CORE General Meeting Minutes 11.16.09
John Paul welcomed the group and asked for introductions
New in attendance:
Mike Ragland-Entergy, Mike Brown-Entergy, Paige Crawford-Fed Ex wife, Vive Allen-OAC, Rick Erwin-VFW, Ronnie Bell-HDT, Ann Lemley, OAC, Candy Webb, Bill Fox-UofA Small business development center.
This organization is transparent and all are welcome to join and participate.
Celebration of Successes in the CORE
Michael Crow from dental creations was invited and was unable to attend but wanted to share what they are doing. It is a general dental practice. The list of services are available. The Dr. is Wanda McCaskey, DDS. Construction is progressing and they plan to be open in December of 2009. The website is
OAC is preset and was asked to update the group on things occurring in the Lyric. Ronnie Cox, True West. More information is available at
Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center of U of A- Bill Fox
Resources are available for those interested in starting a small business. Most services offered through this are free. Basic services include one-on-one consulting (financing, SBA services and funding, business plan development), training opportunities (website design and optimization, marketing), and market research. Resources are also available through the state and Walton College so small business owners and those interested in beginning businesses in the CORE are encouraged to approach SBDC. Some training does have a small associated fee. The small Business Development Center can be contacted by phone at 479.575.5148 or by email at .
Brief update on CORE-Layne talked about how we formed (please refer to
Update on Breakthrough Solutions Process
Harrison and CORE has been asked to participate as a pilot program with the University of Arkansas Extension Service. Breakthrough will work with CORE and te community for about one year and utilize consultants and 18 other groups to partner in an effort to help revitalize the heart of Harrison($2000 in 90 days, $--check on the specifics with Layne). Separately, this would cost our community over $100,000 so this is a good deal . Drafts of the agreement are available to anyone upon request. The details are being worked out but feedback is appreciated.
Spoke Updates
Quality of Life
meet with ?? to discuss what other cities are doing to beautify
reported Dental Creations, Karate has went in. Durand and Seville are becoming busier. John Paul reintroduced Bell with HDT.
no news to report but County will be presenting information about their plan
finalized recommendations to the hub
looking at inserting the first CORE column into HDT and Wallis with KHOZ has helped to promote what CORE is doing. Vision Amp will be working with us to establish a website.
Introcude Linda Berard- came from Key West and has expereicne with neighborhood revitalization and did participate in securing funding for those. Please see Bahama Village, Truman Annex, Caroline Street Cooridor,
Berardspokeaboutcharrettes which is essentially a community meeting that encouraged community participation
Community Assessment
Harrison ACE Strategic Plan-Patty Methvin
During the ACE certification process, the group gained community input to create a strategic plan and pinpointed what organizations might be able to be charged to accomplish these goals:
Expand softball field
Convention center
tourist attraction
renewed interest in square
develop wellness resources -AHEC
tax incentives for small business
train students to be workforce ready-Boone County Arkansas Works
stricter ordinances and beautification
widen industrial park
update schools-recent exention of millage
complete 911 addressing system
get strategic roadmap sentence or quote from Patty
For questions about interest in incentives , or seeking information about business in the community or in CORE would contact the Chamber of Commerce. Chamber has a prospect team in place to encourage business development as well as teams for site selection and development, business expansion, etc.
CORE has a central focus and the Chamber has a regional focus. Wheeler noted that Entergy has been a great partner in the community to help with prospect training which has been a huge asset.
Boone County Projects-Judge Mike Moore
The City of Harrison will present plans in Dec. to the CORE.
The County has been in disaster recovery mode. 4 different disasters have been declared this year. Disaster recovery requires that the county complete damage assessment, stabilization, restoration, mitigation. The damage assessment is similar to community assessment. Stabilization is important in finding a secure platform to launch from. Restoration and Mitigation…all of the stages has a similar stage in the activities of CORE. We are looking to put things in place that will protect us in the future and prevent serious negative impacts. For Harrison’s future… think economic mitigation and plan for the future.
County projects
tree replacement around downtown square-the county wants the area to be a draw and encourage community activity
old jail-is called Boone Co Annex-remodeling is occurring and basement and old courtroom has been converted to area for quorum court and will function as a centralized incident command center. The Office of Emerg. Management will move to this area. 911 operators will back to the annex (coordinator and answering system). Long term plans may include turning that area into a central dispatch area. Co. is looking at the pros and cons of this type of system and is seeking input from the Mayor and sheriff. May be more efficient and provide economic savings. All cells have been redone and could be used for overflow or special situations as needed. The state of AR has contacted the county to consider keeping inmates which may produce revenue but may have some drawbacks as well. This will be weighed.
Land leased 40 acres to Co. near Northark S campus for 4H project to create a facility for Agri extension office, 4H club, and 250x350 covered arena (great for dog, horse, stock, equipment shows ) and can provide some economic stimulus. This is under development and currently looking for grant funding to support.
Looking for grants from USTA to develop a Tennis complex and general improve. Funds may be available. Primary use would be for all schools use to support teams, but also tournaments which could feed local economy.
Expansion is difficult right now so the Co is looking at what they can do to build on what is existing. Everyone wins when one portion of our community wins.
JPH asked Moore about the tree project. Working with Patty Irwin with forestry dept. and has formed plan. Donations are accepted for trees and planting.
Map Exercise
This is an opportunity to participate and helps us to gain information on what assets should be included in the CORE district and any ideas on naming the district.