Sector Transformation Letter of Inquiry Form

CEO/ED Information:
Organization Name
Last Name First Name Middle Name
Current Address City/State Zip Code / Telephone Number / Email Address
Contact Information (if different than CEO/ED):
Last Name First Name Middle Name Title
Current Address City/State Zip Code / Telephone Number / Email Address
Organizational Information:
1)  Please provide a brief overview of the mission and background of the organization(s).
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2)  Please provide your current organizational budget(s)
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3)  If organization has received funding from AIDS United before, check off each initiative through you have received funding:
Sector Transformation/Community Restructuring☐ Access to Care☐
AmeriCorps☐ Retention in Care☐
Empowered Community Grants☐ GENERATIONS☐ Positive Organizing Project☐ Puerto Rico☐
Retention in Care☐ Southern REACH☐
Syringe Access Fund ☐ Other☐ Please Expalin
4)  Summary of overarching goal of your proposed project (2-3 sentences).
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5)  How did you hear about this initiative?
Click here to enter text.
Overview of Proposed Project:
1)  Select category of Sector Transformation:
Choose an item.
2)  Discussion of proposed Sector Transformation:
Click here to enter text.
3)  At what point in the transformation process are you? Select a category: Choose an item.
Please Explain: Click here to enter text.
4)  Please provide a bulleted list of proposed project activities:
Click here to enter text.
Background on Rationale for Proposed Project:
1)  Provide a brief description of changes in your community affecting organizational structure and/or strategy:
Click here to enter text.
2)  Expected outcomes/impact: (Why do you think this particular strategy is important for your organization, the people you serve, and your community? How will it support the needs of people living with HIV in your community?):
Click here to enter text.
Additional Information:
1)  Please indicate the lead organization in this process:
Click here to enter text.
2)  Have the Boards of Directors been informed of this direction with the organizations?
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3)  How did you decide on your partners for this alliance/restructure?
Click here to enter text.
4)  Was there an active due diligence process to determine the best fit for your organization?
Click here to enter text.
5)  Do you believe you can leverage local funds to assist with this project, utilizing AIDS United funds as a catalyst?
Click here to enter text.
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