For Companies/Enterprises with LESS than 50 Employees
Year 5: 1 April 2004 to 31 March 2005
This guideline was developed to assist companies/enterprises to apply for a Workplace Skills Plan Grant (WSPG) for the 2004/2005 financial year. The guideline document should to be used in conjunction with the Workplace Skills Plan Grant (WSPG) Application. The WSPG Application has been designed to accommodate Workplace Skills Plans (WSPs) and to effectively and efficiently collect information and implement the SETASA levy grant system.
Every attempt was made to simplify the grant application process, while still ensuring that information and reporting requirements of SETASA are met. The information requested in the Workplace Skills Plan Grant (WSPG) and Workplace Skills Plan Implementation Grant (WSPIG) Applications will enable SETASA to meet its reporting requirements, develop and review its Sector Skills Plan (SSP) and design focused interventions for stakeholders in the Secondary Agriculture sector.
Workplace Skills Plans (WSPs) and Workplace Skills Plan Implementation Reports (WSPIR) are central to South Africa’s skills development strategy. The strategy aims to establish a demand-led skills development system that is responsive to the skills, economic and social needs of South Africa.
WSPs allow employers to outline the company/enterprise’s skills priorities and skills development objectives. The WSPG Application Form was designed to assist employers to plan, track and align training needs to meet business goals and objectives.
SETASA will use the information provided in the WSPG WSPIG Applications to:
- disburse levy funds, to eligible employers, through the Levy Grant System;
- identify gaps in the supply of, and demand for, skills in the sector;
- provide information to the Department of Labour on economic and labour trends;
- assist in reporting on the achievements of National Skills Development Strategy and sector specific targets;
- assess training capacity and training investment to ensure the sound allocation of resources; and
- develop strategies for planning and implementing skills development initiatives within the sector.
Three Annexures have been provided to assist with the completion of WSPG Application:
Annexure A:Business Activity and SIC Codes and list of SETASA Sub Sector Units.
Annexure B:Definitions of Occupational Groups
Annexure C:Criteria for appointing Skills Development Facilitators (SDFs) and the WSP consultation process
SETASA recognises the need for absolute discretion in respect of the information requested in the WSPG and the WSPIG Applications and assures employers that all information received will be treated with the highest regard for confidentiality. Information received in the grant applications are aggregated for the purposes of reporting against targets, achievement of priorities outlined in the SSP, research and other strategic directives.
The WSPG is fixed as a percentage of the levies paid by an employer. Employers, who submit applications on time and in the required format on time, will receive 15 per cent of their total levy contribution received for 2004/2005 financial year. The WSPG Application requirements were extracted from the funding regulations of 22 June 2001 (No. 7091, Vol. 432) as published in the Government Gazette
WHAT HAPPENS TO LEVIES NOT CLAIMEDEmployers who do not submit Workplace Skills Planning Grant (WSPG) and Workplace Skills Implementation Grant (WSIPG) Applications before the due dates will not be able to access Mandatory levy grants. Unclaimed levies will be transferred to a Discretionary Fund, that will support strategic sector skills development projects in the Secondary Agricultural Sector.
Approval of Workplace Skills Planning Grant’s (WSPG) Applications will be based on the following criteria:
- the company or enterprises has registered an SDF;
- the WSPG Application has been correctly completed and submitted in the required format and by the deadline provided;
- the WSPG Application is signed off in accordance with the Act’s requirements;
- the company /enterprise is registered with SETASA and levy contributions are up-to-date;
- the application is typed or if hand-written is legible ; and
- the application is in English.
Please Note: The deadline for submission of the WSPG Application
For 2004/2005 is 30 April 2004.
This part of the guideline deals with the specific section contained in the WSPG Application
SECTION A. ADMINISTRATIVE DETAILSWe request that you provide the company/enterprise’s registered name, contact details, the appropriate Standard Industrial Classification Code (SIC Code – see Annexure A) and your Skills Development Levy (SDL) Number.
A1. Company/ Enterprise Details / Company/Enterprise Name: This requires the company/enterprise’s registered name.Postal & Physical Address: This must reflect the organizations registered physical address, including city and province. It also requires your company/enterprise’s registered contact details such as telephone, fax, email etc.
SDL Number: This is your Skills Development Levy number, for example (L+ 9 digits)
Numbers of employees: Include the total number of in permanent/full-time employees for whom Skills Development levies are paid. The other category refers to those employees who are in seasonal, temporary, casuals and contract employment. The total number provided in the 2 columns should balance with the total in A5. Current Employment Profile.
A2. Business Activity / The response here should relate to the main/core business activity of your company/enterprise. SSU is the SETASA sub-sector units (x 10) to which the company/enterprise belongs. SIC code is the acronym for Standard Industrial Classification Code. In simpler terms, a SIC Code reflects the main business activity of your company/enterprise.
A list of SIC codes is provided in Annexure A
Please select one code only, as per SARS SDL 101 form
A3.Banking Details
Please complete this section in full even if you have submitted banking details previously because the information will be used for verification purposes. Companies/enterprises completing a consolidated submission for multiple grants (i.e. more than one SDL number) must provide separate banking details for each grant application where banking details differ. Please note that banking details are only required for payment purposes.
In order to confirm the banking details, at least one of the following is required:
- copy of company cheque
- original cancelled cheque
- letter from bank confirming banking details
Employers must provide SETASA with the full name, job title, identity number and signature (including date of signature) of the person confirming the banking details and authorizing payment to the banking details provided. It will be assumed that the person has been duly authorized by the company/enterprise to provide the required details and authorize the grant payment.
A4.Current Employment Profile (as at 1 April 2004)
This is defined as the total workforce in respect of which skills development levies have been paid to the South African Revenue Services. Please enter your employment profile as at 1 April 2004. For assistance in completing the table, please see Annexure B which provides definitions of the various Occupational Groups listed in the table. Further information may be obtained from the Department of Labour website at the address If the WSPG Application is submitted on behalf of more than one establishment or SDL number, please attach a separate employment profile for each SDL numbers.
Field / ExplanationOccupational Groups / Outlined in Annexure B.
African (M/F/D) / This requires you to report on the total number of Africans, according to race, gender and disability status currently employed by your company in the broad occupational categories specified.
Coloured (M/F/D) / This requires you to report on the total number of Coloureds, according to race, gender and disability status currently employed by your company in the broad occupational categories specified.
Indian (M/F/D) / This requires you to report on the total number of Indians, according to race, gender and disability status currently employed by your company in the broad occupational categories specified.
White (M/F/D) / This requires you to report on the total number of Whites, according to race, gender and disability status currently employed by your company in the broad occupational categories specified.
Total (M/F/D) / This is the grand total number of male, female and disabled persons employed in your organisation in the broad occupational categories specified.
Please ensure that the totals in the columns match.
For purposes of completing the disabled column, please note that disabled persons are in the first instance categorized along race and gender lines and then again as disabled. For example: If 7 African males are employed in the Professional category of which 1 is a disabled person then you would list 7 under African M (male) and 1 under D (Disability).
(The Employment Equity Act of 1998 defines people with disabilities as ‘people who have a long-term or recurring physical or mental impairment that substantially limits their prospects of entry into or advancement in employment’. Physical impairments include hearing and visual impairments, paralysis, amputations and problems with internal organs. Mental impairment includes clinically defined mental and emotional illnesses and learning disabilities.)
B1. Personal Information: The SDF contact details are required as part of the Grant Application. If the SDF is not registered with SETASA, please ensure that the correct documentation is completed and submitted with the Application. This is required in order to process the Grant Application.
The Information regarding gender, population group and disability status of SDF’s is required for statistical/reporting purposes only.
The Current Occupation/Position of the SDF indicates to SETASA whether the SDF is a permanent/salaried employee or external consultant. External SDF’s are not considered salaried employees of a particular company/enterprise. They are usually freelance consultants hired by companies/enterprises to perform its SDF functions.
The primary functions performed by an SDF include:
- to assist the employer/employees to develop a WSP and submit grant applications.
- to advise the employer/employees on the implementation of the WSP
- to assist the employer to report on the implementation of the WSP
- to advise the employer of any quality standards set by the SETA
- to act as a contact person between the employer and the SETA, and
- to serve as a resource with regard to all aspects of skills development in the company/enterprise.
If a SDF leaves the company/enterprise, or for any other reason ceases to perform the role, the employer must designate another SDF and notify the SETA in writing (an Application to request the registration of a new SDF is available on the SETASA website
C1: Annual Skills Priorities (1 April 2004 to 31 March 2005)In this section you are required to list your annual skills priorities. Where applicable, you are requested to link the companies/enterprise’s skills priorities (in priority rank order) to the secondary agriculture’s skills priorities which are listed below.
1. HIV and AIDs AwarenessTraining and Management /
- HIV and AIDS awareness programmes: Any education or training intervention intended to impart knowledge regarding HIV aids
2. ABET Training /
- ABET (Adult Basic Education and Training) programmes: This is defined as a training intervention towards the attainment of Grade 9/Std 7/ABET level 4/NQF level 1. Examples of such programmes include literacy and numeracy and ABET Level 1, 2, & 3
3. MME Capacity Development /
- SMME capacity building: Support and development of Small Medium and Micro enterprises
4. Social Planning /
- Social Planning, includes re-skilling, retrenchment, re-tooling and research that measures impact and performance in the company
5. Secondary Agricultural
Sector Specific Research /
- Research done specifically within the Secondary Agricultural field.
6. Employment Equity Mobility /
- Any programme, plan, project or intervention intended to improve the equity profile of the employees within the sector
7. Recognition of Prior
Learning (RPL) /
- Where the prior education, training and knowledge and skills of the learner is formerly, recognised. This enables the learner to access formal qualification on the NQF.
8. Education and Training
Provider Support /
- Examples of this could be assessor and moderator training, development of curriculum and training of mentors.
9. Learnerships /
- Implementation of a registered learnership that benefits either employed (18.1) or unemployed/pre-employed learners (18.2)
10. Apprenticeships /
- Implementation of registered Apprenticeships at any SETA. Contract signed through SETASA Apprenticeships will continue until the Minister of Labour declares a date after which all apprenticeships will become learnerships..
11.Registered Skills Programmes /
- Implementation of skills programmes that are registered with a SETA.
12. Other /
- If strategic/training priorities of the company do not link up with any of the abovementioned strategic priorities of SETASA, companies may add as many priorities of their own to the list.
Please enter the number of planned education and training interventions per skills priority and NOT the number of beneficiaries who receive training. Details of beneficiaries are required under C2.
For example, it may be planned to send 7 employees for Supervisory Training. If the training option selected is a registered Learnership then it should be entered under No. 9: Learnerships. If, however, it is a short course which is registered then it should be entered under No.11 Registered Skills Programmes. Should the course be neither of the above then it should be entered under number 12: Other…
Your Education and Training delivery options may include the following:
- Learnerships/Apprenticeships
- Registered Skills Programmes
- Short Courses (internal or external)
- ABET Programmes
- Certificate
- Degree (Undergraduate, Post-graduate)
- Diploma
The National Qualifications Framework (NQF)
The NQF is a national Qualifications Framework whose objectives are to:
- create an integrated framework for learning achievements;
- facilitate access to, and mobility and progression within education, training and career paths;
- enhance the quality of education and training;
- accelerate the redress of past unfair discrimination in education, training and employment opportunities; and thereby
- contribute to the full personal development of each learner and the social and economic development of the nation at large.
The National Qualifications Framework is divided into three bands (GET, FET and HET) and 8 levels. These are outlined below. Please note that education and training in ABET Levels 1, 2, 3 fall below Level 1 and should be listed as such in this section. Should you require more information and or clarification on the information required in this section of the application, please contact SETASA.
BAND / LEVEL / Education & training interventionBelow L1 / Qualifications unknown/None/No Schooling
Grade 0
ABET Levels 1,2,3
General Education and training / 1
Grade 1/Sub A
Grade 2/Sub B
Grade 3/Std 1/ABET 1
Grade 4/Std 2
Grade 5/Std 3/ABET 2
Grade 6/Std 4
Grade 7/Std 5/ABET 3
Grade 8/Std 6/Form 1
Grade 9/Std 7/Form 2/ABET 4
Further education and training / 2 / Grade 10/Std 8/N1/Form 3/NTC I
3 / Grade 11/Std 9/N2/Form 4/NTC II
4 / Grade 12/Std 10/N3/Form 5/NTC III
HET Higher education and training / 5 / Matric & diploma/certificate/NTC IV, V, VI
6 / First degrees/Higher Diplomas
7 / Honours/Master’s degrees
8 / Doctorates
Unknown / If you do not know at what level to estimate the education or training.
C2.Summary of Intended Beneficiaries For E&T Priorities (1 APRIL 2004 to 31 MARCH 2005)
This table provides SETASA with a record of potential beneficiaries of planned education and training intervention and is required for reporting purposes. This table should describe the beneficiaries of discrete learning interventions reported in C1. The numbers of intended beneficiaries (including their profile and occupational category) targeted for the proposed training interventions is required and NOT the number of interventions/programmes to be implemented. No double counting of beneficiaries may occur. Each person who is to receive training is to be counted once only even if the person is the beneficiary of multiple E&T intervention. This table indicates how many people will be trained in the company/enterprise during the year.
ExplanationOccupational Group / It is recommended that you refer to Annexure B for descriptions of occupational categories.
Skills Priority number / Skills Priority number as indicated in Section C1.
African (M/F/D) / This requires you to report on the total number of African beneficiaries according to race, gender and disability status in the broad occupational categories specified.
Coloured (M/F/D) / This requires you to report on the total number of Coloured beneficiaries according to race, gender and disability status in the broad occupational categories specified.
Indian (M/F/D) / This requires you to report on the total number of Indian beneficiaries according to race, gender and disability status in the broad occupational categories specified.
White (M/F/D) / This requires you to report on the total number of White beneficiaries according to race, gender and disability status in the broad occupational categories specified.
Total (M/F/D) / This is the total number of male, female and disabled beneficiaries in your company/enterprise in the broad occupational categories
Total / Please ensure that the totals in the columns match.
For purposes of completing the disabled column, disabled persons are in the first instance categorized along race and gender lines and then again as disabled.
D1.Process used to develop the WSP?
What is required here is a brief description of the process used to develop the WSP. For example, you might have consulted with your employees via a staff meeting process, or as part of your performance appraisal system. Some evidence of the consultative process is encouraged, such as minutes of committee meeting etc.