Syllabus 2


Discipline rules:

  1. Keep your hands off things that don’t belong to you. If you didn’t bring it in, and I didn’t give it to you, it is not yours.
  1. Book bags are not allowed in the classroom. Any purses and the school issued computer bags are to be placed under the desks to keep the walkways clear. You are expected to have writing materials, 3-ring binder, computers, and books available at your desk.
  1. Personal electronic devices (other than calculators) will not be allowed in the room during class time. Any that become audible or visible will be removed to the vice principal’s office. SPECIFICALLY Cell phones are not used for any purpose during class time. No music or headphones during class. Calculators will not be used for any activity other than mathematical calculations related to class activities. During a quiz or tests graphic calculators may not be allowed. (This is exempt in physics.) No devices except dedicated, stand-alone, scientific calculators will be allowed during quizzes or tests. CAMERAS, PHONES, tablet computers or various brands of MP3 players, etc. will not be allowed.
  1. Horseplay will not be tolerated during lab. You will receive a zero for any lab in which you do not follow this rule.
  1. Behavior that disrupts the class will be documented and forwarded to the vice principal. Examples of this include: talking, throwing things, wandering about the room during lecture, and other disruptive activities, some of which are listed in the student handbook. (available online)
  1. When the bell rings, I expect you to be in your seats (or on your way) and quiet. Tardies are counted as the bell begins to ring.
  1. Food (including candy) and liquids (including water) are not allowed in the classroom.
  1. Study time is often given at the end of the hour to allow you to start your homework. (There will be homework or studying for quizzes most nights.) This is not play or social time.
  1. I expect you to have (blue or black) pen or pencil, paper, homework, science book, calculator, a large number of 3X5 cards (Ph. Sc.), small 3 ring binder, every day in class. No trips to the locker will be allowed. Colored pencils are occasionally used in Physics. Protractors and rulers will be needed in Physics.
  1. I dismiss you, not the bell at the end of class.
  1. Do not write on the desks or lab tables.

Dishonest behavior:

·  I expect you to do your own work inside or outside class. Cheating will result in a zero for that grade, a referral to the office, and a telephone call to your parents.

·  Cheating includes taking answers from anywhere other than your own brain during tests and quizzes.

·  Cheating includes copying answers from other students when doing homework and labs.

·  Cheating includes using documents written by another and represented as your own or giving your document to another student to turn in as his/hers.


·  If you are not in class, I expect a note from a teacher or the office, if you are to be excused and allowed to make up work. This is your responsibility. It is also your responsibility, not mine, to be sure any missing work during an absence or tardy is turned in.

Makeup work (material in italics is quoted from the handbook):

  1. “Students will be allowed to make up missed assignments if the absence is excused by the principal’s office or if the absence is a suspended absence. However, it is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements with the teacher. The student will be granted the number of days absent, plus one day, to make up work.”
  2. If a student is absent on the test date or on the date an assignment is due, then the student can expect to take the makeup test or turn in the assignment on the day following the due date, if the student was notified prior to the day of absence or the test or the assignment and if the day of absence was for only one day.” (Regular quizzes and tests are announced in class, written on the board and/or announced online well ahead of time. Pop Quizzes are always possible. My plan book is available online from a link at the RHHS website.|Science%3E%3EYouse%2C%20Lee%20Ann The login to is my email address [. The password is [rocket]. Do NOT bookmark the site as other teachers use the same site.)
  3. “If the absence is because of a school activity (R), the teacher may demand that the assignment be turned in on the day of the activity, or be turned in on the day following the activity.” (Plan on it!)
  4. “If the absence from class is the result of the student being out of school suspended….the student or parent may pickup assignments for the time he/she is suspended in the school office. To receive credit for this work, it must be completed and turned in the day the student returns….


·  Extra credit is given for extra work related to class. I do not assign extra credit for people just to raise their grades.

·  All papers turned in need to have YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME, the HOUR you are in class, the CLASS NAME, and DATE. All of this goes in the upper RIGHT hand corner of EVERY PAPER unless specific blanks have been provided. If you are turning in something on notebook or lined paper also include the NAME OF THE ASSIGNMENT (Example: pop quiz, Review p.101, or Matching p.100). DO NOT use any color other than blue or black. Computer assignments MUST use the correct naming convention to be counted. (A student named Jane Smith in 2nd hour Physical Science turning in an outline would write: PS_2_Ch4Outline_Smith_Jane.) The actual document should have the normal information in the header.

·  There will be 2-4 tests each quarter. There will be announced & unannounced quizzes for Physics. Physical Science quizzes may fall on different days depending on the material, and there will usually be more than one each week. For Ph. Sc., the quizzes will be the day after we make flashcards. CPS will have quizzes after we cover 2 to 4 sections in the book. We will cover a chapter and have a test in CPS every 2 to 3 weeks.

·  Spelling and grammar are important and will count as part of your grade. If I can’t read it, the answer is wrong; therefore be careful with your handwriting. Formulas and Unit Abbreviations have a particular font (i.e. shape). If you don’t write it properly, it is wrong.

·  All labs are averaged together. Not doing a lab or not turning in a lab report is very damaging to your grade. Labs go in your 3-ring binder and will be graded at test time.

·  Tests are worth a great deal. In PS tests and quizzes are mainly fill-in the blank, short answer and essay. They relate strongly to the objective sheets and flash cards, which come from the book material. In Physics the quizzes and tests are short answer and math. They relate to the homework assigned in class. . In Conceptual Physical Science, they are a mixture of formats. The questions relate to lectures, quizzes & the book.

·  Grades are calculated by categories. Each assignment in a category is averaged together and then weighted to the given percentage. This means that a point on a homework assignment is NOT equal to a point on a test or lab. In Ph. Sc., the categories are Homework (5%), Quizzes (15%), Lab/Projects (20%), and Tests (60%). In Physics the categories are Homework & Quizzes (20%), Lab/Projects (20%) and Tests (60%). In CPS the categories are Homework & Quizzes (25%), Lab/Projects (25%) and Tests (50%).

·  In all classes, the 1st (& 3rd) Quarter grades are subtotals. These category points will be continued into 2nd (& 4th) Quarter grading periods. This means that the semester grades will always be equal to whichever quarter is current.

Read this material. Have your parents read this material and sign the following sheet. You will turn in the last page. The syllabus is to be in your 3-ring binder for future reference.

I have seen and read the syllabus. This includes the section on how grades are calculated.

Give your name HOUR here: ______

Print your name here: ______


Student Signature:______




SYLL 17doc.doc Revised Aug 2017