Meeting date: May 10, 2012

Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:32pm, the pledges were read.

Clubs in attendance: Equestrian Challenge, Legends, Show Stoppers, BC Wranglers, Trailblazers II, Caballeros, Barnstormers, Equus Excellence, Elite Equestrians, Macedonia Pioneers, All-Star Equestrians

Saddle Seekers, Horse Sense, Showman’s Corner, Skyriders II, Mane Attraction, Knight Riders, Royal Riders, Rough Riders

Clubs not in attendance: all present.

The minutes from last month were read and approved. Motioned –Dale Freeland Second – Gloria Rege. Motion Passed.

Secretary - Jim Wheeler will be added to the sustaining membership list.

Officers' reports:
-Treasurer’s Report: - Report

Prior Balance / $38,392.80
ad book & rule book deposit / $45.00
#2019 / Leppo's / $170.00
#2020 / J. Sampsel / $37.50
#2021 / Mary Ellen Low / $35.00
#2022 / Chris Wokojance / $23.70
#2023 / J. Adams / $5.00
#2024 / R. Schutte / $12.20
#2025 / Mary Ellen Low / $31.95
#2026 / ASP_Ad books / $2,139.00
#2028 / C. McWhirter- ribbon order / $3,495.91
#2029 / American Eagle- ad book awards / $300.00
Ending Balance / $32,187.54

Bills submitted – Associated Press for $170.40 for copies and photo scans.

- There is an addition to the Hodges Badge Order - $188.61.

Motion to approve to pay the bills – Becki Smith motioned, Teresa Sondles seconded – motion passed.

-President’s Report –

Extension: Jackie Krieger – Grade and Exhibit will not be at the fairgrounds as it normally is, horse grade and exhibit will be at the administration building or saddle horse building. If they do not get their book checked, they will not be a participant at the fair. Project books are required but they do not have to be a horse book. July 14th is the grade and exhibit but try to get them done sooner at PAS, etc. If 4Her’s are not doing a horse project, they must go off site to get their book judged on July 14th. The off-site location is Wedgewood United Methodist Church on the corner of Wedgewood and Abington, 2350 Wedgewood Drive, Akron. Times are approximately 11:00-2:00. Cloverbuds do not take projects to fair. For the scholarship, they must carry a horse book. Reminder that the 4H motto is “to make the best better.” The focus should be on positive youth development.” Cloverbud camp is the same week as horse camp in the cow barn. Horse projects are encouraged to be judged at PAS, the June Open Shows, and Horse Camp.

Committee reports:

Ad Book (Liz Bennett) – The ad book is done and looks wonderful! The ad books will be here May 29th when fair packets are turned in. Club sales were sent out, as well as those who do still owe. 1st place is Cheyenne Mackey, Jennifer Nixon was 2nd and Kathy grant was 3rd place. Eligible for the drawing Amanda Walters, Kathy Grant, Lacey Rowe, Stephanie Sondles and Torrery Sampsel. The winners of the drawing are Torrey Sampsel and Stephanie Sondles. The cost of state fair signs will be able to be purchased for $15.00.

Project Award (Chris Wokojance) – Applications will be accepted through June 1st. Interviews will be June 23rd.

Horse Bowl (Sara Justice) – Horse bowl will start in October.

Website (Sara Justice) – The website is updated. Please send updates.

Horse Camp (Becky Smith) – We are looking for a non riding demonstration for horse camp. Everything is all set otherwise. Please remind your kids that May 15th is the deadline for horse camp. We still have room for 35 kids. Episodical volunteer forms must be turned in to Sue.

Sunshine Club (Mrs. Lowe) – Ernie Chappman has received cards. Please feel free to send more. Two weeks ago a Horse Sense member had a fire and they lost everything. If anyone has hand me down show clothes for her, that would be much appreciated.

Groom & Clean (Joani Hedderick) – The same lady who judged last year will judge again. Joani will be downloading questions and providing preparation at horse camp.

Competitive Trail (Dee Casteel) – June 30th, most likely at Silvercreek. PNR’s should start May 30th.

Volunteer Hours (Brian Petroff) – The hours are completed and up to date. Please let Brian know if you have questions. Saturday, May 12th is a great day to get volunteer hours.

Rotating Trophies (Mrs. Lowe) – If the plates are full for rotating trophies please let Mrs. Lowe know so that it can be addressed. If you would like to donate a rotating trophy please call Mary Ellen Lowe. Janet Barlow is providing a trophy.

Maintenance (Denny Bittaker) – Brian will be leading stall set up. Bring weed eaters and equipment. The sign-in will be at barn 10 and there will be a list of duties assigned. There will be a dog show going on, tell them you are in Saddlehorse. There is glass that needs cleaned up, bring trash bags. It starts at 10:00am. The gutter is also gone on one side of the Saddlehorse building so it will need to be replaced. Bring tools to help set up stalls.

Scholarship (Sue & Rachel Schutte) – We have received no applications for scholarship but they are due June 1st.

Ribbons & Trophies (Cathy McWhirter) - Everything is moving along, recycled trophies will be used. Kelly

Norville donated the cost for the remainder of walk trot point classes, gymkhana classes, and high point that are not already sponsored. You can still drop off trophies to Karla, Cathy, or extension.

Judges (Jackie Sampsel) – Fair board covers the judge fee for the day, but no other costs. They do not cover the steward and announcer. There should also be a packet ready to go to the front gate, but passes should be requested now.

PAS (Chris Wokojance) – Applications are due by June 1st. Make sure that all pages are completed.

Rules (Sara Justice) – none.

Fair (Debbie Hookway & Mike Hawsman) – May 29th from 6:00-8:00 at Saddle Horse - fair packets are due. There is a golf cart concern. Last year Baker’s did end up donating for a full page ad which is in this year’s ad book.

There is an announcer concern because the announcer Sandy McDanield is unable to announce for $300.00. She is willing to do it for $450.00. Mrs. Hookline motioned to change the amount for the fair announcer from $300 to $450.00, Karla Kline seconded the motion. Open discussion. Sandy does an excellent job of moving fair along. Could volunteers be used, is there someone who would volunteer, Fair is coming up soon, She will be making less than $10.00 an hour. Motion passed.

There was also a great meeting with Don, the ring steward and he is excited to come back. Explanation of timing for the 2 minute gate call. There are discussions going on with the lady running the kitchen in order to help increase our income. She is charged $1000.00 for the kitchen. The cost of the kitchen is split with Fair Board and then judges meals are taken out. There is a plan laid out for ensuring that meal tickets are not abused. Discussion with the judge will happen per the steward. Open discussion. Per the rule book, the steward will make determination on discussion with the judges. There was also clarification for when it is appropriate to tap your horse. The Fair committee is still looking for a few coordinators.

Open Show (Joani Hedderick) – The schedule is already set up with duties, there are still a few openings. Cabelloros will be working competitive trail as their show. Carla Kline found someone who will be volunteering to help with the computer at the June show. Thursday, June 7th is the next meeting; it will be down at Saddlehorse in order to learn what they need to know. The meeting will start at 7.

Finance Committee (Michelle Walters) – There will be a meeting at Horse Camp in June to discuss. We will be meeting 4 times a year.

Old Business:

The cost for each child to come to fair – The cost from last year is between $175 - $185 per child. Everything other than camping, from stalls, judges, awards, stewards, was included.

Financial changes – Belt buckles – Suggestion of Executive Committee: State qualifiers who don’t go to fair will get a cheaper belt buckle, representatives will still receive the Montana Silver Belt Buckles. It was voted at the April meeting to not order ribbons but ribbons were ordered because we have a partial order. Mike Hawsman motioned to leave belt buckles the same this year as they were last year, Mary Ellen Lowe seconded the motion. Open discussion, there were 26 buckles ordered last year. There is a concern because financially all kids cannot go to state fair for multiple reasons. There is also a concern because we do need to save money for the roof. Horse bowl kids and whether or not they deserve buckles. 18 in favor, 10 opposed. Motion to leave belt buckles they same as they were last year passed.

Discussion as to the appropriate following of the parliamentary procedures. When a motion is stated and passed, it is to be followed. Therefore, the order for the state qualifier ribbons will be cancelled.

New business:

Fair camping forms are not available for fair, they should be by today. The flag is being taken down tomorrow. There will be no ribbons given out for 4H booths, but there will be certificates. If any non profit organizations want to donate booths, time, skills, etc for the family booth that would be happily appreciated.

Finance committee – Mrs. Hookway called the question as to if we can even have a Finance Committee, and whether or not it was allowed. Per Sara Justice and Jackie Krieger, there are allowed to be sub committees added. The question came up due to the repairing of the barn, and whether committees could be added.


Kathy McWhirtor is owed a huge thank you for all she has done for the ribbons and thank you’s.

Carla Kline is owed a big thank you for hauling a horse in an emergency situation and demonstrating what 4H is really about.

Thank you so much Kelly Norville for donating the remainder of the cost of the walk –trot sponsorships.

Cathy McWhirter suggested that we do a study of Parliamentary Procedure to ensure our meetings are run correctly. Mike Hawsman stated that it is more of a guide.

Sara Justice – There are two members of Summit Co. who already qualified for state in dressage, there will be a dressage state qualifier and J-Bar Stables.

**The next meeting is June 21, 2012 at 7:30pm.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:34

Respectfully Submitted,

Rachel Schutte

Date Approved: