Your local drop-in centre for those affected by cancer

June 2016 – Newsletter

Questionnaire -Thank you to everyone that took the time to fill out our recent questionnaire, we have now collected all the information and found solutions to the problems that were highlighted. Most of you will have received the updated version with the answers and solutions by e-mail, copies of the questionnaires along with the answers and solutions can be picked up from the centre.

Summer outing – this year our trip will be on Tuesday 12th July, the bus will leave from the riverside car park at 11.30am heading for Lybster to the Portland Arms for a two course lunch then onto Dunbeath Castle gardens for a walk around the gardens in the sunshine(hopefully) and tea & cakes, arriving back in Thurso at approximately 5pm. We hope to be able to organize an accessible mini bus with a ramp, at the moment we are still trying to find one that is free on that date, more details nearer the time. We are asking that each person wishing to join us for the trip pay £2.50 and add their name and menu choices to the list in the centre by the 8th July.

Halkirk Games – we are planning to have a stall at the games on Saturday 30th July, we need 4 volunteers to man the stall from about 12pm – 4pm, if anyone is interested in helped please let a member of the committee know. Like last year we are having a kids lucky dip and a raffle.

Calendar 2017 – I know you are not wanting to think about 2017 just yet but we hope to have a calendar printed to sell before the end of this year. We are looking for your photos of the North Highland area which could be included in the calendar. Feel free to submit as many as you wish.

Health Choir – the choir will take a break over the summer finishing on Friday 17th June and re-starting Friday 12th August, new members always welcome, we meet in the centre every Friday from 2.15 – 3.15pm .

Fund Raising - Money raised for us since the last newsletter:

Prize bingo in Wick - £911

Dounreay Police - £2000

Dounreay Employee Fund - £500

Norfolk Pipe Band - £30

Farr High School - £486.35

Pentland Housing - £60.80

Tesco – once again we hope to have information stands and a collection in Tesco Thurso & for the first time Wick Tesco, dates to be confirmed. We will be looking for volunteers for both places.

Cancer Support Group for Men- Malcolm Clark held the first meeting at the centre on Thursday 19th May, the dates for the remainder of 2016 are: 23rd June, 28th July, 25th August, 22nd Sept, 27th October, 24th Nov & 22nd Dec. All meetings will start at 18.30 for approximately one hour and held within the centre. For further details please contact Malcolm at

Meditation - Monica Whitehead is willing to run a “Meditation through Relaxation” class on a Thursday (date to be arranged) at 1.30pm in the centre. Please let a volunteer know if this is something you would be interested in taking part in.

AGM - Date ofthe NHCISC AGM will be Monday 5th September 2016 at 7.30pm in the centre.