Linn-MarHighSchoolDailyAnnouncementsMonday, April 3
It’s that time of year again! This Thursday, April 6 is the official Election Day for Student
Council 2017-2018. Come to the 4 Corners before school to make your selections to who will
represent your class for next year. Student Council members will be present to help you with
the process and keep your voting experience quick and simple! You get one opportunity to vote
per student. If you can’t make it before school, you can still vote by stopping by the College
and Career Center until 3:30pm. Let your voice be hear and VOTE!
The 11/12thOffice needs office runners for Period 2, Period 3 and Period 4 for Quarter 4!
If interested, stop by and let us know whichtimes you are available.
We are hosting our next Homeroom Thursday, April 6th. Seniors, please report to the auditorium for
information about graduation preparation. Ms. Thurston will be sharing information about the upcoming Volunteer Day.
Have you lost or misplaced your lunch card? You may purchase a new lunch card for $6.00.
Pay at the cashier’s office and take receipt to the correct office.
Staff and students do you need to deposit lunch money into your lunch account?
Please give your lunch money to Mrs. Dayton, the cashier before 10:30am each morning.
Are you interested in taking Kirkwood classes next year? There has been a delay in the release of
the classes available for the 2017-2018 school year. Please look for future announcements as to
when the Kirkwood class lists will be released.
All Linn-Mar High School students in grades 9, 10 and 11 will be taking the Iowa Assessments next week
from Monday, April 10 through Friday, April 14.
The exams are from 9:45-11:15 a.m. each day of the week.
Students in grade 12 are not scheduled during the testing period (9:45-11:15 a.m.) during the week. Seniors may either leave the building during testingor work quietly in designated areas. Seniors leaving the building during the testing period are to wait either in the South Commons or outside of Door #3 until the 11:15 a.m. bell.
All students arerequiredbyIowa Law to have a meningitis immunization after theage of 16 and prior to the start of their 12thgrade schoolyear.
All current juniors mustgo to their physician or the health department between todayand the startof school nextyear toget the vaccination.
Parents can provide proof of immunization to theLM Health Officebysending proof of immunization via mail, fax, email or drop off record to health office.
9th and 10th gradestudents donothavepermission to leavethe buildingduringthe school dayfornon-academic reasons.This is a campus violation!
SODA is hostingaCo-Ed Basketball tournamentThursdaynight, March 30th. SeeMr. McCauleyfor an entry form and details.
TheArt Department is excited to announce it's time to call for entries for the annual Spring Art Show! Anyone in the Linn-Mar student body can enter.You do not have to be an art student!! Please label your work with:
-Your name
- Title
- Medium
- Grade level
Deliver to any of the art teachers. We will be taking entries now until April 6th. The show will start on April 11th and run through May 12th. A closing reception will be held. Need more details? See an art teacher today!!
Girls Varsity Soccer Jamboree 3:30pmKingston Stadium
Girls JV Tennis Match vs. Iowa City High 4:30pmLinn-Mar HS tennis courts
Boys JV Tennis Matchvs. Iowa City High4:30pmIowa City High School
Boys tennisislooking for ateammanager!Anyone interestedpleasecall Coach Wundramat
Want to getfaster, quicker, ormore agile foryournext sport?Speed school will helpyou achieveyour
goals!All student athletes areinvited to join us in the Main Gym on Mondaysand Thursdays from 7:30-8 AM. Don'tget left in the dust!
Counseling News
Apprenticeship Fair, Friday, April 7th– Students are invited to learn about apprenticeship (Bricklayers…Carpenters… Drywall Finishers…Electricians…Ironworkers & Millwrights…Laborers…Operating Engineers…Painters & Glaziers…Plumbers & Pipefitters…Roofers & Water proofers…Sheet Metal Workers) through presentations at the apprenticeship fair hosted by Workplace Learning Connection. The tours are available for students in grades 9-12. If you are interested in attending the Apprenticeship Fair, please stop in the College/Career Center to sign up starting Monday.
University of Iowa Campus Visit, Wednesday, April 19th: 11th Grade students interested in visiting the University of Iowa can sign up in the College/Career Center. Please pick up the permission slip and return
the form completed to the 11/12 Office.
ATTNSENIORS:TranscriptrequestsforscholarshipsCANNOTbedonethroughFamilyConnectionatthistime.Theonly transcriptrequests done throughFamilyConnection are those beingsent directlyto acollegeor university.Ifyou needatranscript for a scholarship, pleasestop in the College/Career Center to request one.
Seniors:Justareminderthatalltranscript requeststo collegesandteacher recommendationletters are done through Family Connection. If you need help with thisprocess stopintheCollege/Career Center or see your SchoolCounselor.
Parking 2016-17
Parking Lot Reminder!Students are notallowed to park in the visitoror staffparkingareas duringschool hours.This is a parkingviolation and youwillreceive aparking fine of$25.00. Parkinyourdesignated lot with your parkingtag displayed toavoid beingticketed.
Students who have the privilege of parkingoncampuspleaseremember to follow the Linn-Mar parking guidelines toavoidgetting a parkingfine:
•Park inyour designatedparking lot.
•Always have your parking tag displayed inyour vehicle.
•Registerany caryoudrive on campus tothe 11th/12th office. •Parkingtags are not transferable.
•Do NOTparkinginstaff,visitors or handicapareas.
•Parking finescosts $25.00andmust bepaidwithin14 days.
•Receiving 3 parking fines will result inthe loss of yourparkingtagforthe schoolyear. •Students are NOT allowedto park at ExcelsiorMiddle School.
•Students are NOT allowedto park inthe apartmentlotsacross thestreet.
•Students parking onthestreet, please do notblock driveways or firehydrants or you will getticketed by the MarionPolice.
•The EastLot is for South Lotoverflowparkingonly.
•Sophomores with bluetags should NOTpark inthe East Lot.
•Please make sure youare parkingin theStadium East/Aquatic area.