Xavier University Student Government Association
Student Senate Meeting Minutes
September 19, 2011
I. Call to Order: Legislative Vice President, Brock McMorran (3:00) p.m.
II. Roll Call: All present, but Nicholas Albin
III. Prayer: Given by Senator Desmond Dodd
IV. Approval of minutes: August 29th minutes were approved without change, September 12th minutes were approved without change
V. Public Forum
Jayson Lerman: Running for Senate, observing meeting, also here last week
What brings you back? Better idea of meetings, last meeting confused
Drew Dziedzic: Running for Senate, observing meeting, also here last week
LeeAnn Scherbauer: Invitation to MAD
Kevin Tighe: Invitation to Multicultural food fair, need volunteers to cook more food
Lydia Gerlach: Career fair tomorrow, do not need to be business student to attend, opportunities for all majors, 3pm-6pm, see you there
VI. Report of the Administration
Terry Richards: Vice President for Student Enrollment
Aaron Meis: Dean of Undergraduate Admissions
Todd Everett: Director of Financial Aid
VII. Opinion Entry
Senator Aliberti
Anti-Rail: Should we assert policy?
Senator Bousoon
Last week, Unified for Unifat’s president, Meghan Marth, sent me an invitation to attend their event: An Evening With Abitimo. At this event I was moved by Abitimo’s story of how she founded the Unified for Unifat school in Uganda. The students that attend the school are the future of Uganda, so it is important that they are able to receive a good education with the appropriate resources. If SGA was able to unite as an organization and donate about $5.00 to $6.00 each, we would be able to adopt a child under SGA’s name. It would be an overall cost of around $300.00 in order to provide them with the means to a successful education and a bright future. I think this would be a great way for SAC and Senate to come together and be an inspiration for a child in a Third World country. I am not sure of the exact amount each SGA member would need to contribute, because I first wanted to see if you were all interested in this idea. Please let me know what you think, and if I should contact Unified for Unifat for more information and the exact cost.
Senator Sanfilippo: Pass around sign-up sheet
Senator Narsinghani: Would that just cover 1 year? Yes, just one year
Senator Sanfilippo: Did you know it’s tuition, food, uniform
Senator Walsh: refer to Kevin Tighe: Are you presenting to SAC? Yes.
To see Great Wonders Week: needs help on attendance, we should all go to one
Senator Walsh: History of Xavier at 7pm
I hope all of you got my email about Community Action Day. Desmond, Needom, and Ricky—I forgot to add you on, so I apologize for that. But, just to clue you in, I’m putting together an SGA group to participate in Community Action Day. It’s this Saturday from 9-1. I think it will be a great opportunity for SGA to bond and do some good in the community. I have not heard back from a few of you, so I’m going to take this opportunity to convince those people to come…
Ø Johari, Victoria, and Kristin: I’m going to be very stereotypical and appeal to your maternal instincts. We’ll be folding and sorting really cute baby clothes and toys and books. All of which will go to adorable babies and toddlers whose mothers can’t afford them.
Ø Zach: The pregnancy center is my placement site, so this would be a great chance for you to see what another fellow is doing and explore a community issue you might not know much about.
Ø Joe and Greg: Don’t tell anyone, but it’s a pro-life pregnancy center. Completely run by conservatives.
I hope that’s convinced everyone. Whether you can come or not, please let me know so I can get a final count. Thanks, everyone!
Senator Colak: Time 9-1 sat.
VIII. Scheduled Business
Motion #12-021
Move to amend SGA Constitution Article VI, Section VII by striking Association Affairs with Club Relations
(Initial Questions)
(Debate & Discussion)
Senator Martin: Well thought out, it’s a good idea to get out of Association Affairs realm
Debate Ended
Motion #12-022
Move to accept the resolution regarding the opposition to the Cincinnati Anti-rail Amendment.
(Initial Questions)
Dustin Lewis: How many of you read info Zach sent out? (Most raised hand)
(Debate and Discussion)
Senator Aliberti: Xavier & Senate can take stance; we would like option of hub on campus, the initial plan.
Senator Martin: I’m neither opposed or for, but not my business to voice university student opinion, most of us do not live in cin., not our business to play politics.
Senator Colak: What do you want from us?
Senator Aliberti: Requires Xavier to do nothing, just a verbal statement.
Senator Martin: Who is a permanent resident? (2 people raised hand)
Dustin Lewis: How many truly have an opinion vs. don’t know how you feel but will vote yes anyway? (most raised hand)
Senator Savercool: Okay with sending resolution to administration, but not sure saying this is what Students what.
Senator Aliberti: We have a student connection to issue by means of access to option of hub, do see that it plays a part in Cincinnati politics, but do see this as issue of transportation and sustainability.
Senator Savercool: Hesitant because we don’t know if this is what students want.
Senator Aliberti: We haven’t done a survey on this, or any Cincinnati issue.
Senator Greene: Did you know if we choose to vote in support or non-support. Will Xavier’s support have any effect on getting a hub?
Senator Aliberti: Does not have affect on getting hub, hub already in place in plans.
Senator Greene: Whether we back it or not, doesn’t matter if Xavier supports?
Senator Aliberti: As citizen of Cincinnati, think it’s important. City council will know Xavier thinks it’s important may have sway.
Senator Narsinghani: 10 years is a long time to not care, but money could go toward something that may have urgent need for Cincinnati.
Senator Aliberti: NAACP street car $49 mil out of operation budget, allocation would affect transportation funds. This will shut down all federal and state funding.
Senator Sanfilippo: Student asked for resolution?
Senator Aliberti: Student did approach. Resolution did come from me, contacted Sustainability club.
Senator Sanfilippo: Present to students?
Senator Martin: Last year did pass street car resolution, Cincinnati voted it down, probably wouldn’t pass anyway. We are only 16 people, hard to make a resolution to make this strong a statement
Senator Walsh: Who will we send to?
Senator Aliberti: Stays as internal document. Outside groups may ask to use it. It’s up to us who we want to tell?
Senator Roveda: We aren’t comfortable sending out, why vote?
Senator Aliberti: Unfinished project, no will not advertise, if yes will see if we want to send out.
Senator Rose: Move to table until survey.
Senator Masny: Thinking up anything to do besides a resolution?
Senator Aliberti: Reason UC has passed a resolution, took similar route.
Senator Masny: Did resolution go to anyone at UC?
Senator Aliberti: UC more involved with Cincinnati, has been working within Cincinnati.
Senator Savercool: Agree with Rose, not comfortable voting until Xavier students know & agree. Sustainability put together petition.
Senator Martin: More than happy to vote if we have a survey.
Senator Roveda: When is the time frame?
Senator Aliberti: Being voted on this week, not to say we shouldn’t have an opinion.
Senator Martin: Move Table until survey?
Senator Masny: Agree with Savercool, we aren’t sure if we should vote without survey.
Senator Aliberti: Don’t think frivolous if opinion is so late. Lang. behind motion is sustainability policy. Policy states Xavier students support sustainability, whether they know it or not.
Senator Roveda: Would Cincinnati re-evaluate if Xavier and UC collaborated?
Senator Aliberti: Passing more contentious than failing. 10 years with no funding, new major will not repeal.
Debate Ended
Motion #12-028
Move to amend Senate Rules of Order, Chapter XI by adding the New Club Activation Process to Chapter XI: Special Senate Documents
(Initial Questions)
Senator Roveda: I also have packets to pass around for club to fill out
Senator Martin: “Club may be approved by senate” elaborate, lang. confusing. Senate voting on it, may be approved outside of window, have to meet with us within window.
Senator Martin: $350, but not allowed to budget? Do not get money until they are official.
Dustin Lewis: Does it say clearly they do not have access to money? Does not say what they don’t have available, but does say what they do have. Open to changing language.
(Debate and Discussion)
Senator Masny: As former committee member, good job.
Debate Ended
Motion #12-029
Table until next week
Motion #12-030
Move to amend Chapter III section II by replacing from “The committee shall make…” to “and the Association President for approval” with “The AVP shall select a member of Senate, preferably from the Association Affairs Committee to participate as a member on the SAC Selection Committee. This Senator will recommend the selected individuals to the Senate and the Association President for approval.
(Initial Questions)
(Debate and Discussion)
Senator Roveda: Liked that they were paying enough attention to make documents align.
LVP McMorran: I would make it more specific.
Senator Walsh: Did you know that’s why we left it in.
Senator Martin: May be conflicts in schedule etc, make priority, but give other options.
Debated Ended
IX. New Business
Motion #12-029
Move to amend the Constitution by replacing Article IV Section 3b with “The Senate will approve or not approve all appointments and nominations with individual students or student organizations proposed by the Association President or the SAC. Decisions made by the SAC will only be reviewed when a matter of serious consequence is involved.”
Motion # 12-032
Move to amend Chapter XI of the Senate Rules of Order by replacing Matthew Whitehead with Seth Walsh
(Initial questions)
Senator Sanfilippo: Joke? Only if you vote no.
Senator Roveda: Appropriate to have senators names in rules of order?
Placed on next week’s docket
Motion #12-033
Move to amend Constitution by striking Article VII, Section V (on the Lecture Series Chair)
(Initial Questions)
Placed on next week’s docket
Motion #12-034
Move to amend Senate Rules of Order by replacing “senators are required to be present for the entire duration of the scheduled meeting, which are from 3:00PM on Mondays, unless excused by the presiding officer” to chapter II.
(Initial questions)
Senator Roveda: Did anyone outside assoc. affairs met on how to handle?
Senator Walsh: No one came to our meeting.
Senator Roveda: Anyone aware we could come?
Dustin Lewis: Why is there not an end time for meeting in motion?
Senator Martin: Left open.
Senator Walsh: Did you know that was an oversight on our part? Look for a friendly amendment.
Senator Aliberti: If we are adjourned instead of end time?
Placed on next week’s docket
Motion #12-035
Move to accept President Alleman’s recommendations for the 2011-2012 Commencement Committee
(Initial Questions)
Placed on next week’s docket
Motion #12-036
Move to enter into an open executive session for presentation from possible candidates for the position of Senate Coordinator.
Open executive session
Session Closed
X. Standing Committee Reports
Association Affairs, Senator Walsh
Just a quick update on Association Affairs from the last week:
· We set a timeline with the Elections Code revisions with our hope of having a draft ready to propose to Senate at the November 14th meeting
· We met with Board of Elections Member Sam Rodgers to begin outlining our Elections Code revisions
· Ryan Martin had a meeting with the Alumni Center to continue our attempts to reach out to SGA Alumni
Club Relations, Senator Greene
This we Club Relations working to finalize the new club activation process. We met several times to address comments made by those who had reviewed the process. We’re confident that the current process is the best we could produce.
Other than that, we’re in the process of completing the rules for the Club Workspace. Although we wanted to develop some type of sign-in for the workspace, we realize it’d be impossible to know who’s in there at all times. Therefore, we’ll be limiting the amount of supplies available in the space.
Finally, in club points news, we’re in the process tweaking some points of concern to take back to President Alleman. The issues surrounded placing caps on certain activities that earn points and establishing certain actions that are required for clubs to accomplish.
Community Affairs, Senator Aliberti
Norwood: plans are underway to develop a 16 screen movie theater with accompanying VIP bar, office spaces, and courtyard Marriott. Norwood’s Wear your bike helmet to work/school day is this Thursday – do it big! Plans are underway to paint the light posts on Montgomery Road; replace the trees damaged from poor trimming job; and clean-up lower and upper mill-crest parks.
Evanston: A bill from the attorney general’s office to make Perkins lounge a dry location indefinitely is going to be voted on this week. The housing and marketing committees are in need of volunteers – anyone who knows how to work with websites...please let me know? Evanston has identified plight, litter, and vacant homes as the major issues facing the community and made a call to action from within Evanston. Evanston residents are excited for Community Action Day this Saturday. Evanston Beautification will be the site – looking for 20-30 volunteers.
CAC: We discussed the antirail amendment and CAC decided to support the issue. There is a new CAC binder for anyone who wants to dive into CAC – feel free to pick it up in CAC mailbox. Xavier Reports are being drafted to present for council meetings. A relationship with Newswire has been sparked – CAC has been asked to assist with the promotion of a community issues/events page to balance the Xavier-centric Newswire. Coffee hour is being planned with the center for international education. A meeting agenda is being drafted.
Dustin Lewis: Is Mill Crest used for club sports? Would be good to get them involved in clean up