The year is 3006, and the nightmare has come true. Humankind has completely exhausted the earth's non-renewable resources and we need to find a replacement fast!
Today, most countries across the world rely on energy in their every-day lives. Humans have come to rely on energy without thinking about the fact that some day we might run out of non-renewable resources like fossil fuels. People use energy to light up cities, do work, cook, heat homes, power vehicles, watch television, go onto the Internet, and the list goes on and on. Without energy, our societies as we know it, would completely cease to exist!
Without the help of energy specialists just like you, there is no hope left...
The fate of humankind is in your hands!

The Secretary-General of the United Nations has called on you, his group of renewable resource specialists, to come up with the best solution to this catastrophic situation.
As the most qualified environmentalists in the field of renewable energy resources, you have been called upon to solve this terrible predicament. There are a number of renewable resources that have been studied, but the top five options on the list are wind energy, solar energy, bio energy, hydro energy, and geothermal energy. It just so happens that each of you is a specialist in one of the above fields.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it (not accepting it will, of course, mean that civilization as you now know it will cease to exist, so I suggest you not decline), is to convince the Secretary-General of the United Nations that your renewable energy resource is the best option to replace the depleted non-renewable energy resources.

This is an urgent situation, so you have just three days to present the different options to the UN Secretary-General. You must do some research and put together a proposal to present to the Secretary-General, and you have to do it fast!

Let's get started! Below is a list of things for you to accomplish in the next 72 hours.

1. With the other members of your team, clarify which of you is an expert in which of the five renewable energy sources: solar, wind, hydro, geothermal and bio energy sources. Hint: You are an expert in the topic you chose to research.

2. Each of your group members should research his or her area of specialty, recording all relevant information on the Research form (questions below are the research form)NOTE: You will be evaluated on the research you complete, so be certain that you record all the information that you find.

Some questions to consider:

* Where does my energy source come from?

* How does my energy source work?

* Has it been used successfully in the past?

* What are the approximate costs?

* What are the advantages and disadvantages of this energy source?

* Where in the U.S. and/or Georgia is the resource used?

You should complete your research at the end of the first 24 hours. Use the links on the resources page to help you.

3. Using the research data you have collected, each of you must write a proposal to be presented to the UN Secretary-General. Download a copy of the Proposal outline and complete your proposal by the end of 48 hours. You will have time to write your research proposal in lab tomorrow. You will need your outline by the end of today.

4. With just 24 hours left, you have just enough time to prepare yourself for the presentation that you will make tomorrow to the UN Secretary-General. He will then make a decision, based on your proposals and presentations, about which renewable energy source is the most viable option to solve the earth's energy crisis.

5. You will be evaluated according to the criteria outlined in the rubric, available on the evaluation page. Please refer to this rubric at all stages of the process to be sure that you are meeting all the criteria for the assigned task.

Ready to begin? Start by looking through the resources available to you by clicking below.

Resources- I encourage you to locate and utilize other resources if needed

Solar Energy Resources

Wind Energy Resources

Biomass Energy Resources

Hydro Energy Resources

Geothermal Energy Resources

Evaluation Rubric
Fantastic! 10 / Good Work! 8 / Getting There 6 / Not Quite 4 / %
Research Form / Evidence of extensive research provided (all sections, including the last one complete) / Evidence of research provided (one section left incomplete) / Some evidence of research provided (two or more sections left incomplete) / Little evidence of research provided (four or more sections left incomplete) / 25%
Proposal “ Content / Proposal clearly explains the energy source and states a convincing argument for its use / Proposal explains the energy source and puts forth a strong argument for its use / Proposal attempts to explain the energy source and attempts to make an argument for its use / Proposal fails to explain the energy source and does not attempt to make an argument for its use / 35%
Proposal “ Technical / The proposal uses the correct format and contains no grammar or spelling errors / The proposal uses the correct format, but contains some grammar and spelling errors / The proposal attempts to use the correct format, and contains errors in grammar and spelling / The proposal does not use the correct format and contains many errors in grammar and spelling / 25%
Presentation / Information was relayed, not read Addressed the audience at all times (and not the floor or ceiling) Frequent eye contact Voice could be heard all the time Great posture (no slouching, head up) Great grammar and pronunciation of words / Information was relayed, with little or no reading Addressed the audience most of the time Occasional eye contact Voice could be heard most of the time Good posture Good grammar and pronunciation of words / Read much of the information Addressed the audience sometimes Infrequent eye contact Voice volume wavered Some slouching and talking to the floor Lapses of grammar and some difficulty pronouncing words / Read entire presentation Addressed the floor or ceiling, rather than audience Little or no eye contact Slouched or leaned against something Poor grammar Difficulty pronouncing words, or used words below ability level / 15%
Total Score: %100
  • The proposal can be presented in any manner you choose. This includes, Power Points, Prezi, Thinglink, etc.… be creative with your presentation!
  • Possible Bonus Points- Discuss fracking and the proposed keystone pipelinein your presentation