Interior Build-Out Project

This category is open to general contractors/construction managers/prime contractor and specialty contractors/subcontractors for interior finish construction projects. Any size project is eligible.

- You may submit any project which was or will be substantially completed between June 9, 2014 and June 9, 2016.

- Projects submitted in this category are part of the Mid-America class. As such, projects are not limited to the territorial jurisdiction of the AGC of Missouri, but must be located in Missouri or one of the 8 contiguous states (AR, IL, IA, KS, KY, NE, OK & TN).

- Only members of the AGC of Missouri who are in good standing are eligible to make submissions.

Your role on this project:

General Contractor/Construction Manager/Prime Contractor

Specialty Contractor/Subcontractor

Entry fee of $275 must accompany each initial nomination. Both the entry fee and submission must be received by 5:00 p.m. on June 9, 2016. For questions, please call the AGC at 844-606-6242.

Initial Submission Checklist:
Nomination form $275 entry fee

Project photo(s) Testimonial letter from project stakeholder

Copies of each project submission will be provided to the judging panel.To help facilitate the process, do

not spiral bind your submission or include tabs that cannot be run through a copier machine. Three

ring binders and folders are acceptable but not necessary.

If you transmit your submission form electronically, please send it in PDF format. The AGC is not responsible for any submissions not received due to file size. Please call the AGC offices to confirm receipt of your electronic submission.

Send to: Construction Keystone Awards
c/o AGC of Missouri

6330 Knox Industrial Drive, Suite 200
St. Louis, MO63139

To submit electronically, send to

*The AGC of Missouri reserves the right to alter the structure of the submission categories and project volume divisions based upon actual submissions received. Every effort will be made to ensure equity and fairness to all submissions. If such restructuring occurs, all affected parties will be notified and given the opportunity to remove their project from consideration.

Name of Contractor or Joint Venture:

If joint venture, please list all parties included in the joint venture.Submitting party must be a member of the AGC of Missouri; all other JV partners must be members in good standing of the AGC of Missouri or other AGC chapters.

Project Owner: (Corporate Name):

Project Name:

Project Location (city, state):

Design Team:

Nomination Submitted By:

AGC member company representative:
Phone and fax numbers:
E-mail Address:

Project Description
A. Procurement Method (please indicate): Competitive BidDesign/BuildCM
B. Type of Construction (i.e. commercial, institutional, educational, highway, industrial)
C. Construction cost of project
D. Your contract amount:

E. Project substantially complete on:

F.Scope of project:

Initial submissions are limited in length. You may submit:

-Cover page claiming submission category (page 1 of this document)

-Specific project information (answers to question contained on pages 2-3 of this document)

-One page testimonial letter from project stakeholder

Maximum of 5 single-sided supplemental pages (photos/descriptions)

1. List factors you believe make this job worthy of receiving a Keystone Award. (100 words or less)

2. Describe the most challenging aspect of this job. (100 words or less)

3. Describe how this job excelled in the following areas. (50 words or less for each area)
Job Site Safety

Project Communications Process
Workforce and Contractor Diversity
Quality of Construction Process
Use of Technology and Innovation

How did you manage schedule?

How did you manage budget?

Impact on the Community?


Please submit a one-page testimonial letter from a stakeholder in the project.

Please submit supplementary photograph(s).

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Revised 4/14/2016