Regular Session

July 9, 2007

Riceville city council met in regular session July 9, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in city hall. Mayor Mauer called the meeting to order. Present: Lewis, Byrnes, Shoger, Adams, Harnack. Absent: none.

Motion by Shoger, second Byrnes to approve minutes from June 11, 2007 meeting. Ayes – 5

Citizens opportunity to address the council – none.

Letter from Hanson Foundation in Forest City was read. The city received a $1000 grant to be used for the shelter house/restroom park project.

Police report was read.

Letter of resignation from city clerk Trudy O’Donnell was read by the mayor. Motion by Harnack, second Adams to accept the resignation. Ayes – 5. Mayor Mauer expressed his appreciation for Trudy’s service to the city.

Discussion on the trees at 306 Cherry St. Councilmember Harnack stated the trees could use some trimming, but did not want to see them cut down. Motion by Harnack, second Byrnes to trim the trees there but not to cut them down. Ayes – 5

Darrell Lipa submitted a petition signed by 12 of his neighbors requesting the city to pass a lawn mowing ordinance. Consensus of council was to pursue this. Motion by Byrnes, second Lewis to draft an ordinance and discuss further at the August meeting. Ayes – 5

Brenda Dryer, MCED director, updated the council on Riceville’s housing task force activity as well as activity for MCED. She suggested the city pursue an application for a housing rehabilitation project and also explore the use of TIF in Dean Runde’s subdivision and any future subdivisions. Harlan Bisbee would be a good source of information on these items and could possibly make a presentation to the council.

D. Felper had talked to John Hjelle about the water situation on W. 8th St. He had suggested installing an intake to the east of Roethler’s driveway and tile it to the river. City workers instructed to get bids from L & M and Mehmert Tiling for this project and have ready for August meeting.

Motion by Byrnes, second Harnack to hire Pickar Plbg to repair lights at tennis court. Ayes – 5

Motion by Harnack, second Shoger to sell used culvert from Chestnut Street to Roy Grimm for ½ price of new. Ayes – 5

Motion by Adams, second Shoger to approve Ivan Houser at fire department sec/treas. Ayes – 5

Motion by Harnack, second Adams to approve form of tax exempt certificate for 2007 project. Ayes – 5

Councilmember Adams introduced Res. #29-2007 entitled, “RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING A FORM OF LOAN AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $550,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION CAPITAL LOAN NOTES, SERIES 2007. AND LEVYING A TAX TO PAY THE NOTES” and moved for adoption. Second to adopt Shoger. Ayes – Lewis, Byrnes, Shoger, Adams, Harnack. Nays – none.

Whereupon, the Mayor declared Res. #29-2007, PASSED AND APPROVED, this 9 day of July, 2007.


Dean R. Mauer, Mayor


Trudy O’Donnell, City Clerk

Councilmember Byrnes informed the council he had talked to Bob Foss at FSB and was assured that work on cleaning up the old bowling alley will start this week.

Motion by Shoger, second Byrnes to pay the yearly inspection fee for the water heater at the block building and not install a new water heater. Ayes – 5

Riceville Ambulance had submitted a proposal to the fire department for future fire station. They proposed life use of the land and sharing the meeting room, bathrooms, etc. in exchange for free water, sewer and garbage. Motion by Shoger, second Adams to agree to this proposal if the fire station is added on to the ambulance building. Ayes – 5

Motion by Adams, second Byrnes to replace the door at Headstart. Ayes – 5

Motion by Shoger, second Adams to approve appointment of Tom Hill to replace Tove Lockie on the Riceville library board. Ayes – 5

Councilmember Adams introduced Res. #30-2007 entitled, “RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH A PARK IMPROVEMENT FUND FOR FUTURE SHELTERHOUSE/RESTROOM PROJECT AT THE CITY PARK BY THE LIBRARY” and moved for adoption. Second to adopt Shoger. Ayes – Lewis, Byrnes, Shoger, Adams, Harnack. Nays – none.

Whereupon, the Mayor declared Res. #30-2007, PASSED AND APPROVED, this 9 day of July, 2007.


Dean R. Mauer, Mayor


Trudy O’Donnell, City Clerk

Motion by Harnack, second Adams to approve the bills as presented. Ayes – 5

Motion by Byrnes, second Shoger to adjourn. Ayes – 5. Meeting adjourned.


Dean R. Mauer, Mayor


Trudy O’Donnell, City Clerk