xxxx[NEON1] Team Strategy 2016[NEON2]
Last reviewed: xxx
- Summary
This document outlines the strategy of xxx[NEON3]x Team for 2016[NEON4] and how we will hold ourselves to account for achieving it.
- Problem
- Outline your analysis of the problem that this team is addressing
- Share key insights from whatever research you’ve done on this (e.g. survey, one-to-one)
- Theory of change
- What do you think needs to happen to help to solve that problem?
- Outline the key steps and your rationale for them – reference historical examples, key research, evaluations from your own experience
- Show how this fits in with your organisations broader theory of change:[NEON5]
- Vision
- This is a 3-year time-horizon, e.g. 2016-2019
- What do you expect to achieve in this time period?
- Make sure you have a vision that can be tracked back to your delivery plan (section 10)
- Goal
- This is a 3-year time-horizon, e.g. 2016-2018
- This should be a short statement, that starts with “To…” i.e. it is action orientated, what do you intend to do.
- SWOT of work so far
Base this on the major work you’ve done so far in this area. Before completing the SWOT, provide a bullet point list of the projects you are basing your SWOT on.
Opportunities / Threats
- Objectives
- These are over a 12-month time horizon
- Objectives should be SMART: Specific, measurable, actionable, relevant, time-bound
- These should flow from the previous SWOT analysis
- Target audience
- Who is this project targeted at? Be as specific as possible e.g. comms officers or migrations organisers or skill level, sector, etc.
- Core Projects
- Provide a list of the core projects you intend to run over the next 12 months
- Delivery plan for training team
The table below sets out the core projects of the Training Team and their major outputs and outcomes.
Each project listed below has a separate project plan. The project plan goes into more detail on how the work will be delivered, how outcomes will be monitored, the distribution of responsibilities across team members and the project’s budget.
PROJECTEach project as listed in section 9 / Activities
The individual activities that make up this sub-project / outputs
The physical “products” we will create from these activities / outcomes
The changes that will result from these activities
Project one / / / ●
Project two / / / ●
- Monitoring and evaluation
The specific M&E plan for each project within this strategy is listed in its individual project plan. Each team will use the following cycle for monitoring and evaluating each of their projects:
WHEN / WHATOngoing / Monitor projects throughout their delivery and make ongoing adjustments.
Evaluate each project at the end of its delivery.
Quarterly / Provide updates on M&E to the Board at their quarterly meetings in directors report flagging any key concerns and considerations.
Annual / Take part in an annual review meeting, based on M&E collected over the year, with rest of NEON staff team and Board.
- Resources required for xxxx Team 2016
Total resources
The table below sets out the core resources required by the xxxx Team to deliver this strategy. Each project listed is section 10 has its own separate project plan that also shows how the total budget is distributed across each project.
RESOURCE REQ’D / DETAIL / COSTThing / Reason for needing the thing / £ xxx
Fundraising plans
- Set out the headlines of how you intend to fundraise for this and who your key targets are
- Team
This table sets out the major roles in the xxxx Team and their key accountabilities. Each project of the xxxx Team has its own project plan that sets out what each team member is accountable for in the delivery of each project, using the RACI [1] model.
ROLE / KEY ACCOUNTABILITIESSpecific staff member /
- In detail the things that they’ll be responsible for
Next person in team /
- In detail the things that they’ll be responsible for
© New Economy Organisers Network (NEON) 2016
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Please acknowledge the creator. You are free to use, re-use, modify or develop the materials, but you must ask permission to use the material for commercial purposes.
The Public Interest Research Centre (PIRC) designed this template and made it beautiful.
- [1] The Accountable person is the individual who is ultimately answerable for the activity or decision. This includes “yes” or “no” authority and veto power. Only one Accountable person can be assigned to an area of activity.
- The Responsible person(s) is the individual(s) who actually complete the task. The Responsible person is responsible for action/implementation. Responsibility can be shared. The degree of responsibility is determined by the individual with the “Accountability”. Actively involved in decision making in that area.
- Engaged: The people who provide information for the project and with whom there is two-way communication. This is usually several people, who are strategically important to the project, for example Board members.
[NEON1]Team or area of strategy for the organisation.
[NEON2]Time period of strategy.
[NEON3]Fill in team name.
[NEON4]Replace with the relevant time period.
[NEON5]As an example, we justify our work against our broad theory of Change in NEON which is represented below with this structure of the movement diagram.