Mission View Terrace Homeowners Association Board Meeting October 30, 2007
President, Patti Kimpton called the Regular Meeting of the Mission View Homeowner’s Association to order at 7:10 p.m. at the Tamarack.

Board Members Attending:

Patti Kimpton, Brian Black, Dave Doney, Sam Crompton, Meredith Coopman, and Tammy Tierney, Secretary-Treasurer.

Homeowner’s in Attendance:

Collyn Peklewsky and John Peklewsky.

Reading of Minutes:

Minutes of the September 26, 2007 meeting were read.The following corrections were noted.

Water:Paragraph 3, Page 2 - the first sentence should read:Carver Engineering has agreed to do a study recommending if/how we can get more water from Well #1.

Water:Paragraph 4, Page 3 - the sentence should read:All Board Members have seen the September 23, 2007 letter from the owner of lot 90 indicating that annual dues will not be paid until the water issue is resolved.

Architecture:Paragraph 1, Paragraph 2, and Paragraph 5, Page 3 - Meredith Hoyle should be replaced with Meredith Coopman.

Architecture:Paragraph 3, Page 3 - the first sentence should read: The owner of lot 84 has requested permission to build a 30’ x 16’ addition on the north end of his garage.

Commons: Paragraph 3, Page 3 - the following paragraph should be added:Kevin Severe questioned whether Gordon Schlabs should be allowed to profit from using the HOA owned tractor to mow the vacant lots.Kevin Severe indicated that since Gordon Schlabs is an independent contractor, Gordon would not be covered by the HOA workers comp policy.

Dave Doney made a motion to approve the minutes with the above corrections being noted.Sam Crompton seconded the motion.Motion carried.

Dave Doney indicated that in the past, he believed that Kevin Severe would hire independent contractors for MVT projects and then have MVT pay the independent contractors directly so that he didn’t have to pay workers comp or social security taxes.

Patti Kimpton explained that Gordon Schlabs is an independent contractor for MVT, and we do file a 1099 when he exceeds the limit.

Treasurer’s Report:

Tammy Tierney presented a Treasurer’s Report, which included:Transaction Report, Account Balances, Summary Report, Budget Comparison and presented bills for payment.

Tammy Tierney noted that the first water billing from Tina Malkuch, the new water operator, was for $504. This billing was for three months, and included labor from a contractor as well.Sam Crompton indicated that Tina has been fantastic to work with.

John Peklewsky asked how many homeowners have not yet paid the water special assessment; Patti Kimpton indicated that there are three.

Dave Doney made a motion to approve the Financial Report and pay bills presented for payment.Sam Crompton seconded the motion.Motion carried.


Patti Kimpton indicated funding for the 2008 Road Project should be discussed prior to working on the 2008 budget.

Tammy Tierney presented a handout related to the Road Project, at various funding levels,for both five and ten years, at both prime plus 0.5% and prime plus 1.0% if the funds for the Road Project were to be borrowed.

Patti Kimpton noted that we might have a little harder time getting financing because of MVT’s history of lawsuits.Lenders may be cautious regarding projects being passed by the membership and then one of the membership suing to stop the work.

Per the handout, if $400,000 was borrowed at 1.0% above prime, for five years, the annual payment per homeowner would be $880.78.This amount is in addition to the Annual Dues.

Dave Doney indicated that after seeing these numbers, he plans to investigate RSIDs further.RSIDs can be financed over longer periods of time, typically have a much lower interest rate, and the collections are made by the County.

Brian Black made a motion that funding for the 2008 Road Project be through either a proper Special Assessment or RSID, rather than increased Annual Dues.Meredith Coopman seconded the motion.Motion passed unanimously.

Dave Doney indicated another possible option for fixing the roads is crushed asphalt, which is quite economical.Discussion followed regarding doing some test sections this winter.

Dave Doney made a motion that crushed asphalt be put down on Lakeshore Drive and the bad areas of Sunset Drive.Brian Black seconded the motion.Motion passed unanimously.

Dave Doney indicated that the cost of these test sections should be under $5,000.

The Board next began work on the 2008 Annual Budget.Each line item was discussed.

Patti Kimpton reported that Western States recently reviewed our insurance coverage, and made eleven recommendations. Discussion followed regarding each recommendation.

There is currently no coverage on the pavilion, the docks, the underground tank, or the sign.The Board decided not to insure the pavilion, the underground tank, or the sign.Insuring the docks, at a cost of $1,330 per year will be discussed further at the next Board Meeting.

The Board decided to increase the building coverage for the Garage from $15,300 to $20,000 at a $38 increase per year.

Western States also recommended adding an excess umbrella liability policy.The Board will discuss this further at the next Board Meeting.

Preliminary work on the 2008 Budget was completed.Amounts for Liability Insurance, Taxes, and Roads Capital Improvement will be revisited at the November Board Meeting.The intent is that the 2008 Budget will be finalized at the November Board Meeting.


Dave Doney reported that he spoke with Warren at Tamarack Woods.They have six (rather than two) of our speed bumps, and would like to buy them at the used price - which Dave estimates might be $1,200.

The Board was in agreement that the speed bumps should be sold to Tamarack Woods.

Dave Doney will follow-up on the crushed asphalt that was discussed earlier in the meeting.


Sam Crompton reported that the electrical protection has been installed for the pressure pumps.

A roofer was out and fixed the ripped flashing on the reservoir roof.

In the middle of the summer, we used 284,000 gallons in one day.

During the last two weeks, we have used 244,000 gallons of water, which is 17,400 gallons per day.This is about 193 gallons per house per day, or 77 gallons per person per day.These calculations assume 90 houses are occupied, and that there are 2.5 people per house.

Standard typical domestic usage per person is 50 to 100 gallons per day.

Since our current usage is in the middle of the 50 to 100 range, it would seem to indicate that there are no major water leaks in the system.

Well #1 is currently operating an average of 1.8 hours a day.Well #2 is currently operating an average of 0.95 hours a day.

Summer watering is what causes the water shortages, which will get even worse as more houses are built.

One solution is to impose watering restrictions.Perhaps the most effective solution is to get more water out of Well #1.

Sam Crompton reported that the water issue next to lot 90 has not been resolved.


Brian Black indicated that he has nothing to report.


Meredith Coopman reported that she contacted the County Roads Department regarding the potential variance for lot 84.Meredith was told that since we are not zoned, the Board is the governing voice in MVT.

All Board Members signed off on the plans, as well as all neighbors of lot 84.The variance was granted to the owner of lot 84.The addition will be 18 feet from the road, versus the required 20 feet.

There have been no new applications or inquiries.

Meredith Coopman indicated that Blake Cathroe plans to turn over his Architecture records to her



Patti Kimpton reported that Ken Tintinger and Gordon Schlabs will be installing attic vents in the garage, as volunteers.MVT will pay for the vents from Sliters.

Other Administrative Items:


New Business:


Other Business:

John Peklewsky asked if there is a lawsuit against MVT.

Patti Kimpton indicated that the Board received a demand letter from an attorney representing Kevin Severe, Dale Quick, and Henry and Diane Belk, III related the water reservoir special assessment project.There is not yet a lawsuit.

MVT has Directors and Officers Insurance.This issue is currently being handled by MVT’s attorney.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.