Design & Technology /
Year 09 WOOdWORK
Learning in Design and Technologies builds on concepts, skills and processes developed in earlier years, andteachers will revisit, strengthen and extend them as needed.In Year 9, students have opportunities to learn about technologies in society at least once in the following technologies contexts: Engineering principles and systems; Food and fibre production; Food specialisations; and Materials and technologies specialisations. Students are provided with opportunities to design and produce products, services and environments.
Students have opportunities to use design and technologies knowledge and understanding, processes and production skills, and design thinking to produce solutions to identified needs or opportunities. They work independently and collaboratively. Students specifically focus on solutions, taking into account social values; economic, environmental and social sustainability factors. They have the opportunity to use creativity, innovation and enterprise skills with increasing confidence, independence and collaboration.
Using a range of increasingly sophisticated technologies, including a variety of graphical representation techniques, students have opportunities to generate and represent original ideas and production plans in two-dimensional and three-dimensional representations.
Students identify and establish safety procedures that minimise risk and manage projects. They learn to transfer theoretical knowledge to practical activities.
Author: Patrick mchale
year: 2018
/ 1A / PICTURE FRAME / 7.5% / / / TERM 1WEEK 10
2A / DOVETAIL BOX / 10% / / TERM2
/ 1B / PICTURE FRAME / 20% / / TERM 1WEEK 10
2B / DOVETAIL BOX / 20% / / TERM 3
5 / WOODWORK THEORY TEST / 7.5% / / / TERM 4
term 1
/Teaching Focus
/West Australian curriculum links
Lesson One - Design
/Lesson Two - Produce
- Safety and behavior contract
- Safety and behavior test
- laptop
1B /
- Students introduced to the design lab.
- Students learn the requirements of the design lab
- How to appropriately use technology
- Students must bring a portfolio to keep their work in
- Students are introduced to their first design task
- Students are introduced to the WOODWORK room
- Students learn the requirements of the workshop
- Students learn how to behave appropriately and the consequences for failing to act in a safe and responsible manner
- Apply design thinking, creativity and enterprise skills*
- Design solutions assessing alternative designs against given criteria, using appropriate technical terms and technology*
- Select and safely implement and test appropriate technologies and processes, to make solutions*
- Work independently, and collaboratively to manage projects, using digital technology and an iterative and collaborative approach. Considers time, cost, risk and safety*
- Literacy
- Numeracy
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
- capability
- Critical and creative thinking
- Personal and social capability
- Characteristics and properties of materials, systems, components, tools and equipment used to create designed solutions (ACTDEK046)
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
- Critical and creative thinking
- Technologies can be combined and used to create designed solutions (ACTDEK047)
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
- Critical and creative thinking
- Rails
- laptop
1B /
- Students are introduced to sketch up and learn how to set up a drawing
- Students learn the different templates used in sketch up
- Students learn how to add the toolbars in sketch up
- Students learn how to control the views in sketch up
- Students are given the rail blank
- Students learn the marking out tools name and uses
- Students mark out the dovetails as per the teacher demonstration
- Students learn the safe and correct operation of the hand saw
- Students cut the dovetails on the rails
- Drill press safety
- Handle
- laptop
1B /
- Students learn to use basic commands to create simple shapes
- Students use the rectangle tool
- Students use the push pull tool
- Students create components
- Students edit components
- Students mark out the picture frame using the marking out tools and skills learned last lesson
- Students go through the drill press safety information and test
- Students drill the handle holes using the drill press
- Students cut the handle to shape using the coping saw
- laptop
1B /
- Students draw the picture frame
- Students follow the teacher demonstration to draw the picture frame.
- Students make a component and edit the component by drawing new profiles
- Students learn the safe and correct operation of the coping saw
- Students use the coping saw to cut the handle to shape
- Students learn the safe and correct operation of the wood rasp
- Students rasp off the handle so that the shape is smooth and even and symmetrical.
- laptop
1B /
- Students draw the picture frame.
- Students follow the teacher demonstration to draw the picture frame.
- Students make a component and edit the component by drawing new profiles and then push pulling them
- Students mark out the contour of the handle
- Students cut the contour with coping saws
- Students rasp off the contours
- Disk and belt sander safety
- laptop
1B /
- Students assemble the picture frame.
- Students learn the move tool and how to accurately use it to move components from snap points
- Students use the paint bucket tool to paint the drawing an attractive design
- Use the style editor to put the background to white and adjust the view to show the project from the best angle
- Students mark out the dovetails slots on the handle
- Students fit together the rails and the handles
- Students learn about sand paper
- Students learn about the different grades of sand paper
- Students learn correct sanding technique
- Students sand all parts so they are smooth and free of dirt
- Picture frame
- laptop
1B /
- students use the dimension tool to add the necessary dimensions
- students export their drawing as jpeg and save to the appropriate location
- students create a Microsoft word drawing template
- Students present their work neatly in Microsoft word and print
- Students use hand sanding and machine sanding to smooth off the components and remove any dirt
- laptop
1B /
- students learn to complete a materials list
- students learn the reasons why to print a materials list
- Students complete the picture frame materials list, including all the relevant information
- Students use clamps to hold their work together
- Students glue together the rail and handle
- Students wipe away any excess glue
- laptop
1B /
- students learn to complete a production procedure
- students learn the reasons why to print production procedure
- Students complete the picture frame production procedure, including all the relevant information
- Students use the spray booth to apply lacquer finish to the picture frame
- laptop
1B /
term 2
/Teaching Focus
/West Australian curriculum links
Lesson One - Design
/Lesson Two - Produce
- Dovetail box blanks
- Laptop
- Pencil
- paper
2B /
- Students investigate the different dovetail box designs currently available on the market
- Students learn to critically analyses the design features that the available dovetail boxs have.
- Students use this critical analysis to develop a set of design criteria
- Students work this criterion into a statement of intent outlining the features they wish for their dovetail box design to have
- Students glue together the blanks that will be used to create the dovetail box
Investigating and defining
- Identify and define the needs of a stakeholder, to create a brief, for a solution*
- Investigate a selection of components/resources to develop solution ideas, identifying and considering constraints*
- Apply design thinking, creativity and enterprise skills*
- Design solutions assessing alternative designs against given criteria, using appropriate technical terms and technology*
- Select and safely implement and test appropriate technologies and processes, to make solutions*
- Evaluate design processes and solutions against student-developed criteria*
- Work independently, and collaboratively to manage projects, using digital technology and an iterative and collaborative approach. Considers time, cost, risk and safety*
- Literacy
- Numeracy
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
- capability
- Critical and creative thinking
- Personal and social capability
- Characteristics and properties of materials, systems, components, tools and equipment used to create designed solutions (ACTDEK046)
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
- Critical and creative thinking
- Technologies can be combined and used to create designed solutions (ACTDEK047)
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
- Critical and creative thinking
- Social, ethical and sustainability considerations that impact on designed solutions (ACTDEK040)
- Literacy
- Critical and creative thinking
- Personal and social capability
- Ethical understanding
- Development of products, services and environments, with consideration of economic, environmental and social sustainability (ACTDEK041)
- Literacy
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
- Critical and creative thinking
- Personal and social capability
- Ethical understanding
- Laptop
- Pencil
- paper
2B /
- Students are introduced to oblique sketching techniques
- Students learn the 3 rules for oblique sketching
- Students practice sketching by creating a how to sketch oblique instruction sheet.
- Students create simple oblique sketches
- Students take their work to the planer and thicknesser to be machined by their teacher
- Students learn the process for machining timber
- Band saw safety
- Laptop
- Pencil
- paper
2B /
- Students fill out a 3-choice diagram to construct their favorite ice cream. Students learn to identify that things are constructed using different parts
- Students reference their statement of intent and complete a 3-choice diagram to construct their favorite dovetail box. Students document the 3 components in their design journal
- Students practice sketching these components in oblique
- Students mark out their blank into the legs and the top
- Teacher to cut the students legs and tops
- Write names on pieces
- Mark out the legs and attach them
- Students learn to use the bandsaw
- Laptop
- Pencil
- paper
2B /
- Students now draw these components in an assembly drawing
- Students must show the components and how they will join
- Students learn to reasons why we dimension/annotate our drawings
- Students dimension their assembly drawing
- Students use the tennon saw to product the joints for their dovetail box
- Students cut their chosen rails to length
- Students mark out and cut the rail dovetail
- Laptop
- Pencil
- paper
2B /
- Students use their development sketches to create a 3d model of their work in sketch up software
- Students should have documented the appropriate information required to create the dovetail box
- Students should have attained the appropriate skills to draw independently in sketch up software
- Students cut their chosen rails to length
- Students mark out and cut the rail dovetail
- Students cut the rail profile
- Laptop
- Pencil
- paper
2B /
- Students continue to work on their dovetail box sketch independently
- Teacher assistance will be provided where necessary
- Students present their work on a drawing title block
- Students print their work for their design journal
- Students use the bandsaw to product the legs for their dovetail box
- Students mark out and cut the rail dovetail
- Students cut the rail profile Students cut the top to shape
- Router safety
- Laptop
- Pencil
- paper
2B /
- Students continue to work on their dovetail box sketch independently
- Teacher assistance will be provided where necessary
- Students present their work on a drawing title block
- Students print their work for their design journal
- Students apply routered edge to components if they wish
- Students sand the individual pieces of their dovetail box prior to assembly
- Laptop
- Pencil
- paper
2B /
- Students complete the production procedure for the dovetail box project
- Students complete the materials list for the dovetail box project
- Students complete the dovetail box evaluation worksheet for their journal.
- Students fit their components together ensuring a snug fit is achieved
- Students glue their work using PVA
- Students employ a clamping system that will hold their work securely while it dries
- Laptop
- Pencil
- paper
2B /
- Students complete the production procedure for the dovetail box project
- Students complete the materials list for the dovetail box project
- Students complete the dovetail box evaluation worksheet for their journal
- Students fill any cracks and gaps with an appropriately colored water based timber filler
- Students sand their finished work to achieve a smooth and level surface
- Laptop
- Pencil
- paper
2B /
- Students sand their finished work to achieve a smooth and level surface
- Students sand their work to achieve a clean wooden surface free from grease and dirt
- Students sanded project should not show any marks from pens, machinery, or sanding
term 3
/Teaching Focus
/West Australian curriculum links
Lesson One - Design
/Lesson Two - Produce
- Dragster blanks
- Laptop
- Pencil
- paper
3B /
- Students investigate the different co2 dragster designs
- Students learn to critically analyses the design features that the designs have.
- Students use this critical analysis to develop a set of design criteria
- Students work this criterion into a statement of intent outlining the features they wish for their dragster design to have
- Students sand their finished work to achieve a smooth and level surface
- Students sand their work to achieve a clean wooden surface free from grease and dirt
- Students sanded project should not show any marks from pens, machinery, or sanding
Investigating and defining
- Identify and define the needs of a stakeholder, to create a brief, for a solution*
- Investigate a selection of components/resources to develop solution ideas, identifying and considering constraints*
- Apply design thinking, creativity and enterprise skills*
- Design solutions assessing alternative designs against given criteria, using appropriate technical terms and technology*
- Select and safely implement and test appropriate technologies and processes, to make solutions*
- Evaluate design processes and solutions against student-developed criteria*
- Work independently, and collaboratively to manage projects, using digital technology and an iterative and collaborative approach. Considers time, cost, risk and safety*
- Literacy
- Numeracy
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
- capability
- Critical and creative thinking
- Personal and social capability
- Characteristics and properties of materials, systems, components, tools and equipment used to create designed solutions (ACTDEK046)
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
- Critical and creative thinking
- Technologies can be combined and used to create designed solutions (ACTDEK047)
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
- Critical and creative thinking
- Social, ethical and sustainability considerations that impact on designed solutions (ACTDEK040)
- Literacy
- Critical and creative thinking
- Personal and social capability
- Ethical understanding
- Development of products, services and environments, with consideration of economic, environmental and social sustainability (ACTDEK041)
- Literacy
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability
- Critical and creative thinking
- Personal and social capability
- Ethical understanding
- Laptop
- Pencil
- paper
3B /
- Students begin the dragster design by sketching three different side elevations
- Students try to turn these into oblique sketches
- Students fill out an isometric sketch rules worksheet
- Students begin sketching simple isometric sketches
- Students learn the safety precautions associated with spray finishing
- Students learn the different types of finishes available in woodwork, including pre catalyzed nitrocellulose lacquer
- Students touch and feel the smoothness of the lacquer compared with other top coating finishes
- Laptop
- Pencil
- paper
3B /
- Students sketch isometric objects of an increasing difficulty
- Students begin to sketch their dragster in isometric projection
- Students learn the need to sand back the fibers that stick up after a liquid finish is applied
- Students smooth sand the project from latest lesson using p240 paper
- Students spray a coat of nitrocellulose lacquer on their dovetail box to achieve a desirable and attractive finish.
- Laptop
- Pencil
- paper
3B /
- Students dimension their development drawing
- Laptop
- Pencil
- paper
3B /
- Students use their development sketches to create a 3d model of their work in sketch up software
- Students should have documented the appropriate information required to create the dragster
- Students should have attained the appropriate skills to draw independently in sketch up software
- Students draw on a piece of paper the side and top profiles of their dragster
- Students glue these profiles to the dragster blank
- Laptop
- Pencil
- paper
3B /
- Students continue to work on their dragster sketch independently
- Teacher assistance will be provided where necessary
- Students present their work on a drawing title block
- Students print their work for their design journal
- Students drill the axle holes and the engine bay
- Students drill any other holes required for their design while it is still a square blank
- Laptop
- Pencil
- paper
3B /
- Students continue to work on their dragster sketch independently
- Teacher assistance will be provided where necessary
- Students present their work on a drawing title block
- Students print their work for their design journal
- Students use the bandsaw, hand tools and sandpaper to achieve their chosen design of dragster
- Students must work safely and efficiently during this time to ensure that they finish on time and are able to race their dragster
- Laptop
- Pencil
- paper
3B /
- Students complete the production procedure for the dragster project
- Students complete the materials list for the dragster project
- Students complete the dragster evaluation worksheet for their production journal
- Students use the bandsaw, hand tools and sandpaper to achieve their chosen design of dragster
- Students must work safely and efficiently during this time to ensure that they finish on time and are able to race their dragster
- Laptop
- Pencil
- paper
3B /
- Students complete the production procedure for the dragster project
- Students complete the materials list for the dragster project
- Students complete the dragster evaluation worksheet for their production journal
- Students use the bandsaw, hand tools and sandpaper to achieve their chosen design of dragster
- Students must work safely and efficiently during this time to ensure that they finish on time and are able to race their dragster
- Laptop
- Pencil
- paper
3B /
- dragster portfolio DUE
- Students use the bandsaw, hand tools and sandpaper to achieve their chosen design of dragster
- Students must work safely and efficiently during this time to ensure that they finish on time and are able to race their dragster
term 4