Location: Hauser City Hall, 11837 N. Hauser Lake Road, Hauser, Idaho 83854
May 14, 2014 - 5:30 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER: 5:30 p.m. by Mayor Hatfield
ROLL CALL: B. Ray, Darin Sitko, Kiera Beck, Rodney Lindsay – All present.
Review of comments:
.Mayor Hatfield:
Find extra money for additional hours for City Clerk.
Find extra money for Treasurer
.Rodney Lindsay:
Find Funds for lawn mower and weed wacker for city property maintenance
.Sterling Codifiers: What are we paying for; why/when are charges made – what is the $500 fee?
The Clerk will bring the Sterling file to the next budget meeting.
.Domain charges: The Clerk reviewed steps to try to get control of the website away from Orbit. The new webmaster has not yet established a web master fee. The annual Orbit fee has already been paid.
.Software Upgrades: There may be some expenses this year since Windows7 is not being supported any longer, so new supported soft ware may be a possibility.
.Telephone charges – Hatfield said, “I thought we were going to save a bundle!” Time Warner is both phone and computer connection/internet.
.Audit: Another audit will be done next year.
.Water/Garbage/Power: The Clerk suggested getting wall heaters for Chambers rather than running the 220W system which is very old, noisy, and energy Un-efficient! The Clerk will research heaters from Kootenai Electric.
.Professional Fees: Drake Computer Services?
.Postage: Okay
.Dues-Memberships: Okay
.Copies and Printing: Okay
.Reference Books: Okay – State Code Books ($190.00 for 2014)
.Legal Notices: We are over – the State calls for legal notices so they are necessary.
.Election Expense: Do we still have election expenses? The County manages Hauser elections.
.Sheriff Contract: Do we pay a fee? If so, what is it? ($100.00. – the Clerk will bring the contract to the next Budget meeting.
.Planning and Zoning hours: The State says Planning and Zoning Public Hearings must be recorded and transcribable.
.Legals expense was discussed – Cindy should have more information.
.Building Maintenance and Improvements: Lindsay said the driveway is going to need attention before next winter. Lindsay will get estimates for the project. Get bids for a mower and gas trimmer as well.
.Rinse Station: Not City money - nothing to worry about.
.Equipment/Office Machines/Furnishings: A new printer/copier/fax/scanner will be in order. The Canon is out dated and not compatible with computer.
.Insurance – equipment and vehicles: Lindsay said we may need a new battery. Liability insurance is through ICRMP. Discussion of insurance for vehicles was discussed. It is probably through Dickenson Insurance, if we are covered but none of the vehicles have been in use for years.
.Street Repair: There is $15,000. in the budget and nothing has been spent this year.Discussion followed. Find out from Espe what Edgewood development will be regarding Woodland Beach Drive maintenance/resurfacing.
.Maintenance-Plowing: That is over budget. There was flooding this spring plus snow plowing which would add to the amount spent.
.Grounds Maintenance: “We are way ahead on that,” per Hatfield. (Gas, chemicals, etc.)
.Revenue: On target. Liquor fees are higher. Discussion followed on various aspects of incomes.
.Miller asked council to review the layout of the budgeting forms. Ray would like to see 2012-2013 column to compare to the 2013-2104. And then do that each budget year following.
.There was discussion on PF Hwy Dist. Billing. Explanations followed.
.Street Lights: Hatfield asked if that is what we need to plan for. “Is that per month?” asked Hatfield. There is an asterisk without explanation. Ask the Treasurer.
.Ray asked that when people buy the licenses for the boat ramp, does that money come to the City?
It goes to Parks and Rec. Parking tickets on the other hand, a portion is sent to the City and the rest goes to the County Sheriff’s Dept. Ray asked why we can’t asked them to come out and write more tickets since 9 of 10 of cars/trucks do not have the Sticker and 75% of them are from Washington. It would be revenue to the City. The Clerk said she has never seen any fees for tickets come to the City. Discussion followed.
.Miller arrived. He was asked about putting the 2012-2013 budget figures on the sheets for 2013-2014? Miller replied that 2012-2013 was split and that changed after the last audit. It is possible to do that for the 2013-14 compared to 2014-2015 budget year.
.Miller was asked why we had election expense when the county manages elections for the City. Miller said there were election ads, which had to be published, and the City Clerk was asked to come in on that Friday for the full day prior to the 5:00 p.m. deadline for candidate applicants.
.Lindsay asked on the Engineer Professional Fees, is part of that the Flood/J. Brown issue? Miller said yes. Explanation is needed. Discussion followed. A citizen should not be able to call and charge the bill to the City.
Note from City Clerk:
I could not hear some of the topics/responses since there is only one microphone on the table. I did have dais microphones facing the table as well, but it didn’t pick up the quieter voices.
ADJOURNMENT: Bill Ray moved to adjourn. Sitko seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 6:26 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
Donna Ray, Hauser City Clerk Claire Hatfield, Mayor
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