The Grapevine

Church of the Redeemer United Church of Christ

23500 Center Ridge Road Westlake, OH 44145


November 2014

The Grapevine

Church of the Redeemer United Church of Christ

23500 Center Ridge Road Westlake, OH 44145


November 2014

November Mission

West Side Ecumenical Ministry’s Food Centers

The money collected in November will be given to the West Side Ecumenical Ministry’s Food Centers. This ministry has grown since 1966 when it was founded to meet the growing need for families, on the west side of Cleveland, in need of food. As the need for their services became greater, WSEM opened two other Food Center facilities. These Centers provided more than 750,000 meals a year, and more than 14,000 outreach and supportive service to families and children.

WSEM Food Center Locations:

Brookside Food Center

3804 Pearl Road in Cleveland

Community Corner Food Center

8302 Detroit Avenue in Cleveland

Near West Food Center

3610 Bridge Avenue in Cleveland

Habitat Lunches

The Mission Outreach Committee is asking for your help in making Habitat Lunches. If you would like to help with preparing the lunch, that would be great. If you would just like to donate cookies, brownies, etc., that would be helpful, also. Our next lunch preparation will be November 12th. After we prepare the meal, we take it to one of the on going Habitat projects. Usually, we have two to three persons deliver and serve the lunch.

This is a wonderful experience, and very much appreciated by the Habitat workers.

Please contact Elaine Freed, Jeanne Long, or Ruth Michelich for further information.



Pack the Pantry

Again this year, the Mission Outreach Committee decided to STRESS the advantage of increasing the money collection for WSEM. (West Side Ecumenical Ministry)

***S-T-R-E-C-H our dollars!***

Your $25 enables WSEM to provide 144 meals for needy people. That is far more than you could buy for $25 at the store. Help us “Pack the Pantry” at WSEM. Place your check in the lunch bags that we will be passing out on November 2nd

Give what you can,

and watch your $$$$ grow!

However, if you would rather, you may bring non-perishable food items instead. We would encourage you to bring the food in canvas or other non-disposable bags.

Thanks be to God for all the blessings we do have, and that we are able to share them!

And may God bless YOU for your generous giving.

- Mission Outreach Committee

All About Us

Please keep the following people in your thoughts and prayers: Gordon Belmont, Myron Kushner, Harvey & Janet Denk, Betty Panek, Dale Andrews, and John Haberman.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the following families:

Elizabeth Kitzel, whose husband, Allen Kitzel, died on the 29th of September. Elizabeth is the daughter of Isabell Wharry.

Jo Ann Chapman, whose father, Richard Flaherty, died on the 30th of September.

Thank You!

Thank you for supporting Boy Scout Pack 207 by purchasing popcorn from Andrew Hille. He is very excited to start his scouting experience!

Thanks Melissa

Goodbye to 2014

We are nearing the time when we have to turn our attention to reviews of our past work and start looking ahead for the work to come.

That means, FIRST, the Annual Meeting is right around the corner, and your ANNUAL Reports are due in the office by the first week in January.

There is, SECOND, a practical matter: gifts that are to be credited to the current year must be received by the last Sunday of this year, December 28th. Also any reimbursements claimed for this year must be turned in by the last Sunday of this year.

November 27th

Wishing you blessings on this Day of Thanksgiving


Journey to Bethlehem

Mark your calendars and prepare for the Journey!

Journey to Bethlehem will be on December 19th and 20th from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. We need may volunteers to help set up indoors and outside, serve refreshments and greet guests, play a role, assist with costumes, clean up and more! There will be a sign-up book in the gathering room soon. Contact Melissa or Dave Hille at

440-331-4231 or or Megan Carney with any questions.

Time Change

Get ready to “fall back”!

The nation changes to Standard Time in the wee hours of Sunday, November 2nd, so be ready to turn your clocks back one hour that night – otherwise you will be early for worship!

Advent Extravaganza

Sunday November 23

3:30 – 6:00 pm

Potluck dinner at 5:15 pm

At the Advent Extravaganza,

we will be getting ready for Christmas!

There will be a variety of activities for all ages!

--Help with decorating the sanctuary and gathering room

--Make a wooden tile decorative tray for your home.

--Decorate cookies for Journey to Bethlehem

--Children will have a time of singing or handbells

--Make cards for those in need of holiday cheer.

--Enjoy fellowship with your Church family!



If you are a user of Facebook on the internet,

Please search for “CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER UCC”

On Facebook and LIKE it.

What does that mean?

That means that you will see all posts made to our

Church’s page on your newsfeed.

This is another important way to communicate.

And the best part—is you get to see photos of recent events.

ALSO, it is important that you INVITE your Facebook Friends

to like our page as well.

This is easy to do. While on our Facebook page,

There is a place on the left side of the screen that allows you to invite friends.

We want to share our church beyond our doors.

This is an easy and effective way to do that.

From the Parish Nurse

The Healthiest Catch

We all know we should eat more fish/seafood, but what fish is safest to eat and low in mercury. According to the FDA, here are some recommendations:

Lowest-mercury fish: oysters, sardines, scallops, shrimp, tilapia, and wild and Alaskan Salmon (canned or fresh).

Low-mercury fish: Atlantic croaker, mackerel, catfish, crab, flounder/sole, haddock, trout, Pollock.

(source: Consumer Reports on Health, October 2014)

Note: Our Parish Nurse, Jane Lokiec, is available at the church every Tuesday from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. for an office visit. She will also make hospital calls and home visits. For more information, please call the church office 440.331.0834.

Second Sunday of each month

– blood pressure check.
Thank You

From the Interim

Thank You for the wonderful farewell you extended to me! The gift of Lego’s was wonderful and I will have fun putting them together while remembering you in the years ahead.

Also, I appreciate the many personal gifts and cards which were very touching. You will be greatly missed and will be in my thoughts and prayers in the days ahead.

Thank you for the trust you gave to me to travel with you during the interim. This was a wonderful blessing and my prayers and good thoughts go with you and your new pastor, and Rejoicing to hear how you more forward together.

Houston Hall

The Grapevine

Church of the Redeemer United Church of Christ

23500 Center Ridge Road Westlake, OH 44145


November 2014


1. Think back over the past ten years. What are you the most grateful for during that time period?

2. Now think back over the past year. What are you most grateful for during that time period?

3. Now what about the past week? What are you most grateful for?

4. Fill in the blank beside each letter with something that you consider a blessing of God that begins

with that letter.













5. The following verse says that God is "good": O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; for his mercy endureth forever." 1 Chronicles 16:34.

Name a way that God has been good to you lately:

6. Name two physical or monetary blessings you've received lately:

7. Name two spiritual blessings you've received lately:

8. How often do you give praise to God?

___often ___sometimes ____seldom ___never

9. Do you think God is pleased with how you praise Him?

___yes ___no

10. Name someone that God has placed in your life to be a blessing to you.

11. Now that you have reflected on how God has blessed you, choose a person this week (Even during

the busy holiday season) and be a blessing to that person.

Here's a few ideas:

(1) Send someone a card to encourage them.

(2) Take someone a batch of cookies or fresh baked bread.

(3) Make dinner for someone.

(4) Visit a lonely elderly person.

(5) Send someone flowers just for the fun of it.

You get the idea! There's lots of ways to be a blessing!!

Copyright ©2001-2010 Julia Bettencourt /