Faculty of Agriculture

Department of Animal Production

Advanced Animal Physiology II (AP 712)

Second Semester 2006 / 2007


Dr. Kamel Mahmoud

Phone: 7201000 Ext. 22212

Office hours: 11:15 – 12:15 (Sun, Tue) or by appointment

Dr. Nafez AL-Beitawi

Phone: 7201000 Ext. 22223

Office hours: (Sun 11-12, Mon, Wed 1 - 2) or by appointment

Course Objective: To acquire a better understanding of mechanisms upon which life depends through an integrated study of the body’s functional systems.

Students are expected to learn the basic cellular structure and function, physiological mechanisms regulating respiration and gas exchange, body temperature, digestion and nutrient absorption, and advanced aspects of reproduction and lactation.

Course Contents:

Week Subject Ref Instructor

1 Structure & function of the respiratory system 1,2 Dr. Kamel

2,3 Mechanical properties in breathing 1,2 Dr. Kamel

4 Pulmonary and bronchial circulation 1,2 Dr. Kamel

5 Transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide 1,2 Dr. Kamel

6-9 Elements of renal function 1,2 Dr. Kamel

10, 11 Control of body fluid osmolality and volume 1,2 Dr. Kamel

12, 13 Gastrointestinal anatomy and physiology 3, 4 Dr. Nafez

13, 14 Thremoregulation and metabolism 3, 4 Dr. Nafez

15 Energy balance 3, 4 Dr. Nafez

Required texts:

1- Essential Medical Physiology. 1992. L. R. Johnson

2- Physiology, Third edition. 1993. R. M. Berne and M. N. Levy

3- Physiology of Small Animals. 1991, Y. Ruckebush, L. P. Phameuf and R. Dunlop

4- Avian Physiology. 2000, Edited by G. Whittow

From time to time during the semester, references to particular journal articles and review papers will be provided, some by which are merely for your own interest.


First exam 25% (Tuseday 20/3/2007)

Second exam 25% (Sunday 22/4/2007)

Final exam 50% (Compresehsive)