Minutes of the 35th Annual General Meeting of Strathendrick Rugby Football Club held at Fintry Sports Club on 25th April 2009.

1. Apologies:- Peter Eaton, Douglas Spence, Paul Bastock, Jonny Porteous, Russell Mair, Ewan MacKay.

2. Minutes of the 34th AGM:- These were adopted without alteration and were proposed by Gordon Yuill and seconded by Mike Bastock.

3. President's Remarks:- The President welcomed all members to the AGM. His objectives for this coming season were promotion for the 1st XV,increased collaboration, improved communication and to have fun. This season has been work in progress. The 1st XV had injuries and unavailability of players, lost first few games and then climbed table with some excellent performances. The 2nd XV had difficulty securing leadership and nearly paid the price, lesson that the strength of the Club is the 2nd XV. Need to attract and retain players, fill key positions and win promotion to the National Leagues. Thanks to the coaches Douglas and Arthur, Douglas is standing down but Arthur is continuing. Thanks to Andy Summers and Susie Wilson for running the Under 17 side and for hosting touring sides. Thanks to Gordon MacEachern and Mike Yuill for running the S1/S2 side and also to Balfron High School for their help. Thanks to Iain Somerville for running the minis and having a successful Charity Festival. We have a new web site and all equipment will be ordered through Provan Sports. Finally thanks to the General Committee, the Social Sub-Committee, Iain Bruce, Tom Yuill and the players.

4. Treasurer's Report:- The audited accounts were circulated prior to the meeting. The Treasurer made mention of a number of items within the accounts and invited questions from the floor. There being no questions the accounts were duly adopted, being proposed by Stephen O'Brien and seconded by Douglas Porteous.

5. Secretary's Report:- The report having been previously issued to all members and there were no questions from the floor the report was accepted being proposed by Mike Bastock and seconded by Douglas Porteous.

6. Coach's Report:- There was a challenging start to the season due to injuries and work commitments, 1st XV lost first four league games but have progressed since them finishing fourth in the League. In the Cup two good games against Strathclyde University and Glasgow Acads. Next season no teams to be afraid of in the League and with increased numbers at training and more players available the Club should turn out two teams each week. Thanks to the players, the 1st XV Team Manager Mike Bastock, the General Committee, Iain Bruce and Neil MacQuarrie of Balfron High School.

7. Election of General Committee:- The following were elected to the new Committee.

President- Nick Hawkins Proposer- I McVean Seconder- C Emanuel

Vice-President - Gary Tedeschi Proposer- I McVean Seconder- N. Hawkins

Secretary Ian McVean Proposer- C. Emanuel Seconder-N. Hawkins

Treasurer Gavin Hunter Proposer- I McVean Seconder- N. Hawkins

Fixture Secretary Charlie Johnstone Proposer- M. Gibson Seconder- S. O'Brien

Midi Convenor Susan Wilson Proposer- N. Hawkins Seconder- M. Bastock

Mini Convenor Iain Somerville Proposer- I. McVean Seconder- N. Hawkins

Club Captain Stephen O'Brien Proposer- N. Hawkins Seconder- I. McVean

1st XV Vice Captain Steven Bastock Proposer D. Porteous Seconder-N. Hawkins

All other positions had no nominations and the General Committee would co-opt members to these positions.

8. A. O. C. B. :-

(a) Gordon Yuill was organising parking at Drymen Show and members were asked to help him

(b) Mark Gibson was organising a Clay Pigeon Shoot and asked members to take part in the shoot and also to help run it.

(c) Brian Porteous offered his help to the Committee in the new season.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 12.55pm.