Student First and Last Name
Teacher Last Name
Your Project Topic/Title
- Project Design(state your overall goal for this project – see your Jr. Editionfor help.)
For my Capstone Project, I will
- Field Work Activities
Activities I will complete
(Be VERY specific and put in chronological order) / Whom I will contact (name & contact info)
Where I will work (include company, city)
(Again, be very specific about the who and where of your activities – these may change, but you need to know where you will start) / How I will prove what I did
(What tangible evidence will you have to prove you did what you said?) / Est.hours(not days) activity will take to complete / Date Activity Finished
(You may handwrite this)
(Minimum 15 hours;20 w/community service for an “A”) TOTAL
Add more rows above as needed
- Final Product or Performance
(What will you have created or done to show your learning – BEYOND your mandatory Portfolio?)
I willII. Budget
A. Projected Expenses- remember, it’s always better to OVER-budget money, just in case.
Items needed –be as specific as possible / Where you might find the item
(store name, website, etc. – do some research for this) / Estimated Cost of each item
Add more rows above as needed / Total: $
- Source of Money for Project Expenses –where will you get the money to pay for the above items? Be specific!
I will
III. Personal Information(answer in complete sentences, please.)
A.What is your prior experience with the topic of your Capstone Project?
B.What will your learning stretch be?
(What will you have to learn in order to complete your project that you don’t already know?)
C.Why is this project important to you?
IV. Verifications
(Please be sure this section prints on its own two pages – it should not be a part of any other section, and should all fit on the back and front one page only!)
A. Student Statements
Student initials
I verify that I am not related to my mentor, and will maintain a professional relationship with that mentor throughout the course of the project.
I will not receive credit for any work I do on the project for another class.
I may not receive pay for work I do on this project, unless it directly relates to business income from a business I started specifically for this project.
This project meets all the required criteria for proof of work. (See Capstone Handbook for details)
I have thoroughly researched the activities in Section I – Project Design to verify that I will be able to actually do the fieldwork.
I understand I will be able to change places and people I listed in Section I, as long as I have not changed the activity. I understand I will NOT be able to change any activity I have listed without writing a petition and having the petition approved BEFORE I do the fieldwork.
Any fieldwork I do before having the contract or petition approved will NOT count. This includes work done over the summer.
I will be able to afford the cost of this project. (It is NOT mandatory to develop a project that costs money.)
Student signatureDate
- Parent/Guardian Approval
I have reviewed this Project Contract and approve my student’s fieldwork and budget. I also acknowledge that this project is my student’s responsibility and is designed to prepare each student for the challenges he or she will face after graduation. I further acknowledge that I understand that this project counts for 50% of my student’s English IV grade, and that passing this class is a requirement for graduation. I also understand that I am required to sign a Student Agreement and Waiver form prior to my student beginning work on this project. (Said form will be sent home with the student during the first weeks of school.)
Parent/guardian signature Date
Verifications continued on back.
- Mentor Information and Contract Approval
Mentor Name: ______
Preferred Mailing Address: ______
Contact Information – fill out all you feel are applicable; at least one phone number and/or email is required:
(Home) (Work) (Cell)
Preferred method of contact: Date of Birth(required):
Are you related to this student? If yes, please explain: ______
What is your experience/level of expertise with the topic of your mentee’s Capstone project? Please be specific.
Mentor’s Contract Feedback –Using the guidelines below as you review and discuss the contract with your mentee, please initial and respond to the following questions. You may utilize this section multiple times as mentor and student review and revise the contract.
Guiding Contract Questions for Mentor Feedback / Yes or No / Mentor Initials / Suggestions/CommentsDoes this project provide a learning stretch (learning opportunity beyond what he/she already knows) for this student? If not, what can the student do to challenge him/herself?
Based on Section I-A, has the student developed a viable project plan? If not, what changes could he/she implement to make it viable?
Does this Contract have realistic goals and activities for the topic and time frame allowed? If not, what can be altered, adjusted, or added?
Does this project require a minimum of 15 hours to complete, and is it school-appropriate and safe? If not, what can be done to make it so?
Additional feedback or suggestions:
I agree to mentor
I agree to mentor this student through the duration of his/her Capstone Project.I have reviewed this Project Contract with the student and believe it is viable, with a realistic Project Design and Budget. This project will also require a learning stretch fromthis student.
Mentor SignatureDate
Last Name Here 1