La Casa Project
What does your dream house look like? How would you describe it in Spanish? Using the Spanish house vocabulary, you will be designing ahouse. You will build a model house, labeling all of the rooms, furniture and fixtures in Spanish.
You will have two options to build your model homes:
- 2-D design:You will have the option of designing a two dimensional home. If you choose this option, you will need to use a 36” by 48” tri-fold display board. The outsideof the board should be the exterior of the house. When you open up the tri-fold, the inside of the display board should detail the interior of the house.
- 3-D design: You can build a home that is three dimensional. You can use materials such as cardboard, wood, clay or legos. The more creative the design, the higher the grade you will receive in creativity.
PLEASE NOTE: Your house should be homemade – meaning you may not use pre-made houses such as Barbie Houses or Doll Houses.
Your house should have the following:
- A visible exterior and interior,
- Rooms, fixtures and furniture labeled, typed, and spelled correctly in Spanish,
- Be neat and organized in a logical manner,
- Have a variety of rooms that include logical or typical furnishings or appliances,
- Be colorful and creative,
- Include all of the House vocabulary from your notes or teacher website, plus the 13 colors.
You will also be presenting your project to the class, basically naming the rooms and the items in one of the rooms.
This project will be due:
EP Day 4 Monday, January 12, 2015
EP Day 1 Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Rubric for La Casa Project
Novice+10 / Apprentice
+15 / Practitioner
+20 / Expert
+25 / Total Points
Effort /
Creativity /
- House has little color
- House displays little organization and neatness
- 2-D Only has little to no attractive graphics
- 3-D Only has little to no unique materials which represents furniture or fixtures
- Not very aesthetically pleasing
- House has some color
- House displays some organization and neatness
- 2-D Only has only a few attractive graphics mostly drawn
- 3-D Only has a few unique materials used to represent some furniture and fixtures
- Somewhat aesthetically pleasing
- House incorporates color, organization and neatness
- 2-D Only uses attractive graphics – either drawn or printed
- 3-D Only uses unique materials which represent furniture and fixtures
- Aesthetically pleasing
- All of Practitioner plus demonstrates outstanding planning and incorporates original personal expression
Vocabulary /
- Correctly labels vocabulary for 4 rooms and the items found in that room including some of the colors.
- Correctly labels vocabulary for 5rooms and the items found in that room.
- Correctly labels vocabulary for 6 rooms and the items found in that room.
- Correctly labels vocabulary for 7 rooms and the items found in that room including all of the colors. As well as incorporating additional vocabulary for items found in a house.
Word Usage /
- Vocabulary has some errors. Accents may not have been used.
- Vocabulary listed has few errors. Some accents are noted correctly.
- Vocabulary listed has few errors. All accents are noted correctly.
- Vocabulary listed has no errors. All accents are noted correctly.
Presentation /
- Poor pronunciation, very anglicized
- Halting; hesitant; long gaps
- Incomprehensible
- Vowels not correctly pronounced
- Consonants not correctly pronounced
- Some errors but still understood
- Unnatural pauses
- Difficult to Understand
- Vowels somewhat pronounced correctly
- Consonants somewhat pronounced correctly
- Understandable with very few errors
- Fairly Smooth Delivery
- Understood
- Vowels pronounced correctly many times
- Consonants pronounced correctly many times
- Accurate throughout, near native
- Smooth Delivery
- Easily Understood
- Vowels pronounced correctly every time
- Consonants pronounced correctly every time
Total Grade:______/100