Youth Employment

Tuesday 13th December 9:30am

County Hall, Exeter


Andrew Lightfoot DCC

Philip Nicholls DCC

Ben Neild SLIM

Karen Hooper Job Centre Plus

Robin Makeig-Jones North Devon Plus

Nick Holmes DCC 14+

Duncan Cherrett Young Devon


Deborah Waddell

Nicholas Bonnie

Graham Morris

Craig Marshall

Deborah Passmore

Sue Wearne

1.  Welcome and Introduction

Andrew welcomed everyone who introduced themselves.

2.  Feedback from Devon Strategic Partnership: Karen

Karen reported back from the board meeting last Friday (9th Dec) in which she presented some of the work conducted for the Youth Employment group. The board was very interested in work being done and happy for the group to continue in what they were doing.

Karen explained that Devon and Cornwall Police were also interested in getting more involved with the group and meetings. Karen will talk to Steve, her contact, to see whether he can attend the meeting.

It was also raised that it would be useful to engage with the Homes and Community Agency to maximise the potential of Youth Employment within major building projects. Andrew explained that members of the HCA hot desk in the Economy team within County Hall so contacts could be easily made.

Karen explained that she has been asked to produce a report on work experience, as 2-8 weeks worth of experience is highly valuable.

Robin agreed that work experience is crucial and that it is a key priority for the ESB’s, especially linking employers to schools. Two main aspects are important: firstly mapping the amount of work experience that is taking place and secondly, improving the supply side in terms of employers.

All agreed that there was a lot of action across the county but limited joined up working. Andrew outlined that there are at least 55 organisations working on Youth Employment across Devon and this all needs to be joined up. It was raised that a definition of work experience would help to join groups together.

Robin explained that employers generally want to help but often don’t feel involved. One successful scheme in North Devon was the ‘speed dating’ of schools and employers, though again more employers were needed.

Nick outlined that though pre 16 work experience is important and employers value it, new policies are discouraging this, preferring post 16 work experience instead.

3.  ‘Need’: See papers attached

Karen reported back on the work surrounding need and how the highest proportion of youth need was in urban areas but the rural areas shouldn’t be forgotten about. They had found that there was a lot of support and information in urban areas but a lack of employers or jobs. Karen concluded that things needed to be done differently and needed to find a solution that:

-  Wasn’t based on funding

-  Wasn’t based on old ideas

-  Didn’t require a permanent location

The group were exploring the idea of an app for mobile phones, though Duncan did state that in his experience not all young people have a smart phone and therefore access to apps etc. He also explained that the key for young people is to have someone to speak to, a mentor to inspire them.

It was also agreed by the group that young peoples views are crucial and we should be seeking to gather what they think would help them.

Duncan offered a good overview:

Ultimate aim is a… Job/ Employment

Means of getting a job are:

Skills Motivation Aspiration


Where are the needs?

He also outlined that it would be useful for front line staff to have information easily available on:

-  The firms offering placements

-  The Volunteering opportunities on offer

-  The training programmes available

-  Any youth work that is going on

Robin described a similar initiative called My North Devon which is being developed and would offer this kind of information. It was agreed that this project would be used as a pilot scheme on a website which could be rolled out across Devon if successful.

4.  IAG, employability and enterprise

Nick reported back on the work assigned during the last meeting to investigate IAG. He had found that the IAG was still in the pre-coalition government mindset and this needed to change. He also noted that the consultation for next years Ofsted questions is currently open, but there will be an IAG element within this so the question will be asked.

Karen explained that most schools will be buying in independent IAG and there is limited means to monitor what this will include.

Andrew was concerned over how everything was being driven by the market and this was resulting in isolation rather than partnership working.

Duncan agreed and raised an air of caution over training providers competing on price and subsequently reducing their quality.

Nick explained that the IAG for the HE – FE – University route was very successful and didn’t need altering. However the work focused route needs to be improved and developed.

Andrew asked what work had been done on Local Labour Market Information (LLMI). Nick explained that they hadn’t had time to investigate the LMI aspect yet, but this is important and will be focused upon more for the next meeting.

Karen offered some detail on the Youth Contract and how the money will be for those individuals are eligible for the Work Programme. Work experience will be targeted at those who have never worked. Sector based work academies are being set up to meet particular sectors needs. Up to £1,500 grants are also being made available to businesses to take on an apprentice.

5.  Consortia

Andrew explained that the consortia had yet to meet so there was no news on this.

6.  Lobbying

The group agreed that clear messages need to be developed to effectively lobby. The main point would be that front line staff are struggling and new approaches need to be tested.

7.  Funding opportunities

Nick raised whether or not ESF money could be accessed? It was agreed that this may be a possibility but it is likely to be time consuming and costly and it may be better to lever out local money first.

The Job Centre Plus grants were successful in acquiring large numbers of applicants but all agreed that the process should be changed for next time. The group decided to advise Karen on the alternative ways to operate next time.

8.  News round up

Robin explained that North Devon Plus are running a campaign about the level of debt that university leads to and the comparative benefit of apprenticeships. However the supply of apprenticeships is therefore needed alongside this to make it work.

Another project that Robin was running was a Sat Nav event in which the basics: CV, dress, attitude and how to search for a job, will all addressed.

9.  Actions

·  Invite Police: Karen

·  Liaise with HCA: Andrew

·  Report on work experience: Karen

·  Develop new media for updating front line staff in North Devon: Robin and Darren

·  Refine LLMI information: Andrew and Ben with ESB co-ordinators

·  Consortia: group to meet

·  Lobbying/communications: develop after next meeting

Next meeting is to be mid Feb, after the PS4D+S meeting which would be focussing on: - Employer engagement

- Work experience

- Apprenticeships