GSG Meeting

September 25, 2012

7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m., Ashurst A109

Meet-me line: 928-523-6629

7:00 p.m.-7:05 p.m.

Welcome and Roll Call, Michael Cook and Mia Ryneal

Brenden Divine- Here for Travel Awards

Attendance: Mia, Michael, Ali, Tim,

Richard Henderson

Timothy Bonson

Adam Lockwood

Alison Le Grand

Cassandra Rivas

Denise Avalos

Emily Baker

Emily Wells

Emma Townsend

George Coulon

Jessica Lymberopoulos

Picnic- Over a hundred people. At any one time 30-40 people attended.

Values Survey – attended first strategic planning committee-VP for institutional effectiveness. Need to rely on data from a survey-new 5 year plan

7:05 p.m.-7:10 p.m.

New Dates, Michael Cook

Proposed switching the meeting the week of Thanksgiving to the week before.

November 6th meeting officially cancelled

Switch meeting to November 13th .

Adam seconds

On the phone- unanimous yays

Unanimous yays in the room

Date is officially moved.

Not meeting the 20th, week of Thanksgiving

Exec meeting will still be on Monday the 12th

7:10 p.m.-7:20 p.m.

Graduate College News and Recap. of the Academic Integrity Town Hall, Ramona Mellot

Went very well

Spoke about a lot of issues, all student voices were heard.

Everyone has different standards. Greg G. had a student who cheated.

Plan is to form a small group and to form a larger group to revise the policy. Will want one grad student/undergrad represented.

Townhall will meet again in the Spring with a revised policy.

When you represent a group- you must represent a whole group.

UGC Thursday, new grad coordinator orientation

Asked for nominations for two open seats

Check gsg e-mail

7:20 p.m.-7:25 p.m.

Social Committee, Ali Le Grand

·  GSG float on October 20th?- Homecoming parade? Any interest?

Thinking of a Winter event in late November

Vintage- formal dance

Cash bar? Audrey auditorium?

Need to price it all out

Weatherford- renting the Zane Grey Ballroom?

7:25 p.m.-7:30 p.m.

Policy and Legislative Action Committee, Jason Kordosky and Michael Cook

·  Send a couple of GSG representatives to the spring NAGPS Legislative Action Days (LAD)?

Will send out an email on Friday

ASA board of directors meeting tomorrow 6-9. Can choose which ABOR sessions they would like to attend

NAGPS holds legislative action days in Washington DC.

Eli-Legislative Concerns Chair- will be another LAD in February/March

Learn how to lobby and then lobby legislatures

Funding two students, sending them to Washington

After the national meeting- will present this again & ask to allocate funds for legislative action days

Two students, for three days

November/December- hold a vote to allocate or not allocate the funds

7:30 p.m.-7:35 p.m.

Appropriations and Travel Awards Committee, Tim Bonson

Passing around interest sheet

October 1st is the deadline for Travel

Switched to 3 cycle

If you want to travel before December 31st

7:35 p.m.-7:40 p.m.

Marketing and Communications Committee, George Coulon and Emily Wells

Issue of finding an appropriate meeting place

Need to post a facebook page. Transition from year to year is smooth.

Need to pass on administrative privileges to next year’s crop.

Should attach an e-mail address

Executives should have access to the page as well.

Create a business account

Need to have someone responsible for 1 or 2 posts a week

Starting early in the spring- would be nice to start advertising the elections

Putting an add in a lumberjack

Open-house to get people interested in elections

Meeting where everyone brings a plus one

Reps should be more aggressive in colleges

7:40 p.m.-7:45 p.m.

Grievance Policy Committee, Mia Ryneal

Document should be 1-2 pages

7:45 p.m.-7:50 p.m.

ASNAU News, Emma Townsend

Carnival & Homecoming


Legal advisor on campus at ASNAU- she has a lot of office hours

Sherry Miller.

7:50 p.m.-7:55 p.m.

Discussion of Guests to Invite, Michael Cook and Tim Bonson

Tim invited Dr. Lisa Campos- Oct. 23rd or Dec 4th

Michael suggested Chris Duarte- LGBTQ resource center- Oct. 9th

Laura Hueneke – speaking about grants Nov. 13th? For Laura?

7:55 p.m.-8:00 p.m.

Wrap-up (Legacy Membership at NAGPS?), Michael Cook