes.

4. Serve on our education committee, which is responsible for the curriculum for all ages, taking primary responsibility for the content of the 7th – 12th grade.

D. Duties and Responsibilities to the Youth Group and Families

1. Clearly demonstrate, with his life, what it looks like to follow Christ.

2. Pray for each of the students and families.

3. Encourage and participate in outreach to youth not associated with Garriott Road and involve them in the youth program.

4. Develop relationships with the parents through regular and intentional contact.

5. Offer activities and resources that encourage the strength and faith of the family unit; be sensitive to parental responsibility and avoid inadvertently creating distance between parents and their children.

6. Oversee monthly devotionals and a quarterly family devotional which also includes 3rd-6th graders and their families.

E. Other Duties

1. Continue to learn, grow, and stay informed on youth culture and youth ministry methods.

2. Assist in maintaining youth activity information through the website, bulletin, Facebook, etc.

3. Keep to the coordinated office/work schedule as directed by the elders for counseling, planning, curriculum development, research, administrative duties, record keeping, and etc.

4. Be available to preach, lead worship, run the sound room, or fill in any vacancy whenever a need arises.

5. Coordinate and grow volunteers for LTC, VBS, fall festival, etc.

6. Advise the elders of any special problems, issues, and/or conflicts with youth, family, and/or parents.

7. Conduct other duties as assigned by the elders.

Working Relationships:

The youth minister is a minister and a member of the ministerial staff. He is accountable to the elders. He shall develop healthy, loving, working relationships with the other ministerial staff.

A. Supervision of Youth Ministry and Communications

1. Participate in elders meetings, reporting goals and growth in the youth ministry to the elders and youth team.

2. Work with youth team, parents, deacons, and volunteers as required to carry out the youth ministry.

3. Meet with youth and families twice a year and develop an annual calendar of events.

B. Qualities Expected for all Ministerial Staff:

1. Committed member of the Garriott Road congregation and dedicated follower of Jesus Christ.

2. Professional work ethic and positive attitude.

3. Theology and values that are in harmony with the congregation’s mission, vision, and values.

4. Good communication skills, relational skills, and motivational ability.

5. Can speak and lead from a clear Biblical foundation and faith principles.

6. Program planning and implementation experience and skills.

7. Practices and has the ability to teach faith development to all ages through various educational methods.

8. Knowledge of resource people, curriculums, and materials.

9. Possess basic counseling skills and decision making abilities.

C. Relationships with Other Ministerial Staff:

1. Work from a common ministry vision.

2. Intentionally affirm, encourage, pray for, and bless one another and the ministries each represents.

3. Appreciate and affirm each other’s gifts.

4. Be open to new ways of seeing and doing things.

5. Speak well of each other, to build up the body of Christ.

6. Honor each other’s pace and working style.

7. Keep confidentiality and deal with issues and concerns directly with those involved.

8. Work with all other staff to develop a strong team.


The youth minister is expected to participate in other areas of the congregation’s work as would be expected of any member. He should be married and his wife should be very supportive of his work and set a good example of everyday Christian living to the youth, as well as other members of the congregation. He and his family should attend all scheduled services.